Summon the Mythical Emperor of the World

Chapter 561: "Sun Ming" in desperate situation!

Inside the longevity hall.

   Li Si shared the perspective of "Sun Ming" far away in the federal civilization, and naturally he immediately noticed the four huge swords that were rushing forward.


   If Li Si was right.

   These four colored giant swords are the unique fairy swords in the world of Xianxia.

   Thinking of this, Li Si frowned slightly.

   Federal civilization is a world that takes the road of science and technology.

   And the fairy sword is the product that the world of fairy tales can be born.

   The two were originally impossible to mix together.

   "Could it be..."

   Between the electric light and the flint, Li Si's mind turned ill, and he speculated some possibility.

   "Is it the source of the fourth natural disaster?"

   Li Si stands with his hands behind, thinking in his eyes.

   After searching for the soul of ‘Sun Ming’, Li Si knew that it had been hundreds of years since the Federal Civilization had captured the meteorite from outside the sky.

   For hundreds of years, the Federal Civilization has explored many worlds through this alien meteorite.

   There are some fairy-like side worlds in it.

   And these four giant swords are very likely to be the harvest of the federal civilization from those fairy-xia worlds.

   Li Si did not know, about the world of "Shushan", about the mythical mecha division ranked number one.

   After all, both of these belong to the secrets of federal civilization.

   The former is the only S-class world recognized by the Federal Civilization before the discovery of the Tang world.

   The latter once more bloodbathed the Supreme House.

   In addition, the identity of the mythical mecha is a secret, far from being accessible to ordinary people like Sun Ming.

   But even so.

   Li Si still inferred the origin of these five giant swords through various clues.


   The corners of Li Si's mouth raised, and a smile appeared.

   At this moment, Li Si also noticed that these five huge flying swords shot quickly, and there was a faint electric current on the sword body.

   These four immortal swords are no longer purely fragmented immortal swords, but combined with the federal civilization and technology, they present ultimate moves that are fully adapted to this world.

   just when Li Si was thinking about it.

   Oliver, who was on his way to the end, also noticed the four great swords.

   "It's Jiang Chen!"

   There was ecstasy on Oliver's face.

   As one of the top ten mythical mecha divisions of the Federal Civilization, Oliver naturally knew Jiang Chen's existence and also knew Jiang Chen's horror.

   Several years ago, the Commonwealth Civilization was attacked by a group of star behemoths and suffered heavy losses.

   The ‘king’ of these behemoths in the starry sky is so powerful that even the ordinary mythical mechs can’t help each other.

Just at this time.

   passing by nearby Jiang Chen shot.

   The same four giant swords directly cut the king of the star behemoth into two pieces.

   Because of this, the federal civilization avoided huge losses.

   Otherwise, if these giant star beasts are allowed to ravage, I am afraid it will cause unimaginable consequences.

   At that time.

   Oliver was also present.

   witnessed the fierce power of these four giant swords.

   The aura of shattering everything made Oliver tremble in his heart until this moment.


   Li Si glanced slightly, looked at Oliver with an excited face, and randomly raised his right hand and pressed it.

   hum! ! !

   The blood is overwhelming.

   turned into blood dragon after blood, swallowing towards Oliver.

"Do not!!!"

   Oliver's scalp exploded, directly detonating the energy source, and the entire mecha turned into a metal sphere, fleeing towards the depths of the starry sky.


   Li Si didn't mean to chase.

   Even in front of Li Si at this moment, Oliver is just a commodity that can be killed easily.

   What's more, the deity Li Si who is far away in the Datang world?

   When the world coordinates are locked and the gate of the world runs through, even if there are one hundred or one thousand Olivers, it will be hard to stop Datang Bingfeng.


   Now Li Si is interested in the four-handed fairy sword.

   Li Si rolled his eyes and looked at the four giant swords that were approaching.

   And this scene.

   was also seen by the Supreme Court.

   "Jiang Chen has become stronger again."

   "Yes, these four great swords, but it took four resource stars of my federal civilization to be cast."

   "Really incredible."

   "I am afraid that only the monks in the world of Shushan have the means to train so many raw materials into a giant sword."

   "You said, can'Sun Ming' block Jiang Chen's blow?"

   "Block it? How is it possible? I admit that'Sun Ming' relying solely on the flesh to suppress the mythical mecha division is indeed incredible."

   "But who is Jiang Chen?"

   "Ten years ago, Jiang Chen was able to suppress nine mythical mecha divisions with one enemy to nine. As for now, no one knows how strong Jiang Chen is."


   Supreme House.

   Many congressmen looked at the huge screen and talked in low voices.

  As the congressmen spoke, their tone became relaxed again, and they looked at "Sun Ming" as if they were looking at a dead person.


   In the eyes of all the congressmen, ‘Sun Ming’ is indeed no different from the dead.

   At this point, even the dignified elder who is the supreme leader does not feel surprised.

after all.

  For everyone on the court.

   Jiang Chen himself has been deified.

at the same time.

   The four giant swords representing the four elephants have already arrived in no time.

   The four-color giant sword burst out with monstrous might, and slashed down towards Li Si.


   The fire and feng shui shocked.

   seems to want to repeat the chaos.


   "Want to kill me?"

   A trace of contempt crossed Li Si's eyes.


   Endless blood glow erupted from Li Si's body, and the surging true essence boiled like the sea, hanging upside down in the starry sky like a sky.

   "The Devil Lord lives!"

   Li Si slowly raised his right hand, as if incarnate as a demon master who dominates the world, with a terrible magical power exuding all over his body.

   [Tian Mo Ce] Cultivating to the extreme depths, Li Si is a demon.

   rumbling! ! !

   The finger of Li Si collided with the tip of the four-color giant sword.

   In an instant.

The terrifying magical energy and the power of the four elephants continue to entangle and A mighty wave of waves spreads in all directions, even a planet, as long as it is swept by this wave , It will be silently shattered.

   after a moment.

   The four-color giant swords gathered together suddenly separated.

   was transformed into a four-handed giant sword again, sealed off around Li Si, the earth, fire, wind and water cycle endlessly, confining Li Si to death.


   "'Sun Ming' didn't die?"

   "He actually blocked Jiang Chen's blow?"

   The eyes of many congressmen almost stared out.

   They never dreamed that the Four Elephant Giant Sword, which they had placed so much hope in, would turn out to be a disadvantage?

   "What opportunity did this son get in Datang World?"

  Countless lawmakers stared at Li Si in disbelief.

   At this moment, a thought suddenly arisen in their hearts, if'Sun Ming' does not die, given time, it might be another Jiang Chen.

   Thinking of this, the councilors look ugly.

  A Jiang Chen has already suppressed them. If there is another ‘Sun Ming’, the Supreme Court will just cancel it.

   "What is it?"

   At this moment, the dignified old man said in a deep voice.

   "Blocking a blow does not mean blocking the second, third, and fourth blows."

   The majestic old man's eyes are calm, as if he is holding a winning ticket.

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