"His Majesty."

   Bai Qi appeared beside Li Si, bowing respectfully.

"how is it?"

   "How is the situation in this world?"

   Li Si sat on the main seat at random and asked.

   Although Li Si has just visited the world of the sculptures of Gods, Bai Qi is the main general of this battle, and Li Si still wants to hear the other side's opinion.

   "Return to your Majesty."

   "Now my Datang Bingfeng has completely conquered the Song Dynasty, the Mengyuan Yuan, and other than that, it is spreading in all directions."

   "At most a few days, the whole world will be surrendered to your majesty."

   Bai Qi thought for a moment and said quickly.


   "Not bad."

   Li Si nodded slightly after hearing the words.

   Although the world of Divine Sculptures is far inferior to the World of Tang Dynasty in terms of combat power level and area.

   is a Hengsha world after all.

   Being able to spend several days conquering a world of Hengsha has made Li Si very satisfied.

"All right."

   "Go down."

   Li Si pondered for a moment, and said casually.

   "Comply with the purpose."

   Bai got up and bowed and left.

   After Bai Qi retired.

   Li Si's eyes flashed: "Has the world will begin to weaken?"

   "Is it because I defeated the last remaining national fortune of the Song Dynasty, or because of my actions just now, the hearts of the people in this world have completely collapsed?"

   Li Si touched his chin, his eyes thoughtful.

   At this time, Li Si could clearly feel that the influence of the world of divine carvings on him has been getting lower and lower.

   Even, Li Si has already begun to turn around and influence the world of **** carvings.


   Li Si shook his head slightly.

   He originally thought that the will of the world would struggle a few times, but now it seems that the will of the world is already weak and can't even struggle.

   up to a few days.

   When the Dragon Banner of the Tang Dynasty is planted in every corner of the world, when the Tang Empire officially controls the world of divine sculptures, it may be the time when the world consciousness has completely dissipated.

   By then.

   The world of divine carvings is like the Datang World, where Li Si replaces the will of the world, and the heart of the sky is replaced by the heart of the self.


   "When I smashed the Song Dynasty's last remaining national fortune, I seemed to feel that there was a wave of fluctuations deep in the ground."

   Li Si suddenly thought of something, his eyes narrowed slightly.

next moment.

   Li Si disappeared and appeared directly in a certain position under the ground that he felt.

"this is?!"

   Li Si's pupils shrank slightly, and he looked at a huge rock in front of him in disbelief.

   This huge boulder, ten meters in size, is almost like a hill, quietly staying deep underground.

   Deep in the ground, this kind of boulder is normal.


   The huge boulder in front of Li Si was silver-white in its entirety, exuding a wave of waves that did not belong to this space.

   is a stone of space.

   Li Si has browsed the time and space memory of the main god, and naturally knows that the space stone will only appear when the world is born or destroyed.

  Only then, the rules and laws appear, the power of a large amount of space condenses, and a few space stones will be formed.


   Li Si looked at the ten-meter-sized space stone in front of him

   Is this too big?

To know.

   Li Si only relied on a few space stones the size of a baby's fist to open the door of the world between the world of the Tang Dynasty and the world of the sculpture.

   The space stone in front of me is already ten meters in size.

  The stone of space can even use meters as a unit?

  Although in the time and space memory of the Lord God, there was a space stone of this size, and even a space stone comparable to a continent is very common.

   But for Li Si, the memory of the main **** only plays a role in browsing.

   It is like reading a book and knowing that there is such a thing in this world.

   But when I actually saw it, Li Si was still a little shocked.

   "It shouldn't be"

   "How can such a large space stone be born in a Hengsha world in such a small area?"

   Li Si frowned slightly, a trace of doubt crossed his eyes.

   The birth of the space stone is very accidental.

   Just like in the Datang World, Li Si did not find a trace of the Space Stone.

   But in a world of Hengsha that is far inferior to the Datang world, the space stone was discovered in the world of the gods carvings.

   But anyway.

   The world level is here.

  The World of Sculpture of Gods is just a world of Hengsha.

  It is absolutely impossible to create a space stone of this size.


   Between the electric light and flint, Li Si was surprised.

   "Unless the **** carving world is not just the Hengsha world."

"Maybe when the world was born, the world personality of the **** carving world was a small thousand world, but because of some accident, this personality was directly cut in half and reduced to the world of Hengsha, and it was still extremely weak in the world of Hengsha. which type."

   The thoughts in Li Si's mind fluctuated.

  If the world of divine carvings was the world of Xiaoqian at first, it is indeed possible that this kind of space stone will appear.

after all.

   Little Thousand World is not comparable to Hengsha World.

   The upper limit of the strength that the Little Thousand World can hold is the nine heavenly gods and demons.

   Moreover, even the weakest Xiaoqian World, in terms of territory, must be ten times the size of Tang World.

   "Perhaps, the world of divine carvings can surprise me again?"

   Li Si's spirit was shaken slightly.

   If the original world personality of the **** carving world is really the Little Thousand World, then after the Tang World completely conquered the **** carving world, the luck and origin power of the **** carving world might be beyond Li Si's expectations.


   Even with the same amount, the air fortune of the Little Thousand World, and the qualitative nature of its origin, far exceed that of the ordinary Hengsha World.

   Li Si took a closer look at the space stone in front of him, but his brow was slightly frowned.

   Because Li Si discovered that although this space stone looks in front of him, in fact, ~www.ltnovel.com~, the other party has completely integrated with the world of **** sculptures.

   Li Si wants to take away this space stone, which is tantamount to shaking the entire world of **** sculptures.


   "I can't help this problem."

   With a thought of Li Si, the pottery, the artifact of merit, flew out, lowering the power of ten thousand merits, and bursting into bright light.

"go with."

   Li Si looked at the space stone and said softly.


   Li Si's voice just fell.

   Ding, the artifact of merit, slid around and stopped over the ten-meter-sized space stone.

next moment.

   Dingding, the artifact of merit, tilted his mouth slightly and aimed at the space stone.

   The mouth of the pot is small, not even half a meter to reach, but there is gray gas flowing, as if it is gestating a big world.

   When Ding's mouth is aimed at the space stone.

   A horrible suction force radiated from the mouth of the pottery pot.

   Buzzing! ! !

   The space stone shook suddenly under this suction.

   The power of a large amount of space began to surge and rise, but all of them were inhaled by the magical instrument of merit.


   The stone of space keeps getting smaller and is sucked into the pot of merit.

   "It's finished."

   A smile appeared on Li Si's face.

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