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   "It's finished."

   A smile appeared on Li Si's face.

   Although this space stone is integrated with the entire world of the ‘sculpture of gods’, it has no effect in front of the sacred instrument of merit.

   You need to know that the Ding, an artifact of merit, was created after the Great Tang Empire opened up the fortune, with the power of endless merit, plus a void relief of unknown origin.

   Under the tripod, an artifact of merit.

   Suppress the Five Elements and prohibit all laws.

  The power of space is naturally included.

  Don't say that this space stone is only integrated with the world of ‘sculpture of gods’.

   Even in the entire world of the ‘sacred carving’, in front of the Kungfu Sacred Ding, there is only one result of being suppressed.

  Because the meritorious artifact tripod represents the world of Tang Dynasty.

   Datang World, as the Hengsha world far surpassing the world of ‘sacred carving’, can naturally suppress the world of ‘sacred carving’.

   "The Stone of Space."

   Li Si beckoned, the meritorious artifact Ding slid around and returned to Li Si up and down.

   At this time, inside the sacred instrument of merit, in a gray space, a ten-meter-sized space stone was slowly suspended.

   "It's just that, where should such a large space stone be used?"

   Li Si's mind merged into the meritorious artifact tripod, falling into thought.

   The stone of space is a highly condensed body of the power of space, and the power of space is extremely mysterious and one of the higher energies in the heavens and all realms.


   Li Si suddenly discovered that he rarely used space stones.

   So far, only the gate of the world needs the space stone to provide power.

   Moreover, the gate of the world does not consume a lot of space stones. The gate of the world that connects the two worlds of the Tang Dynasty and the "Sculpture of God" consumes only a few space stones the size of a baby's fist.

   And those few space stones the size of a baby's fist, compared to the space stone of about ten meters in front of me, they are not even a dime.

of course.

   There are many ways to use the space stone in the time and space memory of the "main god" that Li Si browsed.


   The methods mastered by the'Lord God' are all methods that transcend the world to reach the sky.

   For example, the immeasurable time and space refined by the ‘Lord God’ is formed by refining hundreds of thousands of worlds, and then combined with almost massive space stones and other materials.

  These methods are too'high-end' for Li Si.

   is not suitable for Li Si at least for now.

   "Forget it."

   "Wait to go back and then think about it."

   "At the very least, with such a large space stone, you can build as many world gates as you want to build in the future. There is no need to worry about not having enough space stones..."

   Li Si settled the spirit and put the meritorious artifact into his body.

next moment.

   Li Si glanced around again, and after confirming that there was nothing missing, his figure disappeared in place.


time flies.

   One day passed in a blink of an eye.

   Since this day, the world of the'sacred carving' has basically fallen into the hands of the Tang Empire.

   There are only a few low places left at the corners, which need to wait for the Tang Empire to conquer.

   Even so, it won’t take long.


   All the beings in the world of the ‘Sculpture of God’ know that an empire from the upper realm completely dominates their world.

   For the Datang Empire, the creatures in the world of "Sculptures of Gods" have no meaning to reject them.

   One is because the Datang Empire was not too cruel, at least it did not take action against those old, young, and children who did not resist.

  Second, the strength displayed by the Tang Empire is terrible.

  In front of the soldiers of Datang, all the resistance and resistance seemed extremely ridiculous.

   The capital of Song Dynasty.

   In a palace temporarily requisitioned by Li Si.

   "Almost all right."

   Li Si opened his eyes, a silver-white light flashed across his eyes.

  On this day, Li Si extracted about a pound of space power from the ten-meter-sized space stone.

   "The power of this pound of space is at least equivalent to dozens or hundreds of times the space stone used to build the gate of the world."

   Li Si slightly raised his right hand, and strands of silver-white spatial force collided between Li Si's fingers, bursting into spatial fluctuations.

  The stone of space is essentially an aggregation of the power of space.

   These two can be transformed into each other.

   The power of space can be condensed into a stone of space.

   The stone of space can be sublimated into the power of space.

   Li Si uses the characteristic of the space stone to forcibly extract a small amount of space power from the space stone.

   "Next, is the door to expand the world."

   Li Si took a step forward and appeared on the nine heavens of the world of "Sculpture of Gods".

"All nations are fighting, and all beings are suffering. I can't bear the continual war, so I send soldiers to conquer this world. After today, all beings will be our citizens of Datang and enjoy eternal peace. Those who meet the conditions can enter the world of Datang through the gate of the world ."

   Li Si's voice resounded in the ears of every living creature in the world of the "Sculpture of God".

at the same time.

   Li Si stretched out his right hand, and a large amount of spatial power emerged, constantly rushing to the firmament of the world of ‘sacred sculpture’, and finally gathered on the huge world gate on the battlefield of Xiangyang City.


   Under the implementation of the power of space.

   The gate of the world has suddenly expanded thousands of times, like an ancient sacred mountain, suppressed in the world of the ‘sacred sculpture’.

  As the power of the world's gate continues to increase, all living beings have a ‘door’ household that can be seen through the sky and the earth.


   The world of the ‘Sculpture of God’ trembles.

this moment.

   A shock that is difficult to express in words rises in the hearts of countless sentient beings.

   The stalwart sound resounding in their ears suddenly, and the huge ‘door’ house that came to mind, all showed that an unprecedented great change will come from then on.


"Did you hear it?"

   Guo Jing's expression changed, he looked at Yang Guo next to him, and asked in a low voice.

"heard it."

   Yang Guo nodded slightly said solemnly.

   As long as they are in the world of "Sculpture of Gods", everyone can hear this voice, and Yang Guo is no exception.

   "What are your plans in the future."

   Guo Jing was silent for a moment, constantly digesting the content of the voice that rang in his ears just now.


   Yang blinked his eyes and said, "I am going to enter the gate of the world."

   The voice that resounded in his ear mentioned that as long as the conditions are met, he can pass through the gate of the world and enter the world of Datang.


   Guo Jing's pupils shrank, and he looked at Yang Guo incredulously: "Are you sure?"


   Yang Guo said firmly.

   "I have reached the limit in this world, and if I want to go further, it is almost impossible to do it."

   "But if you pass through the gate of the world, you enter the world of Datang..."

   Yang Guo said that, he didn't go on.

   Because of what he wanted to say, he has already said it.

   Guo Jing already understood what Yang Guo meant.

   In the world of ‘sculpture of gods’, powerful people like Guo Jing and Yang Guo have nowhere to make progress.

   But Datang World is different.

   Regardless of those black armored figures, silver armored soldiers, and even the most ordinary Datang soldiers, they are showing that there are countless people who are better than Guo Jing and Yang Guo.

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