Datang World.

   African continent.

   Li Si turned his eyes and fell on Hei Yan.

  According to the original tactics, when Zhuge Kongming protected the other side of the world gate, Heiyan then took the initiative to defeat the first wave of federal civilization.

   With Heiyan's talent and magical powers, it was more than enough to complete the task that Li Si gave him.

   "Your Majesty."

   "Subordinates are one step ahead."

   Hei Yan's voice just fell, he suddenly soared into the sky, turned into a black real dragon nearly a thousand meters long, and rushed towards the gate of the world.


at the same time.

   Federal Civilization.

   Outside the gate of the world.

   Just when Oliver was considering whether to escape from this place immediately.

next moment.

   Including Oliver, all the mecha divisions saw an unforgettable scene.

   Boom! ! !

   I saw a huge dragon head, and suddenly rushed out of the door of the world.


  The huge dragon body of nearly a kilometer completely manifested in the eyes of Oliver and other mecha.

"what is that?"

   hasn't waited for the mechanics to relax.

Roar! ! ! ! !

   I saw a roar of the black real dragon, and the terrifying Longwei went crazy in all directions.

   "Supernatural powers! Law is like heaven and earth!!!"

   Black flame's huge dragon eyes have no feelings at all, they directly use their talents and supernatural powers.


   Black Flame's dragon body swells rapidly, as if it never ends.

   In a short amount of time, Hei Yan already possesses a volume the size of several planets, and it can't even accommodate eight formations.

   And this moment.

  Oliver and other mecha divisions who were secretly observing in the distance were completely stunned.

   They looked at the black real dragon that was the size of several planets, and their whole bodies began to tremble violently.

   Even the king of the star behemoth that plundered the federal civilization back then is only one-tenth the size of a planet.

   But even so, the federal civilization paid a huge price in order to suppress the king of the star behemoth, and the first-ranked mythical mecha master Jiang Chen took the initiative to completely solve the catastrophe.

   But now?

   Compared with the real black dragon whose body is comparable to the size of several planets, the king of the star behemoth might not even be able to look up.

"How can it be?!"

"How can it be?!"

   "How could such creatures exist in the universe."

   Oliver muttered to himself, staring blankly.

   And this time.

   Hei Yan left the enveloped area of ​​the Eight Formation Chart, and completely unfolded the huge dragon body.

   The horrible Dragon Power continues to spread, like a sacred mountain, pressing in the hearts of Oliver and other mecha divisions.


   Hei Yan seemed to notice something.

   The huge dragon eyes burned with black flames, and glanced at the mecha divisions lurking around.


   All the mecha masters who were watched by Hei Yan slammed their bodies and quickly burned with black flames.

   The black flame just ignited, and even a moment has not passed. These mechas, which the mecha divisions claimed to be indestructible, dissolved in an instant, burned into blue smoke, and dissipated in the cosmic stars.




  With Hei Yan's eyes further and further away.

   One after another black flames suddenly rose.

   Every black flame that rises represents the disappearance of a mecha.

   In front of this black flame, the mecha divisions who can smash the stars are as fragile as ants.


   "You run away!"

   "Disperse and run away!!!"

   Oliver saw this scene, his scalp exploded in an instant, and a life-and-death crisis that far surpassed'Sun Ming' came to his heart.

   Oliver knew clearly.

   In front of "Sun Ming", he can at least struggle for a while.

   In front of this terrifying black dragon, especially the terrible black flame, Oliver is probably no different from those mechas who were burned into blue smoke.


   The remaining mecha divisions also realized the seriousness of the matter, immediately burned the energy source, and rushed away in a certain direction.



   It's too late.

   Hei Yan's eyes have already looked over.


   Oliver faintly felt a kind of scorching heat.

   In the face of this scorching heat, the mythical mech he was driving started to melt away.

"Do not!!!"

   Oliver roared up to the sky, and the endless energy was burned to resist the sudden heat.


   No matter how Oliver struggles, under Black Flame's talent, Dragon Flame, he can't even delay the moment.

   "If I were at the peak, it would have been impossible to be so easy..."

   Oliver turned his head abruptly and looked at the real black dragon the size of several planets.

next moment.

   A black flame rose.

   Oliver melted completely and disappeared into the stars.

   As Oliver fell, the other mecha divisions who had just escaped also turned into a plume of smoke.

   A short moment.

   Dozens of mecha divisions, including one myth, three legendary mecha divisions all died.

   "It's so boring."

   "They are all weak bugs."

   The huge black flame of the dragon slowly walked around the gate of the world, constantly wandering in all directions.


   Just when Heiyan entered the federal civilization.


   Jiang Chen sitting cross-legged opened his eyes.

   Around Jiang Chen, four fairy swords kept rising and falling.

   The sword body of the fairy sword, those terrifying cracks, are slowly healing.

   As the outer disciple of "Shu Mountain" and the mythical mecha master of the federal civilization, Jiang Chen perfectly combines the path of mecha and monk.

   To some extent, Jiang Chen has already made up for most of the flaws in the mecha division's path.

"this is?"

   "Dragon breath?"

   Jiang Chen seemed to feel incredible things, looking at the sky blue star in disbelief.

   "How could there be dragons in this world?"

   Between the electric light and the flint, Jiang Chen flashed an unbelievable If the dragon clan appeared in the world of'Shushan', Jiang Chen wouldn't be surprised.

   But federal civilization...

   Federal civilization has no illusion of dragon growth at all.


   Unless this dragon is from another world.

   Thinking of this, Jiang Chen suddenly got up.

   The four fairy swords floating around him rose into the sky and turned into a four-color giant sword.

   And Jiang Chen stood on the tip of the four-color giant sword, walking with the sword, leaving the floating snow star.


   The main star of federal civilization.

   Many parliamentarians are sitting on the high platform.

   The majestic old man is still making a passionate speech.

   "Citizens, in the future mecha, our federal civilization will usher in a new era, an era that only exists in fantasy."

   The words of the majestic old man seemed to contain a strange magic power, which made people unable to help listening.

   And these words said by the majestic old man were broadcast to every life planet under the federal civilization.


at this time.

   The majestic old man stopped suddenly.

   "The highest urgency message?"

   The majestic old man frowned, clicked on the message and started watching.

  :. :

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