Summon the Mythical Emperor of the World

: 539 Shocked Federal Civilization

A short moment.

The dozen or so mecha divisions who were originally aggressive, didn't last long in Li Si's hands.

In fact.

Seeing the power and horror that Li Si's gestures and gestures had caused, the last few mecha divisions wanted to run.

after all.

No one is a fool to become a mecha division.

The existence of Li Si obviously exceeded the limit they could handle.

If you don't run at this time, are you waiting for death in place?

But unfortunately.

Before they ran far, they were chased by Li Si, and then blasted them with one blow.

"Who are you?"

Not far away, the silver-white legendary mechanic's words were extremely solemn, and there was no previous posture of being aloof and holding life and death.

Compared with the federal citizens watching the battlefield through the screen, this legendary mecha division can feel the peerless fierce power radiated by Li Si better.

In the eyes of the legendary mechanic, Li Si is simply a starry sky behemoth in human skin, and the power displayed in his gestures is incredible.

"The dead are not qualified to know."

Without even thinking about it, Li Si stepped out again and came to the legendary mecha.

"This speed!!!"

Although Li Si had shown such a terrifying speed just now, when he experienced it personally, the legendary mecha division almost didn't react.

"Die to me!!!"

A huge energy cannon lighted up on the shoulder of the legendary mecha.

A terrible wave of energy began to rise.

The next moment.

boom! ! !

A dazzling beam of energy flashed away, and disappeared into the depths of the starry sky after penetrating everything in front of him.




The legendary mecha division panted and looked around quickly: "Is it dead?"

The shot just now has a huge power, if it falls on the surface of the planet, it is enough to erase a city in an instant.

In order to fire this gun, the legendary mecha division directly consumed 90% of the energy in the mecha.


"No life left."

The legendary mechanic shook his head slightly.


at this time.

A voice of abuse came.

"What are you looking for?"

I saw a figure floating freely above the void, and a glimmer of sarcasm flashed across the eyes of the legendary mecha master.

It is Li Si.

Immediately after.

Li Si slowly stretched out his right hand and pressed it towards the legendary mecha division.

The surging true essence of gods and demons operates, and the terrifying true essence directly blocks all sides.

"not good!!"

The legendary mecha division only felt a huge amount of force pressed down on his shoulders, making it extremely difficult to even take a step.

"Let's die together!"

The legendary mecha master watched slowly falling, as if touching his right hand, a trace of madness appeared on his face.

He didn't need to think about it and knew that if Li Si's hand fell on him, there would be no good results.


The legendary mecha division directly detonated his own mecha, and wanted to die with Li Si.

"perish together?"

"You deserve to die with me?"

A dangerous light appeared in Li Si's eyes, and the power of his right hand that was about to fall suddenly increased dozens of times.

Hum! ! !

Zhenyuan suppression by countless gods and demons.

Just before the legendary mecha division blew himself up, smash it to pieces.

"All right."

"It's time to leave."

Li Si glanced at the surrounding areas that had been destroyed by the aftermath of the battle, and suddenly thought of it in his heart.

During this trip, he not only restored the strength of the three heavenly gods and demons, but also explored the specific strength of the federal civilized mecha division.

It is already quite rewarding.

And now the federal civilization should have been reflected.

If you continue to stay, I'm afraid it will be dangerous.

Li Si glanced at the starry sky slightly, in that direction, there should be more than ten legendary mecha divisions rushing over.

Thinking of this, Li Si's figure slowly faded away, completely disappearing in place.

[Tian Mo Strategy] As the supreme magic skill of the Demon Sect, in terms of concealing the figure, I don't know how far it can sling the federal civilization.


Although Li Si left.

But the live broadcast caused an uproar in the federal civilization.

"Who is this person? Even the legendary mecha master can't stop him?"

"It's terrifying, how could there be such a cruel person in this world."

"Don't you think that this is slapping federal civilization in the face?"

"The mecha divisions that the Federation Civilization is proud of are even rubbing against the ground, including a legendary mecha division!"


Countless federal citizens exploded.

Federal civilization dominates hundreds of planets. For so many years, it has been high above. Has it ever been provoked so much?

A small number of federal citizens have expectations in their hearts.

You know, for the entire federal civilization, the true foundation has never been the legendary mecha division.

The legendary mecha division is certainly powerful, but above the legendary mecha division, there are also mythical mecha divisions.

The top ten mythical mecha divisions are like a mountain, standing at the pinnacle of federal civilization, and are worshipped and fanatically by countless federal citizens.

Now that the federal civilization is so provoked, I am afraid that it will not let it go.

With Li Si's ability to crush the legendary mecha division, it is very likely that the federal civilization will use the mythical mecha division!


at the same time.

The Supreme House of Federal Civilization.

Dozens of figures are sitting in a huge conference hall.

"You all know what happened in the sky blue star, right?"

Sitting in the forefront is an old man with white hair and beard and full of majesty.

The old man was not angry and pretentious in every move, and he was obviously in a high position all year round. At this time, his eyes swept over other people.

The old man's voice just fell.

On the projection in the conference room, scenes suddenly appeared. It was Li Si who was killing him and swept a group of mecha divisions with his own power.


"Who is this person?"

One of the middle-aged men looked solemn to the extreme after watching all the pictures.

The strength shown by Li Si in the picture almost made everyone's scalp numb, and the fierce power revealed in his gestures was appalling.

The majestic old man's expression moved.


Information about ‘Sun Ming’ is passed to everyone.

Life: Sun Ming

Sex: Male

Identity background: ordinary citizens of Sky Blue Star, both parents died since childhood.......



The federal civilization rules hundreds of planets, and technology has developed to the extreme. Any baby born in the Federation must be registered on the ‘Intelligent Brain’ of the federal civilization.

And the information about'Sun Ming' was presented to the dignified elders as early as the first time.

The data includes everything that Sun Ming has done from birth to now ~ even a few hours of sleep every night, the heartbeat frequency, etc. are recorded.


After everyone had read the information on'Sun Ming', they frowned.

Because in the data,'Sun Ming' behaves too ordinary.

There are not 100 million young people in the federal civilization such as Sun Ming, but 80 million.

‘Sun Ming’ is inconspicuous at all.

The majestic old man sitting in the first seat swept away his eyes and said lightly.

"Seven days ago,'Sun Ming' entered a whole new world connected by meteorites through meteorite fragments."

The voice of the majestic old man just fell.

Everyone suddenly tightened their pupils!

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