The main star of the Federation.

The dignified old man, who had been extremely excited, stopped speaking.


"excuse me."

The majestic old man smiled apologetically towards the camera on the broadcasting platform, and then hurriedly left.

next moment.

Screen switching.

A tall woman appeared and began to ease the atmosphere.


The majestic old man clicked on the message that was continuously flashing in red font, and he saw the word'invasion' at first glance.

The majestic old man frowned.

Are you kidding me?

The federal civilization controls thousands of planets, and is the well-deserved starry overlord of the nearby star field.

but now.

Someone actually activated the highest emergency message and told an enemy to invade the federal civilization?

This is simply a fantasy!

If the federal civilization is so easily invaded and eaten up by other starry sky tribes, how could it be today?

Are the mecha divisions who really dominate the stars in the federal civilization are dead?


When the majestic old man read all the content in the message, he fell silent.

Beyond the sky blue stars.

A huge and majestic illusory ‘door’ house.

And black real dragons comparable to the size of several planets.

All of this is telling the dignified old man that the so-called "invasion" is true.

Especially when the majestic old man saw that dozens of mecha divisions, including three legendary mecha divisions, who had been patrolling near the sky blue star, and even the mythical mecha division Oliver who rushed there, had lost contact, and his heart faintly rose. .

The communication technology of federal civilization is extremely developed.

Each mecha is equipped with the most advanced communication equipment of the federal civilization to ensure that it can establish contact with the outside world at all times.

In this case, ‘lost connection’ means fall.

Only when the mecha division is completely fallen and the mecha suffers a devastating blow, will the contact with the outside world be severed.

Otherwise, it is absolutely impossible for a scene of "lost contact" to occur.

And now.

Dozens of mecha divisions are "lost", among them there are even three legends, a mythical mecha division.

Especially the mythical mechanic Oliver, who is still standing behind the majestic old man

Thinking of this, the majestic old man's expression immediately became gloomy.


No matter how angry in my heart.

The majestic old man still did not act rashly.

Although for so many years, the federal civilization has swept through everything, giving the majestic elders the illusion of arrogance.

But for so many years in a high position, the majestic old man still possesses the most basic vigilance.

Without knowing the enemy's strength, acting rashly is the most stupid way.

The dignified old man quickly walked to the back of the high platform, looked at the many congressmen, and said solemnly, "Convene an emergency meeting."

After a while.

In the largest hall on the main star.

Many congressmen sat there, waiting for the dignified old man to speak.

The well-informed congressmen naturally also received about the invasion.

Therefore, the atmosphere in the hall at this moment exudes a touch of depression.

Under this circumstance, even those parliamentarians who don't know anything are aware of the seriousness of the matter and sit in their positions honestly.

"All right."

"As for what happened near the Sky Blue Star, someone on the court must have known it."

The majestic old man looked around and said.

The voice of the majestic old man just fell.

On the front screen of the hall, a scene suddenly appeared.

What is shown on the screen is exactly near the sky blue star.

I saw a huge and towering ‘gate’ looming.

The inside of the ‘door’ is misty, as if connected to a big world.

Around the'door' house, the space is faintly distorted, as if shrouded in an unknown force field.

In addition.

What shocked all the parliamentarians most was the huge and majestic outdoor surface of the ‘door’, with a black real dragon the size of several planets.

This black real dragon slowly wandered around the ‘door’ households, a terrifying dragon power, as if through the screen, pressing on all the members.

"what is this?"

Some congressman swallowed, his expression was amazed.

"Is it some kind of star behemoth?"

Another congressman guessed.

In the hearts of legislators, only the star behemoth can have such a shocking size.

"Star behemoth?"

The majestic old man shook his head and slowly said, "I don't know if it is a giant star beast, but Oliver lost contact near here."

The majestic old man did not mention the other three legendary mecha divisions who lost contact, and dozens of ordinary mecha divisions.

Because it is not necessary.

Whether it is a legendary mecha division or an ordinary mecha division, it is nothing to the federal civilization.

Only the mythical mecha division is the foundation of federal civilization.

The fall of any mythical mecha division is enough to make the Commonwealth civilization hurt.


"Oliver lost contact?"

"The communication positioning equipment installed in the Mythical Mech is the latest research and development result of our Federation. How can it be lost?"

"Leader, what do you mean?"

The field suddenly exploded.

But soon some congressmen realized what the majestic old man wanted to express.


"According to the'Intelligent Brain', the probability of Oliver's fall exceeds 99.9%."

"And the culprit that caused Oliver's fall is it."

Speaking of this, the majestic old man looked at the black real dragon on the screen.

In an instant.

The court fell into dead silence.

All the MPs looked solemn.

Seeing this scene, the majestic old man continued, "Nine minutes ago, the mecha team patrolling nearby had sent back news."

"The exact time this'door' appeared was 544 seconds ago, and only three seconds after the'door' appeared, it was shrouded in an unknown force field."

"Immediately after, it rushed out of the'door', and then Oliver lost contact."

In just a few words, the dignified elders have made the members of the court roughly understand what their federal civilization is facing at this moment.

"This is an invasion!"

"This'gate' household is probably connected to another world, and now, that world wants to invade my federal civilization!"

The words of the majestic old man, like a thorn, pierced into the hearts of all the members.

The congressmen looked ugly.

In fact.

Before seeing this ‘door’ household, some members of the court had speculation in this regard.


"what should I do now?"

The congressman who spoke at the beginning couldn't help asking.


"We must destroy this ‘door’ household as quickly as possible."

The majestic old man categorically cut the railway.

If it is really what he said, this ‘gate’ is a passage connecting the two worlds, then the urgent task of the federal civilization is to destroy it.


If it continues to delay.

God knows what monsters will come out of that ‘door’ indoors!

" destroy this'gate' household, I have no opinion, just how to solve it?"

A congressman looked heavy and looked at the real black dragon on the screen.

"Not bad."

"What is this thing?"

"My federal civilization hasn't appeared yet?"

"Yes, no one of the 18,000 starry behemoths recorded by the Federation matches it."

Many parliamentarians talked.


Just when the lawmakers discussed Hei Yan.

A faint voice suddenly sounded, echoing in everyone's ears.

"It's a dragon."

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