"No need to chase."

When this voice sounded, whether it was the Dugu Sword Demon, Zhang Jiao, or Xiong Ba, they all bowed slightly toward the gate of the world.

"According to the purpose."

And at this moment.

The figure of the moon worshiper appeared.

"Catch two."

The moon worshiper raised his right hand.

Two figures wearing mechas staggered and appeared not far away.

"here is?"

Before the two mythical mecha divisions had time to rejoice that they were not dead, they saw the huge and majestic world gate.

"It's over..."

The hearts of the two mythical mechas were as cold as falling into the abyss.

If it falls in other places, it may be able to survive from desperation...

But at the gate of the world...

No matter how confident they are, they don't think they can escape from the enemy's nest.

"We surrender."

"Please spare my life."

The two mythical mecha divisions looked at each other and knelt on one knee without hesitation, and said in fear.

As a mythical mecha division, they are reluctant to die after enjoying the ultimate power in the world.

As long as it can survive, even if it is a surrender, it will not hesitate.


Yan Lingji was slightly taken aback.

She hadn't expected that the two of them were so neat and tidy that they knelt down without even thinking about it.

"His Majesty."

"How to deal with it?"

Zhang Jiao took a look at the two mythical mecha divisions, arched his hands towards the door of the world, and asked respectfully.

This scene was seen by two mythical mecha divisions, and their scalp exploded.

Although they have never seen Zhang Jiao make a move, since they can stand in this place, their strength must be terrifying, at least not weaker than the black real dragon and silver armored soldiers.

But it is such a pinnacle powerhouse who can crush the ordinary mythical mecha division, at this moment, he is even respectful, like seeing the supreme divine residence.

This shows what?

Zhang angle is too weak?



This shows how terrifying the person Zhang Jiao asked respectfully is!

To know.

The more powerful, the higher the status.

For example, the mythical mecha division of federal civilization.

Even those high-ranking federal congressmen are very nervous when facing a mythical mecha division, fearing that they will annoy the other party.

Even the supreme leader did not dare to force a mythical mecha division.

Because the mythical mecha division mastered the highest individual force of the federal civilization.

but now.

The two mythical mecha divisions finally realized what kind of enemy they were facing.

To be able to make Zhang Jiao so respectful and respectful, he must be a powerhouse far surpassing Zhang Jiao.

And in the face of such powerful people, does their federal civilization's resistance still make sense?

"Send in."

A faint voice rang in front of Zhang Jiao and others.

At the next moment, the two mythical mecha divisions did not react.

I feel the sky and the earth are dark.

Wait until they regain their vision.

I found that the surrounding sky was no longer in the universe.

But a vast continent, in front of them, also stood a majestic world gate.

"here is?"

The two mythical mecha divisions had a vague guess.


When they looked up, they saw a man standing with his hands.

The man's face was vague. Although he was just standing there quietly, he seemed to step on the world and everything under his feet. An imperial spirit overlooking the common people, even the stars of the universe were eclipsed.

"you are?"

The two mythical mechanics swallowed fiercely.

"Close your eyes."


An inexplicable whirlpool appeared in Li Si's eyes.

After a while.

Li Si waved his hand.

The two mythical mecha divisions were directly shattered.

"Outer meteorite?"

"And the world of'Shushan'?"

The content of the ‘search for soul’ just came up in Li Si's mind.

Compared with the common federal citizen ‘Sun Ming’, the secrets known by these two mythical mecha divisions naturally far exceed those of the former.

of course.

The focus of Li Si's attention was the outer meteorite captured by the federal civilization.

"According to the content of the'search for souls', the core of the meteorite was sealed in the depths of the Bundestag. Even the leader does not have the right to look at it alone."

"The reason for this result is that the meteorite core has a kind of magic that can manipulate the human heart?"

"Anyone who is close to the core of a meteorite for a long time may be affected by it."

Li Si's eyes were thoughtful.

From this alone, Li Si vaguely judged that the state of the source of the fourth natural disaster should not be very good.

Whether it's because you don't want to use the source, or go with the flow, the source of the fourth natural disaster does not completely control the Federation.


"Federal civilization still looks down on the source of the fourth natural disaster."

"As long as they use it to descend into other worlds one day, they are accumulating the source of the fourth natural disaster."

A sense of urgency suddenly rose in Li Si's heart.

A hundred years have passed since the federal civilization captured meteorites from the outer space.

In these hundred years, excluding the initial exploration time, the Commonwealth civilization descended into other worlds through the meteorite cortex, which lasted at least several decades.

These decades.

Countless citizens of the federal civilization fought day and night in another world, and probably ninety-nine percent of the gains they gained were taken away by the source of the fourth natural disaster.

But at present, how much strength the source of the fourth natural disaster has recovered, even if it is Li Si, it is not clear.


"Currently, the highest level world explored by the Federal Civilization, a world called'Shushan'..."

Li Si's eyes flashed.

In Li Si's memory, there is also information about the world of'Shushan'.

The world of'Shushan' is a world of immortals, and there are immortal cultivators in the world of imperial qi.

And the top powerhouses of the "Shushan" world, such as the ancestors of the white eyebrows, change the colors of the world and the earth with a single thought, which is extremely terrifying.


There is still an upper bound in the world of'Shushan'.

Even today's Li Si is jealous of the "Shushan" world.

In Li Si's view, the "Shushan" world is at least at the level of the small thousand world. As for the upper realm connected by the "Shushan" world, I am afraid it has reached the middle thousand world.

What is China Thousand World?

Except for the great world that will last forever.

Zhongqian World has already stood at the top of the world.


The foundation, Li Si, judging from the results of the ‘soul search’ of the two mythical mecha masters~www.ltnovel.com~The federal civilization seems to have little penetration into the world of ‘Shushan’?

Li Si changed his mind, but found that it was extremely normal.

The world of'Shushan' is no better than other small worlds.

The immortal cultivators in the world of'Shushan' are very good at the calculation of heaven.

The fourth natural disaster was terrifying, but the source of today's fourth natural disaster was severely damaged, and there was not much power that could be used at all, and it was impossible to hide the secrets of the heavens, and the group of powerful men who had concealed the world of "Shushan".

I am afraid that this group of people from the Federation Civilization just arrived in the world of "Shu Mountain", and they were discovered by the strong men of the "Shu Mountain" world.

"'Shushan' world..."

Li Si narrowed his eyes slightly.

No matter what the "Shushan" world is, the top priority today should be the federal civilization.

As for the "Shushan" world, it will not be too late to wait until the Tang Empire conquered the federal civilization.

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