"According to the purpose."

A panic and murderous intent rose from the depths of Bai Qi's eyes, his figure flashed and disappeared in place.

When Bai Qi appeared again, he was already standing in front of the door of the world, and then stepped forward into the door.

When Zhang Jiao, Yan Ling Ji and other gods and demons saw this scene, they also followed closely and entered the gate of the world.

"The source of the fourth natural disaster..."

"I hope you don't let me down..."

Li Si stood with his hand holding his hand, a trace of strange color across his eyes.

The source of the fourth natural disaster lies in the federal civilization. This is a fact that Li Si has determined.


In order to be foolproof, Li Si will not directly intervene in the war between Datang World and Federal Civilization before the source of the fourth natural disaster appears.

after all.

Li Si did not know how much the source of the fourth natural disaster at this moment had recovered.

In the unlikely event that the opponent suddenly makes a move when Li Si enters the federal civilized world and accumulates his strength, Li Si is very likely to be planted on it.

The more he browsed through the time and space memory of the "Lord God", the more Li Si understood how terrifying the existence of the heavens and the sky such as the "Lord God" and the source of the fourth natural disaster was.

Had it not been for the ‘main god’ to be hit hard, and Li Si’s surprise and approach to the ‘main god’, I’m afraid it would not have been included in the system.



Federal civilization.

The orders of the Supreme House were delivered very quickly.

Almost as soon as the space warships were assembled, on every planet of life, all federal citizens received the news that they were forbidden to leave their home planet.

"Any citizen shall not leave the planet for any reason."

When this news spread completely, all federal citizens suddenly exploded.

"What is it?"

"Forbid me to leave the planet?"

"Why? My elder is very sick, waiting to see me for the last time, you tell me not to leave?"

"I want to report, report your abuse of power and imprison civil liberties!!"

Countless federal citizens are boiling.

They never expected that they would receive such domineering news?

You know, the federal civilization tourism industry is extremely developed, and trillions of federal tourists enter and leave the planet every day.

This prohibition of leaving directly makes it difficult for many citizens to understand.


A small number of federal citizens faintly felt something was wrong.

The supreme leader hurriedly left in the middle of the speech, and then passed this order. If there is no connection, the fool would not believe it.

Just when most of the citizens were preparing to march and demonstrate, a small number of citizens were thinking wildly.

The Supreme Chamber once again delivered the next message.

Regarding the source of this order.

Wartime alert status regulations!


All federal citizens paled.

Wartime alert status regulations?

What is the wartime alert state regulations?

Regulations that will be used in wars involving the survival of the Federation.

Under this ordinance, the Federation will take over everything, and even have the right to sacrifice certain planets in exchange for the chance of a federal civilization to survive.

The hearts of countless federal citizens trembled.

They never expected that this would be the result.

Generally speaking, when the wartime alert state regulations are used, it means that the federal civilization is facing life and death.

In other words.

These federal citizens, at this moment can only pray for the victory of the war won by the federal civilization.


If the federal civilization fails, the fate of these citizens can be imagined.


Near the sky blue star.

Several mythical mecha divisions headed by Jiang Chen stood under the starry sky, looking at the black true dragon that was the size of several planets in the distance.

"Long Wei is so pure, the blood should be very rich!"

A trace of excitement flashed across Jiang Chen's eyes.

"If I can subdue it, my status in'Shushan' will definitely be greatly improved, and even become the first true biography!"

Jiang Chen thought silently in his heart.

Although all the disciples of "Shushan" inheritance are qualified to be master teachers, they are also divided into four, five and six classes.

Among them, the first true transmission has the highest status and has the most abundant spiritual resources.

Generally speaking, the first true biography is the most likely to inherit the ‘Shushan’ leadership.

"Jiang Chen."

"What shall we do now?"

At this moment, a mythical mecha master with a touch of golden light all over his body asked in a low voice.

The aura that this mythical mecha master freely exudes is far stronger than Oliver, and even close to Jiang Chen at this moment.

"Very simple."

"Before the space fleet arrives, I will wait to join forces and suppress it together."

Jiang Chen's eyes flickered, and he said.

Even Jiang Chen couldn't ignore this mythical mecha master who exuded golden light all over his body.

"it is good!"

Jinmang mythical mecha nodded slightly.

"After a while, I will set up the Four Elephant Sword Array to counteract Longwei, and you will shoot directly at that time."

Jiang Chen said slowly.

Longwei is the natural supernatural power of the dragons, able to suppress all spirits in the world.

Even the mythical mecha division is in this list, suppressed by Longwei.

With the dragon power that Heiyan currently reveals, even the mythical mecha masters on the field in their peak state will be suppressed by 30%.

next moment.

Jiang Chen stepped forward and stepped on Qixing.

"Blue Dragon."


"White Tiger."


In an instant, four huge fairy swords rose into the sky.

The breath of horror permeated all directions, the starry sky of the universe.

"Four Elephant Sword Array, smelt everything!"

Jiang Chen spread his hands, and the four huge fairy swords immediately blended into the starry sky.


A faint four-color color appeared slowly in the starry sky.

The dragon power that has been pressing on the mythical mecha divisions began to slowly weaken until it disappeared.

"Finally I can shoot without scruples."

A blood-red mythical mecha man looked into the distance with a grin, his body turned into a **** light.

Every mythical mecha has a different personality.

And this mythical mecha division likes to kill.

Had it not been for his profound background, he was the only son of the previous federal leader, I am afraid it would be absolutely impossible to be qualified to control the mythical mech.

"Shoot together."

The Jinmang Mythical Mecha Division also turned into a golden light, fleeing towards Heiyan.

The other mythical mecha divisions glanced at each other, and also followed.

Fleeting time.

Only Jiang Chen was left on the court.

Jiang Chen couldn't get out because he wanted to host the Sixiang sword formation.

You can only watch both sides fight from here~www.ltnovel.com~ Under the suppression of the Four Elephant Sword Array, and cooperate with the six mythical mecha divisions, even the monks who cross the Tribulation Period may fall! "

Jiang Chen thought silently in his heart.

And at the moment when the colors of four colors emerged.

Hei Yan, who was looking down, suddenly opened his huge dragon eyes.

"A bug is here again."

Hei Yan's eyes slowly turned, looking at the rays of light that came from swiftly.

"In that case."

"You all go to die!!"

A hint of sarcasm flashed across the black flame expression.

"Supernatural powers, black flames of purgatory!!!"

Hei Yan raised his head and roared, a black flame that seemed to come from purgatory, burning the starry sky and melting everything.

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