Federal civilization.

Supreme House.

None of the congressmen raised objections to the decision of the dignified old man.

Because they knew in their hearts that the methods of the dignified elders were the most beneficial to federal civilization today.

As for the trillions of federal citizens who have been abandoned on more than 100 life planets...

Neither the dignified old man nor the numerous legislators have considered this issue.

If it can be exchanged for the entire federal civilization to survive, let alone abandon more than a hundred life planets, even if 90% of the citizens of the federal civilization are sacrificed, the lawmakers will agree without hesitation.

"In addition to retreating, send someone to negotiate a peace with Datang World and ask what Datang World wants."

The majestic old man paused for a moment and continued.

Since the federal civilization is far inferior to the Datang Empire, negotiating peace is now the top priority of the federal civilization.

As long as it can hold the Datang Empire temporarily, the Federal Civilization is willing to pay any price.


Chen Shaoming nodded and replied.



at the same time.

Datang World.

African continent.

Naturally, Li Si did not know that the Federal Civilization had already started the idea of ​​negotiating peace.

In other words, even if Li Si knew it, he would dismiss it.

If you want to negotiate, you must have the capital to negotiate.

But now, what does the federal civilization have?

Of the top ten mythical mecha divisions, three fell directly, and the remaining few have probably left a serious psychological shadow.

The only thing that made Li Si take a second look was that Jiang Chen who had worshipped in the'Shu Mountain'.

But Li Si only took a high look.

Li Si had already roughly understood Jiang Chen's strength through'Sun Ming'.

Combining the cultivation of Immortals in the'Shu Mountain' with the technology of the Federation is a surprise, but that's all.

At most, it is comparable to the Sixth Heaven Peak God Demon.

In front of Li Si, a strong man of this level would not know how much he could suppress with a slap.

Even if Li Si couldn't make a move.

Gods and demons such as Bai Qi and Hei Yan are also sufficient to suppress the opponent.

Just as before.

Only the White Killing God Realm left Jiang Chen with his hands and feet, coupled with the black flames on one side, as well as the heroic tyrant, the moon worshiper, and the faintly spreading eight formations, directly scared Jiang Chen’s broken four-xiang fairy sword. And escape.


Li Si carried his hands on his back and fell into deep thought.

Now the Datang Empire has completed the first step.

It is also the most critical step.

The gate of the world that runs through Datang and the Federation, and is completely stabilized.

So next, it's time to conquer the federal civilization.

At this point, Li Si's gaze turned to look at the tens of millions of soldiers who had been waiting for a long time.

"Send my order to fight in another world!!!"

Li Si's voice resounded in every soldier's ear under the transmission of the power of national destiny.

"Conquer another world!"

"Conquer another world!"

"Fighting in another world!!!"

Countless soldiers looked frantically, looking up at the imposing emperor's shadow.

Hum! ! !

Li Si's heart moved.

The Gate of the World not far away suddenly expanded, rapidly expanding dozens of times, just like an ancient sacred mountain, standing between heaven and earth.

And countless Great Tang troops began to enter the gate of the world one after another.



Federal civilization.

Bai Qi, Yan Ling Ji and other gods and demons stood under the stars.

But the gate of the world is constantly flickering, rushing out of the soldiers of the Great Tang.

The moment these Datang soldiers entered the federal civilization world, they were covered by a thin layer of national destiny, and they were able to survive and act under the stars.

"Eight formations!"

At this moment, a deep voice sounded.

I saw the figure of Zhuge Kongming quietly appearing under the starry sky, pointing to the twisted space around the gate of the world.


The eight airtight formations that originally surrounded the gate of the world slowly appeared an exit for the soldiers of Datang to enter and exit.

After a few hours.

Tens of millions of Datang soldiers are standing under the stars.

The aura of the darkened Datang soldiers made the stars faintly condensed.

"Follow me."

Bai Qi raised his right hand and tore it fiercely.


The space of the starry sky is like thin paper, which is directly torn apart.

In the Datang World, the space is extremely stable, and only the Seventh Heaven God and Demon can break the void.

But the federal civilization.

The rules of the world are loose, and even the four heavenly gods and demons have the means to tear apart the space. What's more, the existence of the four heavenly gods and demons is far more than that of Bai Qi?

Space is like water waves.

After a while, as Xiongba, Zhang Jiao and others took action, six huge spatial cracks appeared.

Immediately after.

Zhang Jiao and the other gods and demons entered together, and the tens of millions of Tang's army, divided into six parts, flew towards the surrounding planets.

Every time the void is broken, it can instantly span hundreds of light years.

After hundreds of thousands of light years, Bai Qi and others made another move, shattering the void, and once again crossed hundreds of thousands of light years.

that's it.

With more than ten leaps.

The nearby constellations appeared in sight.

In an instant.

The citizens of the Federation on these planets looked up to the sky as if they felt something.

The starry sky has changed.

The starry sky that was originally deep and boundless was already flooded with streamers of various colors at this moment.


"what is that?"


An innocent little girl looked at the stars and asked.

Due to the distance, she could only see dense dots, and could not tell what the other party was.


A middle-aged man looked suspicious.

These light spots of various colors do seem to be somewhat similar to meteors.

But if it is really a meteor and a meteor cluster of such a scale, the Federal Astronomical Bureau should release the wind early.

How could it be possible to know nothing until now?

As the middle-aged man had doubts, but did not question anything, instead, he accompanied his daughter to admire the meteor.

The federal peace has been too long.

No one thought it was war.

Not only the father and daughter.

More people didn't think much at first.

"It's so beautiful, is it the latest starry sky firework invented by the Federation?" A couple hugged each other, their faces full of happiness.


"The leader just made a decision to open up the qualifications of mech divisions to us ordinary citizens. Maybe these fireworks are celebrating?"

The look of the man next to him is also extremely happy~www.ltnovel.com~ However.

As time goes by.

The black spots in the sight of many federal citizens are getting bigger and bigger.

Someone suddenly felt something was wrong.

Because in their eyes, these black spots are not like shooting stars or starry sky fireworks at all, but rather like people?

"not good!!!"

Some federal citizens opened their eyes wide and looked at the dark spots in the sky, in disbelief.

All of these black spots were soldiers wearing black armor. At this moment, the soldiers descended from the starry sky like raindrops.

Heimang turned empty.

A mecha division who had not had time to retreat rose into the sky.

But the next moment, he was directly crushed by a slap of a certain **** and demon.

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