Summon the Mythical Emperor of the World

Chapter 541: The law of governance!

In fact.

Since the Federal Civilization captured the outer meteorite, there are not many other worlds explored.

There was even a world of fairy tales named'Shushan'.

Today's number one mythical mecha master has gained a great opportunity from the world of "Shu Mountain", successfully worshipped "Shu Mountain" and became an outer disciple of "Shu Mountain".

But no matter which world it is, it has never appeared. The strong in the world can have an impact on the civilized citizens of the Federation who come.

Under the protection of the power of meteorites outside the sky, federal citizens are equal to invincible.


Many parliamentarians, including the dignified elders, have not considered that the "Sun Ming" they know has been replaced.

At this time, the majestic elders and other congressmen were not facing Sun Ming, but the Emperor Li Si of the Tang Dynasty who looked at the federal civilized world.

"All right."

"The matter is so settled."

The majestic old man glanced at the audience and made a final conclusion.

"Also, let people explore the new world where'Sun Ming' got a chance."

The majestic old man seemed to have thought of something and ordered a word at will.

It's not that he is not interested in the new world'Sun Ming' entered.

Rather, based on the experience of the Federal Civilization for so many years, the great opportunities that everyone has obtained in another world are ‘unduplicated’.

Take the number one mythical mecha division.

After he arrived in the world of "Shu Mountain", he successfully worshipped "Shu Mountain" and became an outer disciple of "Shu Mountain", relying on his own mysterious and mysterious "fate".

At that time, a certain elder of'Shushan' wanted to make alchemy and needed this rare life-style man to protect the furnace.

Therefore, the other party was included in the "Shu Mountain".

If the federal civilization wants to replicate this opportunity, it needs to find people with the same fate.

But the fate is elusive, and the federal civilization itself has not figured out what fate is. In this case, how to find it?

Say it again.

What if I find it?

The pill of the elder'Shushan' has been made.

Even if they eagerly send people away, the other party doesn't need this kind of fate.

and so.

After experiencing a lot of painful lessons, the federal civilization came to a conclusion.

Any great opportunity has the nature of ‘uncopyable’.

In other words, every great opportunity is unique.


No matter what.

The majestic old man is still ready to explore the new world that Sun Ming descended on.

after all.

Since this world can make Sun Ming's strength soar, it is certainly not simple. Even if it is not as good as the world of Shushan, it may not be much worse.

Explore more, only the benefits are not harmful.

"no problem."

All the MPs looked at each other and said.

Even if the majestic elders don't say anything, they will be checked after they go back.

"What else do you have?"

The majestic old man looked around and said calmly.

"Leader, so be it."

Said a member of the upper right seat.


"You all go back."

After the dignified old man said this, he got up and left.



The world of ‘Sculpture’.

Li Si stood on the head of Xiangyang City with his hands on his back.

Regarding everything that happened in the federal civilized world, including the ‘Sun Ming’ smashing into the sky blue star, the killing of a dozen ordinary mechas, and a legendary mecha, all were under Li Si's control.

"It seems that my estimation is wrong."

Li Si's eyes were calm, thinking silently in his heart.

Originally, according to Li Si's guess, the ordinary mecha division was equivalent to the innate ultimate warrior of the Datang World.

The legendary mecha division is a warrior of the gods and demons, wandering between the first heaven and the third heaven.

As for the mythical mecha division, I am afraid it can be compared with the four to six heavens.

But at this time.

After personally fighting the mecha division.

Li Si discovered that even the most common mecha division possesses more combat power than innate extremes.

It has even begun to touch the threshold of the gods and demons.

As for the legendary mecha division, it is roughly the same as Li Si's guess, basically between the second heaven and the third heaven.

But the legendary mecha division mastered an explosive method.

For example, the legendary mecha division that Li Si shot to pieces, the last beam of energy shot, can instantly erase a city, and in terms of power, it absolutely reaches the level of the four heavenly gods and demons.

If it weren't for Li Si, but the other three heavenly gods and demons, if they encountered this trick, there would be no ashes left.

Just when Li Si was thinking about it.

Hubu Shangshu stood up and said, "Your Majesty, after conquering this world, I don't know how to manage it?"

Hubu Shangshu's voice just fell.

The other courtiers suddenly fell into thinking.


Just now, they were all immersed in the excitement of the Tang Empire conquering another world.

I have completely ignored how to manage if the alien world is destroyed?

You know, smashing another world is different from smashing a certain country.

Before conquering a foreign world, after the Datang Empire conquered a country, it first suppressed it with violence, and then selected talents from within the Datang Empire and sent it to govern the country.

But this method is completely inapplicable when placed in another world.

The alien world represents a complete world, and it is obviously not enough to rely solely on the Datang Empire to transport talents.

Say it again.

Even if it reluctantly relies on Datang World to send talents, it solves the problem of world governance of the ‘sacred carving’.

But what about the next world conquered by the Tang Empire?

Is it still relying on Datang World to help?

In the eyes of the courtiers, since the Datang Empire chose the path of conquering the Ten Thousand Realms, the world of the "Divine Eagle" was only the beginning.

In the future, there will be more worlds waiting for Datang World to conquer.

If there are so many worlds, it is necessary to select talents from the Datang world to govern, I am afraid it will not be enough to hollow out the Datang world.


Li Si's tone was indifferent, he glanced at the civil and military officials, and said: "What do you think of Aiqing?"

"Your Majesty, the ministers feel that it is better to directly reuse talents from the local world to rule the world for my Datang Empire?"

Cabinet second assistant Yang Qinglin stood out, hesitated for a while, and said with his hands.

When Yang Qinglin said this, all the courtiers' faces changed.

Reuse local world talents?

Although this approach can indeed solve the problem of governance.

But it has troubles!

"Tell me in detail."

Li Si looked at Yang Qinglin with interest. UU reading www.uukanshu. com

"Return to your Majesty, the minister believes that it is the nature to rely on the strong. Now my Datang Empire is pushing the world, the strength is enough to conquer the world."

"If your Majesty reuses the local world, not only will there be no problem, but it will penetrate this world faster and turn it into the territory of my Datang world."

The words of the cabinet secretary Yang Qinglin made all the courtiers' eyes brightened.

Yang Qinglin was right.

Compared with the world of "Sculpture of Gods", the world of Datang is too strong.

If the Datang world is similar to the world of the "Sculpture of Gods", the Datang world is reusing the native talents of the world of "Sculpture of Gods", and there may indeed be problems.

But even if there are ten or a hundred ‘sculpture’ worlds, they are not as good as the Tang world.

Datang World sent a **** and demon at random, and it was enough to slaughter the world of ‘divine carving’.

Under this circumstance, the natives of the world of ‘sculpture of gods’ dare to resist the Tang world?

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