Just when Chen Shaoming waited patiently.

I saw a man with a feather fan and a towel walking leisurely.

"Master Zhuge."

Chen Shaoming got up immediately and said respectfully.

In the Supreme Chamber of Federal Civilization, Chen Shaoming is one of the highest-ranking congressmen. It can even be said that he is a powerful candidate for the next federal leader.

But here...

Chen Shaoming is very clear about his identity.

In the face of the Tang world, which can easily sweep the mythical mecha divisions of the federal civilization, Chen Shaoming is just a poor beggar.


Chen Shaoming placed his posture extremely low.

Just want to win such a trivial favor for the Federal Civilization in the Datang World.

"Master Zhuge..."

"do not know......"

Chen Shaoming looked at Zhuge Kongming cautiously.

Chen Shaoming knew very well that the "Master Zhuge" in front of him also had an unattainable status in the Tang world.

It can be said.

Zhuge Kongming is ‘that one’ who will implement the will of the federal civilized world.

"Your Majesty agreed to negotiate with you."

Zhuge Kongming's eyes were calm, looking at Chen Shaoming.


Chen Shaoming's spirit was shocked and he was ecstatic.

Although he didn't know why the Majesty of Datang World agreed to negotiate with the Federation Civilization so easily.

But no matter what the reason is.

As long as they can negotiate, it means that the federal civilization and the Datang world have the possibility of a ‘truce’.

It is nothing more than the price paid.

"Don't rush to be happy."

Zhuge Kongming's tone was flat and said softly.

Zhuge Kongming's voice just fell.

Chen Shaoming's expression changed slightly.

Before Chen Shaoming could react, Zhuge Kongming continued: "Your Majesty allows you to negotiate with the Federation, it is not without conditions."

"Sir, please speak!"

Chen Shaoming replied immediately.

"Your Majesty limits your Federation to hand over the meteorite core within one day!"

Zhuge Kongming said lightly.

"Within a day?"

"Hand over the meteorite core?"

Chen Shaoming's face paled.

Although the "meteorite core" in the words of the Emperor of the Tang Dynasty did not specifically refer to a meteorite core.

However, it is probably the only meteorite core that can arouse the interest of the superior Datang emperor that has led the federal civilization to explore the era of another world.

Chen Shaoming never dreamed that the Emperor of Tang Dynasty had this condition.

If the Emperor of the Tang Dynasty wanted some planets or other resources, Chen Shaoming could directly agree on the spot.

As a negotiator introduced by the Supreme Court, Chen Shaoming has enormous powers.

As long as he can buy some breathing time for the federal civilization, Chen Shaoming can make a final conclusion.

But the meteorite core...

Since the Federal Civilization captured the outer meteorite, cut its surface into hundreds of millions of points, and sent it to every federal citizen. As for the core, it was sealed in the depths of the Supreme House. Even the Supreme Leader did not go to watch it alone. Qualification for meteorite core.

In this situation.

How dare Chen Shaoming agree to this condition immediately?

"grown ups......"

"This matter, I can't call the shots..."

Chen Shaoming said with a trembling cold sweat.

"It's okay."

"You have one day left."

"One day later, if I can't hand over the core of the meteorite, it will be the moment for my Datang to use all directions."

Zhuge Kongming's expression did not change.

In fact.

Regardless of whether the Federal Civilization handed over the meteorite core, the Datang Empire would have to wait until a day later before continuing to fight.

after all.

Now that the more than a hundred life planets captured by the Tang Empire need time to suppress.

Otherwise, if you don't care about anything, a fire in the backyard is likely to happen.

How could Zhuge Kongming as the prime minister of the Tang Dynasty not understand this truth?

"All right."

"You go back."

Zhuge Kongming waved his hand.

In an instant.

Chen Shaoming only felt the world spin, and when he regained consciousness again, it was already before the warship he was driving.

"One day."

"Hope the leader can make a decision."

Without saying anything, Chen Shaoming immediately entered the battleship and returned to the main star of the Federation.

Near the Gate of the World, a special formation was arranged by Datang World.

Within the formation, the federal civilization is proud of even if communication technology is completely suppressed.

In other words.

Chen Shaoming must leave this range to be able to transmit the conditions of the Emperor of Tang to the Supreme Court.


Datang World.

African continent.

"Your Majesty, the minister has already passed the word to the Federation."

Zhuge Kongming slightly arched his hands towards Li Si.

"I see."

Li Si nodded and said casually.

"Does Aiqing have any doubts?" Li Si seemed to notice the look on Zhuge Kongming's face and asked.

"His Majesty..."

Zhuge Kongming hesitated for a moment, and asked respectfully: "If your Majesty wants the core of the meteorite, you can let me join forces to kill the Supreme Councillor, why negotiate with it?"

This is where Zhuge Kongming is most puzzled.

Comparing the strengths of the Datang World and the Federation Civilization, as long as Li Si is willing, he can control all the high-levels of the Federation Civilization in a short time.

At that time, what meteorite cores are all in Li Si's palm?

"Ha ha......"

Li Si smiled slightly and understood what Zhuge Kongming meant.

Not only Zhuge Kongming, but many ministers on the court have this doubt.

Generally speaking, there will only be two parties who are scrupulous about each other, because only in this case, the negotiation is the most secure result.

But the Datang World and Federal Civilization...

The so-called strongest mythical mecha division of the Federal Civilization was vulnerable to the Tang world.

There are no concerns at all.

"Do you think that the core of that meteorite is a simple thing?"

Li Si's eyes crossed the different awns in the depths.

As the body of the fourth natural disaster source, the level of the meteorite core far exceeds the federal civilization.

I am afraid that the Federal Civilization itself does not know how terrifying what they have captured.

In front of the source of the fourth natural disaster, no amount of care can be overstated.

If the Federal Civilization can take the initiative to surrender the meteorite core, it is of course the best thing for Li Si.

When Zhuge Kongming and many other ministers heard Li Si's words, their pupils suddenly shrank.

Li Si looked around for a week~www.ltnovel.com~ suddenly.

at this time.

As if feeling something, Li Si turned his head slightly and looked in a certain direction in the Tang world.

"Is it finally here?"

Li Si's gaze seemed to have crossed the infinite distance, and fell in front of an old man wearing a wide coat and robe, who seemed to blend with the world in every move.

This old man looked inconspicuous at all, not like a high-ranking six-layer **** or devil, but an ordinary old man.

But only Li Si, the master of the dynasty, could feel the power contained in Delin's body, the kind of breath that was completely integrated with the world, and the power to suppress everything could burst out in an instant.


"The Sanctuary Mage of the'Panlong' world?"

A smile appeared on Li Si's face.

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