"What's the matter..."

   The old man Jiang Chen looked calm and said calmly.

   As the strongest combat power of the federal civilization, the outer disciple of "Shushan", Jiang Chen's status in the federal civilization is incredible.

   Even a federal leader like the dignified old man can only request, but cannot order Jiang Chen.

   "I need you to shoot once."

   The majestic old man looked at Jiang Chen through the light curtain, still a heart palpitated in his heart.

   This young man from an ordinary background has soared into the sky since he worshipped the "Shu Mountain" and stood on the top of federal civilization.

   Also, every time the majestic old man sees Jiang Chen, he has a very special experience.

   It is as if Jiang Chen is a huge black hole, wafting endless cosmic energy every moment.


   Jiang Chen frowned slightly.

   He didn't expect that the majestic old man would let him take action.

   You have to know that today's federal civilization, technology has developed to the extreme, and with the mecha division, it can be said that there are almost no opponents in this universe.

   "That's right."

   The majestic old man nodded, and said about'Sun Ming'.

   "Only by relying on the body, can you suppress Oliver?"

   Jiang Chen raised his brows.

   Oliver knew him.

   Although it is far inferior to Jiang Chen.

  , anyway, is also a mythical mechanic.

   But now, this mythical mecha master was hit by an unarmed man.

   Jiang Chen's eyes flashed.

   According to the majestic old man, Oliver is at a disadvantage at this time.

   But with Jiang Chen's understanding of the majestic old man, Oliver's "disadvantage" may fall at any time.


   The majestic old man is absolutely impossible to ask Jiang Chen here.

"I know."

   Jiang Chen pondered for a moment, and said calmly: "Give me the coordinates, and I will take action later."

   The majestic old man heard this, with a hint of joy on his face.

   Since Jiang Chen agreed.

   Then it will be done, it is absolutely impossible to delay or something.

   For a strong man like Jiang Chen, he disdains lying.

   "In that case."

   "Thank you this time."

   The majestic old man immediately sent the coordinates to Jiang Chen.

   With the power displayed by "Sun Ming", no one can control it except Jiang Chen.

   This is also the reason why the majestic old man did not consider allowing other mythical mecha divisions to do it.

   One is because other mythical mecha divisions are too far away to catch up.

  Second, even if a mythical mecha division rushes past, it is probably impossible to stop it.

   Wait until the light curtain in front of me disappears.

   Jiang Chen slowly stood up.


   I saw the ice and snow melting in all directions at a speed visible to the naked eye.

   A hot breath emerged from every corner.


   Supreme House.

   The majestic old man turned off the light curtain and looked at the other councillors.

   "Leader, what did Jiang Chen say?"

   Some members asked cautiously.

   When Jiang Chen first emerged, many people were eager to see through the secrets of Jiang Chen's rise, and secretly intercepted Jiang Chen.

   But in the end.

   These people were all counter-killed by Jiang Chen.

   Moreover, Jiang Chen directly went to the Supreme Court, killing all the members involved.

   That day.

   The Supreme House was stained red with blood.

   Jiang Chen is like a **** of murder, blatantly killing him.


  These congressmen on the court are so afraid of Jiang Chen.

  For the congressmen, if it were not a last resort, they would definitely not be willing to face the evil star Jiang Chen.

   "Jiang Chen agreed."

   The majestic old man breathed a sigh of relief and said.

   The voice of the majestic old man just fell off.

   The heart held by the councillors finally fell.

   "After this matter."

   "It should be on the agenda for Jiang Chen to rebuild a mecha above the myth."

   The majestic old man turned around and said suddenly.

   "Mecha above the myth?"

   Many congressmen suddenly looked stiff.

   The majestic old man said it was easy, but if you want to create a mythical mecha, the resources consumed are more than just a huge amount of simple?

   Even the creation of a mythical mech has hollowed out a small half of the heritage of the federal civilization, let alone the myth?


   This time, the federal civilization has a request from Jiang Chen.



   There was no trace of ice or snow at the floating snow star at this time.

   Jiang Chen walked slowly.

   "After a while, it's time to consider leaving the federal civilization."

   Jiang Chen flashed through the mind of the elder Tai who brought him under the gate of "Shu Mountain".

   At that time.

   Jiang Chen was valued by a certain elder of "Shushan" because of his special fate.

   And the supreme elders of the ‘Shushan’ sect all possess the means to reach the sky, and they can turn the world upside down with a single thought, just like the gods.

   The Supreme Elder saw Jiang Chen’s aura from another world, knew that Jiang Chen was not a person in the world of Shushan, and asked Jiang Chen whether he was willing to reincarnate and completely become a creature in the world of Shushan?

   Regarding the great elder's value to Jiang Chen, as long as Jiang Chen is willing to thoroughly reincarnate all of the federal civilization and reincarnate in the world of ‘Shushan’, he may be able to directly become the inner gate of ‘Shushan’ and even the inheritance disciple.

   But unfortunately.

   Jiang Chen did not immediately agree.


   A trace of different colors crossed Jiang Chen's eyes.


   Jiang Chen stretched out his hand slowly, with his palm facing the sky, and gently held it.

   hum! ! !

   Nanfei flew out a fiery red long sword.


   Jiang Chen said softly again.

  哧! ! !

   A long sword white as snow in the north flashed away.

   "Blue Dragon!"

   hiss! ! !

   A blue wooden sword rises from the east.

   "White Tiger."

   A soft blue long sword from the west came in an instant.

   In an instant.

  Four long swords screamed on the falling snow star.

   "Four Elephant Sword Array!"

   Jiang Chen looked up at the sky, watching the colorful fairy light spread and spread across the falling snow stars.

   These four immortal swords were cast by Jiang Chen imitating the four suppression-level immortal swords of the sect of "Shushan".

   Although in terms of power, it is far inferior to the real Sixiang sword formation of'Shushan'.

   But within the federal civilization, it should be invincible.

"go with!"

   Jiang Chen pointed his right hand in a certain direction.


   The four-handed fairy sword turned into a four-color streamer, breaking through the air.


   The sky is beyond the blue star.

   The blood-red light fills almost every corner~www.ltnovel.com~ But in the depths of the blood-red light, a little light blue light is like a candle in the wind, which may be extinguished at any time.

   "How can you be so strong?!"

   "How can you be so strong?!!!"

   Oliver looked unwilling, and stared at the figure standing with his hands.

   The gap is too big.

   If it wasn't for "Sun Ming"'s thoughts of cats and mice, he would have been crushed by Oliver.

   "It's time to end."

   Li Si's eyes were indifferent.

   The mythical mecha division of federal civilization, that's it.

   Just when Li Si was about to completely kill Oliver.

   hum! ! !

   deep in the starry sky.

   There was a sudden sound of swords.

   I saw four huge long swords of different colors shoot out.

"this is?"

   Li Si raised his head and looked at the four huge long swords.

at the same time.

   Datang World.

  In the Hall of Longevity.

   Li Si closed his eyes slightly and sat on the throne of the dragon chair.

   "The fairy sword?"

   "How can federal civilization have fairy swords?"

   Li Si suddenly opened his eyes, his expression flashed with surprise.

  :. :

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