"this is?"

When the misty **** realm came, Jiang Chen only felt as if he was in a quagmire, and every action required a lot of energy.

In addition.

Jiang Chen also vaguely sensed that his spirit was fading at a terrifying speed, and he was swallowed by the Scarlet Domain.

At this rate.

At most ten minutes, Jiang Chen’s blood will be sucked up.

At that time, even if no one did it, Jiang Chen would completely lose the ability to resist.

"What kind of magic is this?"

Jiang Chen was frightened and angry.

This kind of forcibly plundering the spirits and spirits of others, even in the world of'Shushan', only the powerful'Blood Demon' can do it.

It's not just Jiang Chen.

Several other mythical mecha divisions also noticed something wrong.

Compared to Jiang Chen, these mythical mecha divisions are even more unbearable. If they were not in the Four Elephant Sword Formation and had a slight resistance to the Scarlet Domain, they might have been hit hard immediately.

"Jiang Chen."

"what should I do now?"

The headed Jinmang Mythical Mecha Division asked in a low voice.

"How to do?"

Jiang Chen swept his eyes and gradually got rid of the black flames of the Sixiang sword formation, a trace of unwillingness appeared on his face: "Retreat!!!"

Jiang Chen's voice just fell.


I saw that the silver armored soldier who had just walked out of the huge ‘door’ house raised his right hand and grabbed it towards Jiang Chen and others.


The Scarlet Field is boiling.

Countless **** auras gathered to form a giant palm that slowly fell.

"Four elephants and five elements, for my use!"

When Jiang Chen saw this scene, his eyes lit up with dazzling white light, and he could no longer see his pupils and eyeballs clearly.


Jiang Chen suddenly let out a low drink.

Hum! ! !

Four huge fairy swords suddenly appeared around Jiang Chen.

The fairy swords stood in the four directions of the southeast, the northwest, and suddenly burst into a terrifying brilliance.

The four colors of green, red, blue and white are like four big stars, bursting out endless energy fluctuations.


The blood-colored giant palm pressed down by the silver armored soldier fell into a certain glue with these four huge fairy swords.

"Don't do anything."


Jiang Chen had better glance at Hei Yan, who had almost completely escaped.

Just a little bit.

It's really only this point.

If the silver armored soldiers came so late, he might have recovered the dragon clan.

When the remaining mythical mecha master heard the words, his heart tightened, and without hesitation, he turned into a brilliance and fleeed toward the depths of the starry sky.

Even the strongest Jiang Chen feels that things cannot be done, do they stay and wait for death?

Upon seeing this, Jiang Chen also turned into a sword light and fleeed away.


at this time.

An extremely domineering voice suddenly sounded in the ears of Jiang Chen and others who had escaped thousands of miles away.

"Want to go?"

"Have you ever asked the old man?"

I saw a figure filled with the three airs of heaven, earth and human beings walking out of the towering ‘door’ house and glanced at Jiang Chen and his group coldly.

"Tianyuan domain! Three points return to vitality!!!"

Within tens of feet of this overbearing figure, a layer of milky white domain suddenly emerged.

The milky white field vibrates endlessly, turning into a concentrated energy ball.

Rumble! ! !

This energy ball blasted directly towards Jiang Chen and others.

Jiang Chen and his team are extremely fast, especially Jiang Chen, as a peerless genius who integrates immortality cultivation and technology, even among the younger generation of'Shushan', his strength must be ranked in the top three, comparable to a peak leader.

If it wasn't because Jiang Chen was not a native creature in the world of "Shushan", it would definitely not be just an outside disciple.

'Shushan' has strict requirements on his disciples. Although Jiang Chen possesses a rare fate and is favored by a certain elder of'Shushan', just a person who is not in this world makes Jiang Chen hopeless to integrate 'Shushan'.

Unless Jiang Chen is willing to agree that the Supreme Elder will reincarnate in the world of "Shushan" and completely break away from the federal civilization.

But even so.

