Outside the door of the world.

When Li Si's voice resounded in every soldier's ears.

There was intense excitement and enthusiasm on everyone's faces, and a huge humane will burst out of them.

Throughout the dynasties, even the emperors who passed through the heavens and latitudes did not do what Li Si did, punching the front of the Datang Empire into another world.

All the soldiers looked at Li Siwei'an in awe, like the mythical supreme emperor.

In the hearts of every soldier, all the actions and decrees that Li Si had taken since he became the throne, coupled with the fact that he now wields his army in a different world, all these have come together to achieve a qualitative change.

Even if there is an abyss ahead, they will not have any hesitation.

"Strike an army from another world!!"

"Strike an army from another world!!"

"Strike an army from another world!!"

Countless soldiers burst out shouts like thunder, and the sound waves rolled, shaking the world.

In the Datang world, the Datang Empire suppressed everything.

It is more difficult to obtain military merits than to gain the resources of the Tang Empire.

But the other world is different.

As a new world that has not yet been occupied by the Tang Empire, it represents countless military exploits and opportunities for steady progress.


Your Majesty is watching the other world now, and all the actions of their soldiers may be seen by your Majesty.


After a while.

Wait until the five million soldiers have all entered the world of ‘divine carving’.

The civil and military officials suddenly couldn't help it.

"His Majesty."

"Can the ministers come and take a look?"

Hube Shangshu's voice was full of longing.

He wasn't thinking about going to another world to make any contribution.

Just pure curiosity.

after all.

This is another world.

Only exists in a different world from myths and legends? !

It's not just the Hubu Shangshu.

The other courtiers also pricked their ears.

"Let's take a look?"

Li Si smiled slightly, waved his hand and said, "It's time."

The world of the'Sculpture of Gods' is a low-spirited world, and there are not even many gods and demons. Li Si is not worried about whether these courtiers will be in danger.

That being the case.

Li Si did not refuse.


In Li Si's mind, the world of "Sculpture of Gods" was just the beginning.

In the future, there will be few other worlds that the Datang Empire will face.

Taking this opportunity to let the courtiers in the court have contact with each other will be good for handling the relationship between the world and the world in the future.

"Thank you, Your Majesty."

Hubu Shangshu was overjoyed, and immediately came to lead the door of the world, and cautiously went in.

When the remaining courtiers saw this, they couldn't bear it, and asked Li Si for instructions, wanting to accompany the household book.

Li Si allowed them one by one.



The world of ‘Sculpture’.

The Imperial Palace of the Southern Song Dynasty.

"what did you say?"

"Xiangyang City fell, Guo Jing asked you to bring a letter to persuade me to surrender?" Emperor Song grabbed a certain soldier with red eyes, and said with a stern face.

This soldier came from Xiangyang City.

With a souvenir from Guo Jing, the lord of Xiangyang City.

Originally Emperor Song thought it would be a victory.

But Emperor Song never expected it to be so bad news.

"Your Majesty, Guo Jing surrendered to the enemy without authorization. The sin is unforgivable. I hope that your Majesty will send troops immediately." A gloomy courtier stood out and said with a bow.

"This is wrong."

At this moment, another official said: "General Guo has always been loyal, guarding Xiangyang City for decades, and I don't know how many times he has repelled the Meng Yuan."

"If General Guo had the idea of ​​surrendering to the enemy, the city of Xiangyang would have fallen. Why wait until now?"

The speaking courtier was obviously more rational.

He glanced at Emperor Song who was lost in thought, then turned his gaze, looked at the soldier who was sending the letter, and continued: "What else did General Guo bring with you, hurry up and say it."

"Yes... so it is."

The soldier who sent the letter immediately said what Guo Jing wanted to submit to Emperor Song, including the magnificent'door' house that suddenly appeared on the battlefield of Xiangyang City, and a silver armored soldier who walked out of the'door' house. , The Mongolian Yuan army evaporated in a flash.


Guo Jing's words also hinted slightly that behind the silver armor soldiers, there is an incredible empire.

"what do you mean."

"The fall of Xiangyang City was not Mongolian Yuan?"

"But a silver armor general who appeared out of thin air?"

"Even the entire Mengyuan army was ruined in the hands of the silver armor general." The courtier who first questioned Guo Jing's surrender to the enemy was full of sarcasm.



"Guo Jing is so bold."

"Privately surrendering to the enemy without telling him, but also fabricating lies to deceive your Majesty.

The courtier sneered again and again.

In the world of ‘Sculpture of God’, the power of warriors is not as powerful as that of the Tang Dynasty, and can affect the dynasty.

Whether it is Emperor Song or other courtiers in the court, the influence on the martial artist in his heart is at most like Guo Jing, who can achieve the first rank of the enemy in the army.

As for evaporating the Mongolian Yuan army in a flash...

It's nonsense!


The courtier who had just spoken to Guo Jing also had a hint of suspicion on his face.

It is unbelievable to pass on what the soldiers said.

But, don't know why, he faintly felt that what the messenger said was true.

"All right."

At this moment, Emperor Song suddenly got up, his expression filled with strong anger.

"Guo Jing didn't say anything about surrendering to the enemy, but deliberately played me."

"I have given an order to abolish Guo Jing's status as the city lord of Xiangyang City. Anyone who has the head of Guo Jing from the Southern Song Dynasty will be rewarded with thousands of gold."

Song Emperor's voice just fell.




I saw an **** running in panic.

"His Majesty."

"Your Majesty is not good."

"It's coming in, the army is coming in."

The **** hissed to exhaustion, as if seeing something terrifying.

"What army has attacked?"

Emperor Song frowned.

He was immersed in the anger of being'played' by Guo Jing at this time, and he was naturally not very comfortable when he heard this inexplicable sentence.


"A boundless army."

The **** knelt on the ground, shaking all over.




Rumble! ! !

There was a sudden roar from the ground.

"What happened?"

Emperor Song held on to the dragon chair, feeling bad.


Before Emperor Song came over.

One guard after another hurried into the palace.

Under the incredible gaze of Emperor Song and many courtiers.

"Report, the East City Gate is broken."

"Report, the West Gate is broken."

"Report~www.ltnovel.com~The South City Gate is broken."

"Report, the West Gate is broken."

The guards of the city one after another, the news brought by them set off stormy waves in everyone's hearts.

The four major gates were broken.

Isn't the entire emperor capital already fallen?

Emperor Song only felt dizzy for a while and sat down on the dragon chair.

at the same time.

Outside the palace.

The five million troops of the Datang Empire, after crossing the gate of the world, occupied the entire world at the fastest speed.

The Imperial Capital of Song Dynasty is one of their goals.

And at the height of the capital of Song Dynasty.

Bai stood in the void, quietly overlooking the palace in the center of the imperial capital.

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