Summon the Mythical Emperor of the World

Chapter 538: The flesh shakes the mecha!

The viewing hall of federal civilization, sky blue star, and star behemoth.

When the alarm sounded, the scene that happened here spread at a very fast speed in all directions.

Since the Federal Civilization entered the interstellar age, the technological prosperity has reached its extreme, coupled with the suppression of the superior mecha divisions, and the capture of meteorites from the outer world, the senior leaders of the Federal Civilization have been very happy and don't think anyone in the world can threaten their rule.


The riots and riots that occurred on all the planets under the federal civilization were released outside the federal civilization for citizens to watch while chatting after dinner.

"good morning guys."

"Today, let's take a look at any idiot who dares to challenge the majesty of the Federation.

A woman in her thirties with blonde hair stood in front of a huge screen to broadcast live.

What appeared on the screen was the ‘Sun Ming’ who was constantly devouring the energy and blood of the giant star beast.

"Although I don't know what means this person used to kill the behemoth in the starry sky and bring down the federal armed forces that came over."

"But the other party's doing this is nothing more than aggravating the punishment he will bear."

The blonde woman talked freely, without the slightest worry.

The federal civilization rules hundreds of planets. Such riots are too common and happen almost every moment.


"Master Mecha Division is here."

The blonde woman's eyes lit up, and the screen suddenly focused on a huge ten-meter-sized mecha.

"It looks like it should be over."

The blonde woman said with a slight regret.

As the culmination of technology at the pinnacle of federal civilization, the mecha divisions represent absolute suppression by force.

Any riot, even if it still subverts the local planetary rule, but as long as the mecha divisions take action, everything will return to control.

The so-called riot, the so-called resistance, is vulnerable to a single blow in front of the mecha division.

The federal citizens who watched the blonde woman’s live broadcast were also somewhat boring.

This is always the case.

There are no accidents at all.

This allows federal citizens to see the beginning and already think of the ending.

Just when the federal citizens were about to shut down the live broadcast and do other things.

On the huge screen, the mecha exuding horrible waves was directly photographed as a pile of scrap copper and iron.

boom! ! !

All the federal citizens who saw this scene only felt a buzzing in their heads, and they were dumbfounded.

"Hi! Impossible! The mecha division was actually photographed into a pile of scrap iron?"

The jaws of countless federal citizens fell in shock, their faces full of disbelief.

This is the mecha division of the federal civilization, fighting the stars for the federal civilization and laying down hundreds of planets.

Even the weakest mecha division can solve a warship unit independently.

But now, such a superior mecha division is so weak in front of a young man?

If it hadn't been for seeing the blond woman hosting the live broadcast, she also showed a shocked look.

Federal citizens might doubt that this is a ‘show’ activity specially designed to promote a certain interstellar movie blockbuster.

"Smash Mecha Master with a palm?"

"Fuck, is this man's body made of alloy?"

"Even if you are a mythical mecha division, if you don't control the mecha, you can't do this with the power of your flesh?"

"My God, is this man a mythical mecha-man?"

"Impossible! There are ten mythical mecha divisions in the Federal Civilization. Each of them is a high-level member of the Commonwealth Civilization and holds great power. If this person is one of the ten mythical mecha divisions, how could he fall into such a situation? "

"But if it's not a mythical mecha division, why do you have such strength?"

"Could it be the product of the latest test of federal civilization?"

"Have you ever seen the test product of Federal Civilization smash your own mecha?"


In the hearts of every citizen of the federal civilization, the mecha division is synonymous with invincibility.

If there were no mecha divisions, the territory notified by the federal civilization might not even be one-tenth of the current territory.

If it is a battle between mecha divisions, it is common for one side to smash the other.

after all.

With the help of mechas, every mecha division has gained an increase in power to destroy the world.

But now.

Someone relied on physical strength alone to crush the mecha division?

This is simply crushing the three views of all federal citizens over and over again.



"But so."

After Li Si smashed the mecha, a trace of disdain passed through his eyes.

Mecha divisions control the mechas, and they can indeed gain dozens of times, hundreds of times their own power in a short time.


After controlling the mecha, the mecha divisions have too rough control of power.

Obviously it was the energy intensity of the triple heavenly **** and demon level, and it fell into the hands of the mecha master, and it was forced to be lowered and barely as good as the **** and demon realm.



Boom boom boom! ! !

Just after Li Si smashed a mecha.

After a short while, one after another terrifying energy fluctuations rose into the sky.

All the mecha divisions stationed on the sky blue star seemed to have received some kind of instruction and came towards Li Si's position as quickly as possible.


Li Si sneered.

Not only did he not leave, but stood still and waited.

With Li Si's current strength, as long as the mythical mecha division does not appear, the federal civilization cannot threaten him at all.



Whoosh! ! !

A short moment.

One after another huge mechas hovered in the sky, faintly surrounding Li Si.

Among these mechas, a silver-white mecha division with a height of 30 meters is the most eye-catching.

"Legendary Mecha Division?"

Li Si glanced at the silver-white mecha.

This silver-white mecha, in terms of energy intensity and other aspects, was more than one level higher than other mecha divisions nearby.

"Catch it with your hands."

There was a feelingless electronically synthesized sound from the huge silver-white legendary mecha.

"You guys don't think you won, do you?"

Li Si carried his hands on his back, and a strange black glow appeared in his eyes.

This is the manifestation of [Tian Mo Strategy] cultivation to the extreme depths.


When the silver-white legendary mecha division heard this sentence, he immediately gave instructions without hesitation.


More than a dozen ordinary mecha divisions turned into phantoms and rushed towards Li Si.

These dozen or so mechas are all the guarding forces on the sky blue star, enough to suppress a trillion creatures on the planet.

But at this time.

After feeling the threat of Li, these mechas did not hesitate to jointly attack Li Si.


Li Si stepped forward step by step, while the gods and demon's true essence was running, he directly smashed the mech that rushed over first.

The high-ranking mecha divisions.

In Li Si's hands, it was like tofu dregs, which would be broken at the touch of a touch and destroyed at the touch of a pinch, leaving no room for resistance.

After a while.

The dozen or so mechas that rushed towards Li Si were all turned into scrap copper and rotten iron.


All federal citizens who watched this scene through the live broadcast were once again caught in a huge shock.

Looking at the huge screen in the live broadcast, countless federal citizens stared at the easy-going Li Si, subconsciously thinking that the mecha divisions who override everything will be so vulnerable in front of a human?

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