Summon the Mythical Emperor of the World

Chapter 579: Sanctuary Master!

Datang World.

African continent.

Above the dragon.

Li Si narrowed his eyes slightly, his expression unchanged.

Regarding the prompt sound of the system at this moment, Li Si did not have any surprises.

Since getting the system, the summoning of gods and demons once a month has almost been engraved into Li Si's subconscious.

Just like instinct.

"Calculating the time, this should be my thirteenth call?"

Li Si leaned slightly on Long Nian, thinking silently in his heart.

Although, since Li Si summoned the mother-emperor Irina, there is no shortage of gods and monsters under his command.

Because, as long as Irina is willing to spend some time, she will be able to ‘mass production’ the gods.

For example, in this war with the federal civilization, thousands of gods and demons-level Zerg warriors mixed in, preparing for a critical moment to give the federal civilization a ‘surprise’.

Thousands of gods and demons...

Throughout the ancient and modern world of the Tang Dynasty, I am afraid that so many gods and demons have never been born.

Thousands of gods and demons have exceeded the limit of the Hengsha world. Only the worlds such as the Little Thousand World and the Zhongqian World above the Hengsha World can accommodate such a large number of gods and demons.


For the mother queen Irina, thousands of gods and demons are just an appetizer.

Not much at all.

In the face of wars that exceed trillions of billions in the "Starry Sky" world, thousands of gods and demons-level Zerg warriors are not even cannon fodder.


Compared to the killing machine made by the mother emperor Irina.

Li Si is more inclined to the powerful gods and demons summoned by the system.


For the latter, the upper limit of the Zerg warriors bred by the mother elena is already fixed.

The simplest example.

A Zerg warrior of a single heavenly **** and demon, even in the past ten thousand years, is still in the realm of a single heavenly **** and demon.

But the gods and demons summoned by the system are different.

These gods and demons come from the heavens and all realms, with huge potential, and they can make endless breakthroughs.

Bai Qi, Flame Ling Ji, Dugu Sword Demon, etc...

Compared to when it was first summoned, is it more than a hundred times stronger?


The most important thing.

The gods and demons summoned by the system have their own thoughts.

Instead of only killing and destruction in the mind like a Zerg warrior.

Therefore, in Li Si's view, even the most powerful Zerg warrior is just a tool that can be discarded at any time.


【system hint...】

[Do you want to call? ? 】

Just as Li Si was pondering, the system sound came again.

Li Si settled down, and said silently in his heart: "Summon!"



[Host please wait...]

The system prompt sounded quickly.

Li Si glanced at the Minister of Korea and China not far away.

There was almost no movement of summoning gods and monsters. From the moment the system prompt sounded to the present, almost no time has passed. These ministers did not expect that in this short period of time, your majesty will have another terrifying **** and monster. .

"I don't know, which **** and demon will be this time?"

A glimmer of expectation appeared on Li Si's face.

The last time the system was summoned, it was Zhuge Kongming, the pinnacle of the Six Heavens, a peerless powerhouse who tried to break through the shackles and enter the realm of the Seven Heavens.

Then this time...

Li Si raised his head and looked at the huge and towering door of the world. Between his eyebrows, it was elusive.

After a while.

The voice of the system came leisurely.


【system hint......】

[Congratulations to the host, summon the gods and demons: Delin! 】



Li Si was taken aback for a moment.

Between the lightning and the flint, Li Si's thoughts fluctuated, and the gods and demons in the heavens and worlds passed by.

"Somewhat familiar."

"Where did I hear it?"

How powerful is the memory of Li Si, especially after becoming the master of the fortune, as long as it has happened, it is absolutely impossible to forget.

"Could it be that Delin?"

A trace of fine light flashed across Li Si's eyes.

"System, call up Delin's detailed information."

The idea of ​​Li Si just appeared.

A faint screen appeared below the field of vision.

[Name: Delin! 】

[Race: Terran! 】

[Identity: Sanctuary Master! 】

[Cultivation Base: Six Heavens of Gods and Demons! 】



In an instant.

Every bit about "Delin" appeared in Li Si's mind.


"It's the Delin of the "Panlong" world!"

A strange light appeared in the depths of Li Si's eyes.

The "Panlong" world is definitely one of the most powerful worlds in Li Si's memory. It is comparable to the "Starry Sky" world, and it is not much weaker than the legendary prehistoric world.

Even the Great Universe can be easily created by the Hongmeng master of the "Panlong" world in a single thought. It is so terrifying that it is unimaginable.

In front of the powerful at this level, I am afraid that even the ‘main god’ and the source of the fourth natural disaster would be eclipsed.

Li Si sat on Long Nian, his thoughts fluctuating.

Li Si also did not expect that this summoning would involve the world of'Panlong'.

"I remember that Delin is the pinnacle of the sanctuary."

"In other words, the peak of the sanctuary in the'Panlong' world is equivalent to the six heavenly gods and demons in the Datang world?"

"And above the sanctuary, is it a god-level? Comparable to the seven heavens?"

Li Si glanced at Delin's attributes again, and his thoughts turned quickly.

The seven-layered gods and demons began to dabble in the rules and regulations, which was similar to the mysterious god-level of the "Panlong" world realm.

Li Si's eyes were thoughtful.


【system hint......】

[Delin will be here in an hour! 】


The system reminder sounded in Li Si's ear again.


at the same time.

Zhuge Kongming entered the federal civilization.

Outside the gate of the world, a continent the size of a planet is suspended.

This continent was made by Zhuge Kongming, who smelted several planets.

It is a temporary transfer station for Datang soldiers.

And at the moment.

Chen Shaoming from the Bundestag waited very nervously.

As a negotiator representing the federal civilization and the Datang world, Chen Shaoming's pressure can be imagined.

The failure of the negotiations led to a full-scale war between Datang and the Federation, and Chen Shaoming would definitely bear the eternal infamy.

As for the success of the negotiation...

If the World of Tang Dynasty is so easy to talk, would it still not say anything and directly occupy hundreds of planets in the Federation?


This time the negotiation had to come.

Not only to come, but also to send a person with enough weight to represent the sincerity of the federal civilization.

Because Datang World and the Federal Civilization are really going to war, the Federal Civilization will definitely lose in the end!

In this case, if you don't negotiate, can you wait to die?

As one of the few members of the Supreme House with real power, Chen Shaoming can only bite the bullet.

"How many troops does Datang World have?"

Cheng Shaoming glanced outside that towering gate of the world.

This gate of the world, from beginning to end, there are densely packed soldiers walking out.

These soldiers have a strong aura, a little stronger, and their aura is comparable to the mecha division of federal civilization.


Chen Shaoming also noticed some figures walking out, with aura like a sea, surpassing the mythical mecha divisions of the federal civilization.


Chen Shaoming shrank his head, not daring to take a peek anymore.



PS: Kavin, the following plot is not straightened out, so I dare not continue to write down~~~

Today is this chapter~~~~

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