Under the stars.

The black flame is boundless.

The six mythical mecha masters rushing towards Heiyan condensed and immediately stopped flying.

"This flame is not a physical attack, but a spiritual attack?"

Jinmang mythical mecha division's complexion changed, as if facing an enemy.

With the strength of the mythical mecha, even the most powerful physical attack can withstand a moment, but the mental attack...

The psychic attack is invisible and quality, and can directly pass through the mecha and fall on the mecha master himself.

Although scholars and experts of the Federal Civilization continue to study ways to counteract the psychic attack, in fact they have not had any good results.

The easiest way to resist mental attacks is to resist.

Resist, live.

Can't resist, die.


In front of the endless black flames, no mythical mecha division on the field can pat his chest, threatening to carry it.

"what should I do now?"

The face of the mythical mecha with blood all over was ugly.

If it weren't for the boundless black flames and faintly surrounding them, I'm afraid he would be thinking about how to retreat now.

Such a huge psychic attack restrained these mecha divisions to death.

Mecha division is certainly strong.

But this strength is not without its flaws.

"Just try this method."

The Jinmang mythical mecha master gritted his teeth and raised his right hand, an invisible and intangible energy wave dissipated in all directions.

"This is antimatter?"

There was a mythical mechanic who seemed to recognize something, and asked in a deep voice.


"Antimatter weapons have always been the top priority of my federal research."

"Unfortunately, it has not been popularized in the fleet and has been fully utilized."

Jinmang Mythical Mechanic nodded slightly and said.

In the opinion of the scholars and experts of Federal Civilization, the universe and starry sky, whether material or spiritual, is divided into two parts.

One part is positive matter.

Normally displayed in the eyes of the world, it is all positive matter.

The other is antimatter.

Positive matter and antimatter can cancel each other out.

And at the moment.

The Jinmang mythical mecha division can only be a dead horse as a living horse doctor, using immature anti-matter weapons here.

"I hope it's useful."

"If it's useless, I can only let Jiang Chen find a way."

The Jinmang mythical mecha division stared at the surroundings, paying attention to all the movements.

Hum! ! !

After a while.

The black flame that has been permeating, as if encountering some obstacle, began to dissipate.

"it works!!"

The look of Jinmang mythical mecha-man was lifted.


The Jinmang Mythical Mecha Division once again threw out some anti-matter, forcibly opening up the channel with Heiyan.



Hei Yan didn't care too much.

Although the magical purgatory black flame is powerful, it is not invincible.


A huge energy wave blasted on the body of the black flame dragon.

But unfortunately.

This power was enough to wipe out a star, and even a scale of Hei Yan did not penetrate.

"Nice attack."

Heiyan's huge dragon eyes turned and landed on a certain mythical mecha master.

"not good!!!"

The mythical mecha division was shocked and backed away frantically.


next moment.

Roar! ! ! ! ! !

A dragon roar resounding through the stars came.

The terrifying sound waves, like magic sounds, stopped the minds of several mythical mecha masters for an instant.

And the mythical mecha master who was the target of Longyin banged and exploded.



Supreme House.

Many parliamentarians are paying attention to this fight.

Including Jiang Chen, a total of seven mythical mecha divisions joined forces to take the lead in solving the black true dragon and then destroy the gate of the world.

This fight, to some extent, is related to the future of federal civilization.

If the gate of the world is successfully destroyed, then everything will be fine.

If it fails.


No congressman wants to think about the consequences.

Because if it fails.

Waiting for the federal civilization will be the real war between the two realms.

And it's still the kind of war between the two realms where the federal civilization has a high probability of losing.

If even the seven mythical mecha divisions joined forces, they couldn't stop each other, and the congressmen would not have thought that his federal civilization would have any means to resist.

"only hope."

"Not the worst result."

The majestic old man sighed in his heart.

Today's federal civilization is completely unprepared for war with another world.

At this time.

A congressman looked directly at the screen and suddenly shouted: "It's started."

it has started.

Many parliamentarians were shocked.

"Oh my God."

"This black flame is terrifying."

"Can several mythical mecha divisions be able to resist it?"

A look of worry appeared on the faces of the parliamentarians.

It wasn't until the Jinmang Mythical Mecha Division threw out the anti-matter to offset each other with the black flames, that the councillors on the field were greatly relieved.


I haven't waited for these congressmen to react.

Roar! ! !

A dragon roar seemed to penetrate the screen in front of them and fell in the ears of the councillors.


Under the incredible eyes of many congressmen, one of the mythical mecha divisions exploded.

The audience was silent.

The faces of all the parliamentarians are full of incredible.

They didn't even dream of it, and it didn't take long before a mythical mecha division fell.

This is a mythical mecha!

The entire federal civilization can only make up ten.

Add Oliver who fell before.

In this short period of half a day, the federal civilization lost two mythical mecha divisions.

This kind of loss can be said to exceed any loss in the history of federal civilization.

And at the moment.

On the battlefield.

Although a mythical mecha division has fallen.

The remaining five mythical mecha divisions became more cautious.

He didn't dare to come into direct contact with Hei Yan at all.


"The spirit of the four elephants, bondage!!"

A voice suddenly sounded.

Immediately after.

Above the black inflammation.

Four huge fairy swords emerged.

The fairy sword rotates, and a terrifying suppression force emerges.

"All shot."

Jiang Chen's figure suddenly appeared, looked at Hei Yan, and said solemnly.

In an instant.

The remaining five mythical mecha divisions immediately woke up, joined forces instantly, and a terrifying energy fluctuation quickly condensed.

"Damn it."

A trace of anger flashed through the huge black eyes of the dragon.

Under the spirit of the four elephants, even he was restrained for a while.

In fact, this is also normal.

You know, Hei Yan's true realm is nothing but five heavenly gods and demons.

Even with the talent of the dragon clan supernatural powers, it can only be compared to the six heavenly gods and demons.

The six mythical mecha divisions on the field, Jiang Chen, Jinmang mythical mecha division, and blood light mythical mecha division, are all comparable to the six heavenly gods and demons.

Coupled with the containment of other mythical mecha divisions.

Hei Yan was able to kill a mythical mecha division, which was already extremely terrifying.

"Set it for me!!!"

Four huge fairy swords appeared in the depths of Jiang Chen's pupils.

And the attacks of the remaining five mythical mecha divisions were about to fall on Hei Yan.


Hei Yan roared, and Hei Yan ignited again on the huge dragon body.

"It's too late~www.ltnovel.com~ Jiang Chen looked calm and faintly revealed excitement.

Just when Jiang Chen was preparing to cooperate with the five mythical mecha divisions to severely injure Black Flame.

Bang! ! !

There was a slight noise.


An unprecedented crisis suddenly appeared in Jiang Chen's mind.

The next moment, Jiang Chen suddenly raised his head and looked at the huge ‘door’ house in the distance.

I saw a soldier wearing silver armor in front of the empty ‘door’.

At the moment of seeing the silver armor soldiers.

Jiang Chen only felt that the world had changed.

A layer of Scarlet Domain was misty and shrouded.

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