The vast majority of ‘shushan’ cultivation techniques and secrets that Jiang Chen browsed, combined with the technological mechas of the federal civilization, have exploded in strength that has reached the pinnacle of the six heavenly gods and demons, far surpassing the other mythical mecha divisions.


Even though Jiang Chen was the last one to leave, but within a moment, he sent out first and surpassed the mythical mecha divisions who fled first.




Whether it was Jiang Chen or other mythical mecha divisions, under the energy ball condensed by the three-point return to vitality, they all appeared extremely slow.

"not good!"

That energy ball arrived in a flash, continuously pulling the energy of the starry sky, and finally, comparable to a huge planet, fell towards Jiang Chen and his group.



The mythical mecha division who fell at the end suddenly let out a horrified sound. The next moment, the whole person was shattered and disappeared under the stars.

And after the fall of this mythical mecha, the remaining extremely mythical mecha turned pale.

Before today, they had never dreamed that the mythical mecha division with the supreme federal civilization would have such a fragile day.

"Jiang Chen, save me!!!"

These mythical mecha masters looked at Jiang Chen and screamed.

"Save you?"

Jiang Chen frowned slightly, fingered his right hand, and whispered: "The spirit of the four elephants, sickness!!!"

Hum! ! !

Four huge fairy swords appeared again around Jiang Chen.

Among them, the blue wooden sword that represented the East suddenly uttered a sword sound.

In an instant.

A light blue brilliance fell.

The speed of Jiang Chen's group suddenly skyrocketed.

"The world connected by the cross-border teleportation array is that world, and such level of power has appeared continuously."

After the rapid increase in speed, Jiang Chen looked calmer, thinking silently in his heart.

The stronger the opponent's world, the less likely it is to subdue the dragon clan.

At this point, Jiang Chen suddenly became a little anxious.


Just when Jiang Chen's thoughts were ups and downs.

Without even noticing, the outside world has already undergone huge changes.

The vast and infinite starry sky of the universe began to fade, replaced by a rising moon.

The size of this round moon is incredible, and it almost occupies most of the field of vision.

"not good!!!"

Jiang Chen woke up suddenly.

I saw a tall man wearing a black robe, hair shawl and indifferent eyes, standing under the huge full moon with his hands folded in front of him.


The tall man looked at Jiang Chen and his group.


The endless power of Taiyin is boiling.

It flooded every corner and even began to suppress Jiang Chen's Sixiang fairy sword.

Under the obstruction of the power of the yin, the speed of Jiang Chen and his party plummeted.

"you are?!"

Jiang Chen looked extremely ugly.

In terms of strength, Jiang Chen is not afraid of this tall man.


At this moment, how could Jiang Chen dare to delay anything?

If he was delayed for a while and let the group of powerful people behind catch up, Jiang Chen would have to fall to this place no matter how amazing he was.

"The spirit of the four elephants, break it to me!"

"Broken and broken!!!"

Jiang Chen's eyes were red.



I saw the four huge immortal swords on the sword body, quietly cracked a trail of traces.

Hum! ! !

An unprecedented spiritual power rises.

Under this spiritual power.

Jiang Chen and his party directly broke through the range covered by the full moon and returned to the starry sky of the universe.


The tall man standing under the full moon frowned.


The power of the yin gathers again.

The expressions of the two mythical mecha masters behind Jiang Chen changed, and their figures were suddenly dragged down.

"Lei Teng!!!"

Seeing this scene ~www.ltnovel.com~, Jinmang mythical mechas subconsciously wanted to lend a hand.

"It can't be saved."

Jiang Chen glanced at the Jinmang mythical mecha, and his speed increased again, like a prodigal dog, staying away frantically.

"Lei Teng."

The Jinmang Mythical Mechanic closed his eyes in pain.


In front of the gate of the world.

Dugu Sword Demon, Yan Ling Ji, Zhang Jiao and others walked out one by one.

They looked at Jiang Chen and others who had disappeared from the end of their sight, and were about to chase them.


A gentle voice came from inside the gate of the world.

"No need to chase."

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