Summon the Mythical Emperor of the World

Chapter 542: Monstrous backlash, 1 palm pressure!

Looking at Li Si, the sloppy Taoist made a huge wave in his heart.

   Although Li Si just stood there, his breath was restrained, just like an ordinary person.

   But when the sloppy Taoist saw Li Si, his heart was frantically alert.

   In front of Li Si, the sloppy Taoist God and Demon Zhenyuan, who had soared because of the recent breakthrough, began to tremble, as if fearing something.

   "Not bad."

   "The power of heaven and earth in this realm is weak, but you can forcibly enter the realm of the triple heaven, but it is also an individual talent."

   Li Si looked at the sloppy Taoist and nodded slightly.

   This sloppy Taoist, if Li Si's guess is good, he should be one of the five unique powers of the Central Plains, Chongyang.

   Decades ago, the Five Jues of the Central Plains ruled the world, and the supernatural power king Chongyang was even more faintly known as the first person in the Central Plains.

   There are rumors in the world that the Chinese supernatural power king Chongyang’s life limit has come, and he died in retreat decades ago.

   But at this moment, Wang Chongyang deceived the world!

   "This world?"

   Wang Chongyang's pupils shrank, and his scalp almost exploded.

   Although Li Si only uttered these two words lightly, but what they meant was to make Wang Chongyang sweat.

   "Dare to ask fellow daoists what does this mean?"

  Wang Chongyang took a deep breath and put his posture very low.

   If someone else dared to talk to his supernatural powers like this, Wang Chongyang would have taken a lesson or two.

   But Li Si...

   Wang Chongyang hasn't figured out what strength Li Si is.

   In Wang Chongyang's eyes, there was no trace of true essence fluctuation in Li Si, which was no different from ordinary people.

   can appear here out of thin air, and give Wang Chongyang such a terrifying feeling, can he be an ordinary person?


   "You have been in retreat, but you don't know the external situation."

   Li Si looked at Wang Chongyang and said casually.

   Nowadays, as long as the information is a little better, everyone knows the situation in the world of ‘Divine Eagle’.

   But Wang Chongyang has just left the customs, he can understand if he is not clear.

"simply put."

   "This world is already my territory."

   Li Si's eyes were calm, and he said lightly.

   Li Si's voice just fell.

   Wang Chongyang's heart shook wildly.

  This world?


  What does this mean?

   In an instant.

  Wang Chongyang only felt a paste in his head, and did not react for a long time.

  Wang Chongyang knew every word Li Si said, but when they were connected, Wang Chongyang couldn't understand the meaning at all.

   "Forget it."

   "I am too lazy to explain to you."

   Li Si slightly waved his hand and used the Temple of War to directly include the sloppy Taoists.

   When he returned to the Datang World, Li Si was about to throw the sloppy Taoist into the Zhenwu Division.

   sloppy Taoists can forcibly enter the realm of the three heavenly gods and devils in the world of the'sculpture of gods'. If they are slightly cultivated by the Tang Empire, it may not take long to step into the four heavenly gods and devils.

   Such talents made Li Si moved with the idea of ​​cherishing talents.

  Although in Li Si's eyes, the four heavenly gods and demons are one thing, one slap can kill a group.

   But for the entire Datang Empire, the Four Heavenly Gods and Demons are indeed an out-and-out master.

   can easily add a quadruple heavenly power to the Datang Empire, of course Li Si will not refuse.

   As for Wang Chongyang's own wishes...

  Whether it's Zhenwusi or Dongchang, there are 10,000 ways to make Wang Chongyang obedient.

   "Unexpectedly, there was a gain."

   Li Si took a step forward and disappeared in Zhongnan Mountain.

   On Zhongnan Mountain, the Quanzhen Taoists are in a panic all day long.

   The Datang Empire suppressed the world, the Quanzhen School naturally heard about it, but there was nothing to do.

   However, the Taoist priests of the Quanzhen Sect probably never dreamed that their fearful and panic Datang Empire supreme Majesty, unexpectedly stayed on their Zhongnan Mountain for a while.

   Above the nine heavens.

   Every step Li Si took, he passed thousands of miles.

   After a short while, the Great Song Emperor Capital appeared in front of Li Si.

   At least 200,000 Great Tang's army was seated in the Song Empire, including Bai Qi, the killer god.


   Bai Qi rose into the sky, came to Li Si, bowed and said: "I have seen your Majesty."

   "Get up."

   Li Si waved his hand and looked down towards the Emperor of Song Dynasty.


   was within the scope of Li Si's entry into the capital of the Song Dynasty.

   hum! ! !

   The whole emperor shuddered suddenly, an extremely heavy aura rising from the depths of the emperor.


   "The backlash of humanity and luck?"

   Li Si carried his hands on his back, glanced at the Imperial Capital of Song Dynasty, and said softly.

   The great Song Dynasty established the country for hundreds of years, and even if it collapsed mostly because of the end of the dynasty, a small part of the national fortunes gathered by the Song Dynasty.

   This small part of the luck of the country should have been silent forever with the Song Dynasty until it completely died.


   The arrival of Li Si has inspired this small part of the national luck.

  Because Li Si was originally the lord of the Tang Dynasty and repelled the luck of the Song Dynasty, he was able to cause a reaction.


  I was completely excited with the luck of the remnants of the Song Dynasty.

   In an instant.

   The entire imperial capital trembled violently.

   Like an earth dragon, the sky is turned upside down.

   On a certain street in the Imperial Capital.

   Guo Jing and Yang Guo's expressions changed drastically, and they looked in all directions in shock.

   "What happened?"

   "Why do I feel the earth trembling under my feet?"

   "Run, God, God has punished..."

   There are no hundreds of civilians trembling in their hearts.


"What's the situation now?"

   Guo Jing barely managed to maintain calm.

   As one of the few gods and demon realms in the world, even if the emperor's capital collapses, he Guo Jing can escape from the sky.


   Guo Jing frowned slightly.

  Because he discovered that Yang Guo was stunned to look in a direction at this time, and his whole body was trembling subconsciously.

   Guo Jing saw this scene and instinctively followed Yang Guo's gaze.


   Next moment Guo Jing saw a scene that he will never forget.

   I saw the fortunes of countless remnants of the Song Dynasty converging into a golden real dragon, swallowing it towards a young man in ordinary clothes on the sky above the imperial capital.

"not good!"

   "That person is dangerous."

   Between the electric light and the flint, this thought flashed through Guo Jing's mind.



   Under Guo Jing's incredible gaze.

   A trace of contempt appeared on the face of the young man wearing the dragon robe, he raised his right hand slightly and pressed it downward.

   rumbling! ! !

   In an instant.

   A breath of horror that is overwhelming and almost beyond the world pervades.

  The mighty power is like prison!

   God's grace is like the sea!

   Looking at this young man, who seems to have stepped on the world and everything under his feet, whether it is Guo Jing or Yang Guo, there is a horrible feeling of facing the vastness of the void.

   Even gods and demons such as Guo Jing and Yang Guo can feel the insignificant breath of Li Si at this moment, as if seeing the terrible scene of the collapse of the world and the destruction of the world.

"Who is he?"

   After the last thought flashed through Guo Jing's mind, the whole person fell into a groggy state.

  :. :

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