Federal civilization.

Supreme House.

When the mythical mecha division headed by Jiang Chen was defeated and fled.

In the entire hall, all the deputies, including the supreme leader, were silent without even the slightest sound.

After everyone was full of hope at the beginning, they were instantly replaced by a panic.

The mythical mecha division is the symbol of the highest combat power of the federal civilization.

It is also the greatest confidence in the heart of the federal civilization, the confidence to face any despair.

but now......

They thought they were emboldened, but they were like mourning dogs, and they didn't dare to compete with those figures who walked out of that ‘door’ house.

If this scene spreads out, I am afraid the entire federal civilization will collapse.

Since capturing the meteorite from outside the sky to allow the Federation Civilization to explore the alien world, even when facing the Supreme Elder of the Shushan world, the Federation Civilization has never been shaken by half.

Because no matter how strong the elders of the Shushan world are, they cannot enter the federal civilized world.

The big deal is to not explore the world of'Shushan' in the future.

For the federal civilization, there is no substantial loss.

But at the moment.

When the invasion of another world really happened in the federal civilized world, all the councillors on the court realized one thing.

This time, their federal civilization has no retreat.



After a long silence.

Finally, the majestic old man sitting in the first seat sighed a long, as if he was several decades old.

"My Federation is facing life and death. I don't know what you can do?"

The words of the majestic old man immediately awakened many congressmen on the court.

The deputies looked at each other and were silent.


What can be done?

Even the mythical mecha division is far from an opponent, what can they think of?

To know.

From the scene that emerged on the light curtain just now, the seven mythical mecha divisions joined forces, which is already the strongest force that the Federation can gather.

If these seven mythical mecha divisions have killed and fought each other back and forth, even if they are at a disadvantage, the federal civilization still has confidence.

But what about the facts?

Is this going back and forth?

Is this down the wind?

This is a rolling, a complete rolling!

It is not a level of crushing at all!

In this case, what can be done?

In the face of absolute force, any calculations are meaningless.

After a long time.

Sitting at the bottom right of the leader, Chen Shaoming hesitated and said: "Leader, there is one thing, I don't know if I should say it or not."

"Say it."

The majestic old man waved his hand.

Now, what can't be said?

"The world that invaded my Federation, I should know which world it is..."

Chen Shaoming hesitated for a long time and said.

Chen Shaoming's voice just fell.

The audience was shocked.

All the congressmen's eyes focused on Chen Shaoming.

Although the situation is already bad, it cannot be bad anymore.

But if what Chen Shaoming said is true, maybe it is a turning point for federal civilization?

"If I didn't guess wrong, that world should be Datang World!"

Chen Shaoming took a deep breath and said slowly.

Datang World?

Which Datang World?

Many parliamentarians were taken aback for a while, and they were puzzled for a long time.

However, a small number of congressmen flashed their eyes, faintly thinking of something.

Could it be the Datang world that was just defined by the leader as an S-class world?

How can this be? ! !

You know, the Tang world is the world connected by the meteorite core.

And since the Federal Civilization captured the meteorite outside the sky, it has never appeared, and it has been invaded by the connected world?

Even in the world of ‘Shushan’ where there were immortals burning mountains and boiling seas, they never did anything to the federal civilization.

"Chen Shaoming, is there a basis for what you said?"

The majestic old man looked solemn and asked in a deep voice.

"A few of my men came to the World of Tang Dynasty. Although they haven't lived for a few hours, they still found out some things."

Speaking of this, Chen Shaoming solemnly said: "For example, the silver armored soldier who walked out of that ‘door’ house should be the Wuan King known as the Killing God in the Datang World!"

"As for the other people, they can also find similarities from a big figure in the Datang world."

"The most critical point is that the costume characteristics of these people are almost the same as those of the Tang Empire."

"Know that even in the same world, clothing will vary greatly from region to region."

"Not to mention a different world?"

Chen Shaoming's words resounded in the ears of every congressman.

Although the congressmen remained silent, they believed most of them in their hearts.

If two places are similar, it may be a coincidence.

But if there are five places and ten places, it is not a coincidence.

"Datang world..."

The majestic old man's face is suddenly hard to see the extreme.

These words of Chen Shaoming not only did not bring any opportunity to the federal civilization, but instead plunged the majestic old man into abyssal despair.


According to the information previously reported by Chen Shaoming.

The strongest person in the Datang world has never been a king of Wu'an or a hero.

There will always be only one strongest person in the Datang world.

That is the Emperor of Tang Dynasty! ! !

The majestic old man took a deep breath and suppressed the shock in his heart.

The dignified old man suddenly realized in the flashlight.

The strong men who have stepped out of the "door" households are nothing more than pawns used by the Emperor of Tang to fight the vanguard.

The real horror has never come.


Sometimes knowing too much is not a happy thing.

Take the current Supreme House.

The majestic old man is not the only one who thinks of the Emperor of Tang Dynasty.

As time passed, other members of the court also reacted quickly.

If what Chen Shaoming said is true, then the federal civilization might not even have room to struggle.

Even the Emperor's subordinates are so terrible, so how terrifying is the Emperor of the Tang Dynasty?

What kind of enemy did their federal civilization face?


The majestic old man sighed deeply again and glanced at the many congressmen: "Order all the armed forces near the sky blue star to retreat."

The majestic old man said this.

The faces of the lawmakers changed slightly, but no one dared to stand up for refutation.

Withdrawing the armed forces can avoid meaningless sacrifices and preserve the strength of the federal civilization to the greatest extent possible.

But the same ~www.ltnovel.com~ once all the armed forces near the sky blue star are allowed to retreat, it is equivalent to the federal civilization taking the initiative to abandon the star field near the sky blue star.

Although the sky blue star is not the main star of the federal civilization.

Can not be underestimated.

Near the sky blue star, there are 152 life planets and 263 resource planets.

It is equivalent to one fifth of the territory of federal civilization.

The decision of the majestic old man is tantamount to confessing territory and seeking glory. In the future, he will definitely be nailed to the humiliation pillar of the federal civilization and be vilified by the ages.

But even so, the majestic old man still did.

Because the federal civilization has no choice.

Bear the infamy through the ages, at least the federal civilization can continue to exist.

And if you don't bear it and resist the Datang world, I'm afraid the federal civilization will have no future.

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