Summon the Mythical Emperor of the World

Chapter 533: Went to other worlds!

Xiangyang City.

It is different from the tragedy of the Mongolian Yuan army.

Although the defenders of Xiangyang City were also shrouded in the misty scarlet realm.

But in fact.

Whether it is Guo Jing or the soldiers of Xiangyang City.

They didn't feel the harm the Scarlet Realm caused to them.

"this is?"

Guo Jing looked dumbfounded.

He looked at the outside of Xiangyang City, the boundless Meng Yuan army fell one by one. In just a moment, after all the Meng Yuan army, which was enough to sweep the army, was buried in the Scarlet Realm, the shock in Guo Jing's heart was almost beyond recovery.

The Meng Yuan nation’s strength has gathered such a large number of Mong Yuan army, so it is gone?

These Mongolian and Yuan army, even if they stand there and don't resist and let Guo Jing kill them, Guo Jing may not be able to kill them.

But at the moment.

After a few moments, the Meng Yuan army fell?

Guo Jing couldn't believe it.

What makes Guo Jing even more incredible is that.

The Mengyuan army was all over, and none of the defenders of Xiangyang City had an accident.


"What happened?"


Guo Jing spoke for a long time, but didn't say the words in his heart.

Can’t ask bluntly, why didn’t the soldiers of Xiangyang City die?

"Brother Jing wants to ask, why are we all right?"

Huang Rong immediately understood Guo Jing's meaning.

Also under the shroud of the Scarlet Domain, the Meng Yuan army directly died, but nothing happened in Xiangyang City.

If there were no problems, Guo Jing would not believe it.

"Brother Jing."

"Now we just have to wait."

Huang Rong pondered for a moment and said.

Since the Scarlet Domain destroyed the Mongolian Yuan army into a killer dog.

Then destroying Xiangyang City will only be easier.

In this case, nothing happened to Xiangyang City. Obviously, this was because the owner of the Scarlet Domain deliberately did it.


They just need to wait.

Upon hearing this, Guo Jing was silent.


Huang Rong was right.

They had no choice but to wait in Xiangyang City.

No matter how confident Guo Jing is, he doesn't think he can resist Scarlet Domain.


Over the city of Xiangyang.

A soldier in silver armor emerged.

The silver armor officer's eyes were scarlet deep, and the strong to the extreme killing aura, just getting closer, made Guo Jing a little breathless.

"grown ups."

Guo Jing took a deep breath, knowing that his life and the death of Xiangyang City were in the conversation below, and he said respectfully.

Bai Qi looked cold, glanced at Guo Jing, and said softly: "With your majesty's order, clean this world, now, tell me your choice, surrender, or die."

His Majesty's order to Bai Qi was to clean the world.

But cleaning does not mean killing them all.

Just as the Datang Empire conquered neighboring countries, as well as the Western countries, it did not massacre cities everywhere.

The so-called ‘cleansing’ is just to wipe out the rebellious forces at once, and then use both enlightenment and power to completely control this world.

Otherwise, if all the creatures in this realm are really slaughtered, even if Li Si captures this realm, he will feel a headache.

The creatures in the world are related to the future trend of the world and the power of its origin.

Even the source of the fourth natural disaster and the main temple, after mastering a world, will not directly begin to slaughter.

It is like boiling a frog in warm water, reaping the power of the world in rounds.

Li Si wants to completely conquer the world of the'sacred carving' and turn it into the territory of the Tang Dynasty. It is certainly impossible to kill all the people.

"Surrender, death?"

Guo Jing's heart trembled.

As the lord of Xiangyang City, Guo Jing never thought that he would hesitate on this issue.

Even in the face of the boundless Mongolian and Yuan army, Guo Jing never had the idea of ​​surrendering in his heart.

But at this time.

Under the inquiry of the silver armor officer, Guo Jing hesitated.

"Brother Jing."

"Choose to surrender."

Huang Rong pulled Guo Jing's sleeve forcefully.

Compared with Guo Jing's focus on the two choices of ‘surrender to death’, Huang Rong could clearly hear the word ‘Your Majesty’ spoken by the soldier in silver armor.

In other words.

The silver armored soldier is not representing himself.

But an empire far surpassing Song Mengyuan.

The master of this empire is the "Your Majesty" in the mouth of the silver armor soldiers.

Thinking of this, even if Huang Rong was so happy and angry, she couldn't help reminding Guo Jing to surrender.

If it is what Huang Rong thought, this silver armored soldier who wiped out the Mongolian Yuan army in a single thought is just a general of the empire who used to fight forward...

How strong is this empire?

Huang Rong couldn't imagine.

However, Huang Rong knew that if Guo Jing dared to continue to hesitate for a while, and to provoke the displeasure of the silver armored soldiers, I am afraid that hundreds of thousands of people in Xiangyang City would be buried with them.

In other words, not only Xiangyang City.

But the entire Song Dynasty will usher in an unprecedented disaster.

"I surrender."

Guo Jing noticed the eagerness in Huang Rong's eyes and said immediately.

After Guo Jing said this sentence, he immediately felt that the whole thing was much easier, as if he had laid down some kind of burden.

"In that case."

"Open the city gate."

After Bai Qi said this, his figure disappeared.

at the same time.

Shrouded under the sky, the scarlet domain that covered the entire Xiangyang City battlefield began to fade slowly, and finally disappeared.


A hundred miles away from Xiangyang City.

The one-armed man with the heavy sword was hesitating whether to continue to Xiangyang City.

In Xiangyang City, there are people who are very important to the one-armed man, but the fear revealed by Brother Diao and the aura that surpasses the limit of the world spread from Xiangyang City, tells the one-armed man that Xiangyang City has Big things happen.

"do not care."

"Even if it's dead."

"Go over too."

The one-armed man took a deep breath, and the epee on his back screamed.


Just when the one-armed man was ready to go to Xiangyang City desperately.

Hum! ! !

A layer of misty scarlet domain quickly spread out.

Cover all the hundreds of miles around Xiangyang City.

"This is?" The one-armed man saw this scene, and his expressions were extremely shocked and shocked.

This kind of scarlet domain covering a hundred miles in an instant, a one-armed man is simply unheard of.


If it weren't for the one-armed man who was a hundred miles away from Xiangyang, I am afraid that even he would be ‘by the way’ shrouded in the Scarlet Realm.

"What should we do now?"

The one-armed man stared at the scarlet realm filled with panic and murderous intent, and stopped moving.



African continent.

"Almost all right."

Li Si nodded slightly and glanced at the five million army that was about to go.

In the world of ‘sacred carving’, the Mongolian Yuan, known as the strongest, was directly abolished by Bai Qi.

Now you only need to take advantage of it to take over, and you can completely master the world.

"Presenting my will and swaying troops from another world!"

Li Si's words, under the shock of the power of the country, spread to every soldier.

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