Xiangyang City.

Many courtiers talked about how to master the world of ‘divine carving’ as soon as possible.

Nowadays, under the sweep of Datang Bingfeng, most of the world of ‘sacred carving’ has been taken down, and it is only a matter of time before the remaining small part falls into the hands of Datang.


Civil and military officials need to get a proper method in a short time.

"His Majesty."

"The minister thinks Mr. Yang is right."

The Book of Etiquette pondered for a long time, and stood out and said, "Reusing local talents in this field is indeed the most effective way today."


"Then do what Yang Qinglin said."

Li Si had no opinion.

Even if Yang Qinglin didn't say anything, he would still propose to reuse local talents in the world of ‘divine carving’.

To know.

In Li Si's memory, the world of'sacred carvings' belonged to the Song Dynasty.

Moreover, the Great Song Dynasty at this time was already at the end of the dynasty and was faltering. If there was no invasion of the Great Tang Empire, it would have died in the hands of Meng Yuan in at most decades.

And the closer the dynasty is, the deeper the people's resentment towards Song Dynasty will be.

And if the Datang Empire announced the recruitment of talents from all over the world at this time, it would probably have an immediate effect, and the results would be quite profound.

Li Si's voice just fell.

The Hubu Shangshu hesitated for a moment, and said, "Your Majesty, what should I do if someone with a bad heart gets in."

The Hubu Shangshu was worried.

Although as Yang Qinglin said, the Datang Empire is dominating the world, who dares to resist?

But what Yang Qinglin was worried about was that no one would resist on the bright side.

But secretly?

Deliberately sabotage?

Or is it wrong?

Or plan other things?

As the saying goes, non-self races must have different hearts.

Let alone two worlds?

For the aboriginals of the Great Song Dynasty, the Tang Empire was no longer a pure enemy of destroying the country.

It's the hate of the world!

Under such circumstances, the Hubu Shangshu dare not pin his hopes on whether the other party will weigh the pros and cons.

"It's okay."

"I know it in my heart."

Li Si glanced at the Shangshu of the Household Department and waved his hand.

In the mind of Hubu Shangshu, Li Si naturally understood.

Not only was Li Si clear, the other courtiers on the court knew the shortcomings of the important indigenous talents of the world.

But compared to the disadvantages, this measure can indeed help the Datang Empire master the world of the'divine carving' as quickly as possible.


In Li Si's view.

Just need to persist for a while.

When the world of ‘sacred carving’ was completely reduced to the territory of the Tang Empire and the power of fortune spreading, it would fall within the scope of ‘Mirroring the Heavens’ of the Fengshen Bang.

Wait till then.

Every move in the world of the ‘sacred carving’ is reflected in the Fengshen Bang. Anyone who has a bad heart will not stay until the next day. They will be detected by the Fengshen Bang directly on the same day and be sent to death.

The function of ‘reflecting the heavens’ of the Fengshen Bang puts the Datang Empire in an active position at all times. It can be called one of the core functions of Yun Dynasty.

of course.

About the Fengshen Bang's "Mirroring the Heavens", apart from Li Si, only a few people such as Dongchang Cao Zhengchun know.

These courtiers on the court, I am afraid that they would not even dream of it, and all their actions have fallen into the ranking of the gods.


When Hubu Shangshu saw His Majesty wave his hand, he immediately did not continue to dissuade him.

As one of the six dignified books, a member of the third rank of the Chaozhong, Hubu Shangshu naturally knows how to look at his face.

Although Hubu Shangshu didn't know why his Majesty didn't care about these hidden dangers.

But since your Majesty said so, he must be prepared for nothing.

"All right."

"Just do what I said."

"As for the specifics, you continue to discuss, and you can tell me after discussing the measures."

Li Si said lightly.

"According to the purpose."

The court officials bowed slightly and said in unison.

Now that your majesty has made a decision, these courtiers shouldn't think about other things, and just implement it truthfully.


When Li Si confessed some more things, he left Xiangyang City directly.

When the ministers saw His Majesty disappear, they were relieved immediately, and they began to discuss how to fulfill His Majesty's request.


Li Si's figure appeared above the nine heavens in the world of'Sculpture of God'.

Since entering the world of ‘Divine Sculpture’ completely, the world’s rejection has almost disappeared, as if the world knows that there is nothing to do with Li Si, but fortunately, no matter what, it’s a turtle.

This is the limitation of the will of the world.

The will of the world is not like human beings. It has its own thinking and knows how to calculate gains and losses.

The will of the world is just something similar to a program.

If the will of the world is able to weigh the pros and cons, it will definitely not hesitate to use the power of one world to exclude Li Si.

Because with Li Si's cultivation base, the longer he stays in the world, the greater his conspiracy. At the end, I am afraid that the whole world will be in Li Si's hands.

"Is this world only half the size of Datang World?"

Li Si took a step forward, tens of thousands of miles in a blink of an eye, and he traveled the whole world in the blink of an eye, thinking silently in his heart.

Although the world of ‘Sculpture of God’ is also the world of Hengsha.

But compared to Datang World, it is too weak.

Even though the world of the Tang Dynasty has been connected for thousands of years, there are still more than 20 gods and demons in each generation.

But the world of ‘Divine Eagle’...

At least Li Si traveled a circle and found that there are only a handful of strong people in the gods and demons realm.

Before, before entering the world of ‘Divine Sculpture’, Li Si roughly glanced at the world of ‘Divine Sculpture’ and found that in the world of ‘Divine Sculpture’, there were only five breaths to reach the Divine and Demon Realm.

Originally, Li Si thought he might miss a few.

But at the moment...

There are indeed only five gods and demons in the huge world of ‘divine carving’...

Of these five gods and demons, one of them died on the battlefield of Xiangyang City.

The remaining four gods and demons are all in the realm of the first heaven, and they are far away from entering the second heaven.

Li Si didn't even mention any interest.



Just when Li Si entered the Zhongnan Mountain realm, he suddenly uttered a surprise, and faintly noticed that there was a breath in the depths of Zhongnan Mountain, almost falling into dead silence.

If it weren't for Li Si's approach, I am afraid he would be ignored.

Because this breath is too weak, almost like a dead person.

"suspended animation?"


Li Si's figure flashed and appeared before a Taoist temple.

"All Zhenpai?"

Li Si glanced at the Taoist temple's name, and stepped forward to the deepest underground of the Taoist temple.

This place is already close to the mountainside of Zhongnan Mountain, the ground is covered with dust, and apparently no one has entered for decades.


I saw a secret room not far away suddenly exploded, and smoke filled the sky~www.ltnovel.com~ A strange light flashed in Li Si's eyes, calmly watching.


"Unexpectedly, the old way will still have a day out of his death."

A Taoist priest wearing a sloppy Taoist robe walked out of the secret room very excitedly.

"This time, the strength is greatly improved, who else is a veteran opponent in the world?"

The sloppy Taoist priest walked slowly, and became familiar with the surge in his body.


Just when the sloppy Taoist priest was about to go out, he stopped immediately.

Because he saw not far away, a very young man in normal clothes stood with his hands behind him, looking at him quietly.

"you are?!!"

The sloppy Taoist priest was taken aback.

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