Summon the Mythical Emperor of the World

Chapter 581: The upcoming decisive battle!

After a while.

Delin's figure appeared in front of Li Si.

"I have seen your Majesty."

Delin respectfully bowed his hand towards Li Si.

As the sanctuary mage of the "Panlong" world, Delin's strength naturally does not need to be questioned.

Even the same as the six heavenly gods and demons.

Delin's combat power is also above Zhuge Kongming.

This is not that Zhuge Kongming is inferior to Delin.

It's because of the world.

The Three Kingdoms world that Zhuge Kongming lived in was at best a small world personality.

And the "Panlong" world is at least the Great Thousand World, and even surpasses the Great Thousand World.

After all, the upper limit of the strong in the world of'Panlong' is too high.

Lower God, Middle God, Upper God, Dzogchen, Lord God, Supreme God, and even the Grand Master who controls everything...

"Get up."

Li Si waved his hand and said.

"According to the purpose."

Delin stood up slowly, bowed and stood there.

Many ministers nearby looked at each other, but didn't say much.

Even though they have never seen Delin, with the attitude of your Majesty towards Delin at this moment, there will be a place in the Tang Empire in the future.

"this is?"

Zhuge Kongming glanced at Delin and was shocked.

Since he was summoned and came to the world of Datang, Zhuge Kongming has seen countless strong men.

But there has never been a person who can put Zhuge Kongming as much pressure as the ordinary old man in front of him.

"How far are you from the **** level?"

Li Si looked down at Delin and asked.

The **** level of the "Panlong" world corresponds to the seven heavenly gods and demons of the Datang world.

As the pinnacle of the sanctuary, Delin had to reach the **** level if he wanted to go further.

"His Majesty."

"The **** level involves the heaven and earth, and the subordinates step into the **** level, it may be the next moment, or it may be hopeless for eternal life."

Delin smiled bitterly.

In fact, this is the normal state of the powerhouses in the world.

Every further step, the price that needs to be paid is simply unimaginable.

Like Li Si, it is absolutely unheard of to break through without any restrictions as long as there is sufficient national luck.

"That's it."

Li Si nodded slightly.

Delin's answer was similar to that of Zhuge Kongming.

The bottleneck between the sixth heaven and the seventh heaven is no different from the heaven.

No matter how stunning it is, it is impossible to pass it easily.

of course.

Among the heavens and all realms, some descendants of mighty powers and divine beasts were born in the realm of seven heavens, eight heavens, and even nine heavens.

Such as pure blood dragon, pure blood phoenix...


The blood of the ancestors certainly gave these divine beasts endless brilliance, but correspondingly, it was almost impossible for the descendants of these divine beasts to break through the limitations of the ancestors.


"I have a problem."

Li Si suddenly thought of something, and his eyes fell on Delin.

"Your Majesty, please."

Delin bowed immediately.

"Do you know Lin Lei?"

Li Si narrowed his eyes slightly.

Lin Lei is the son of the "Panlong" world and the future master of Hongmeng.

In Li Si's memory, Delin was Lin Lei's master, belonging to a very important relationship.

"Lin Lei?"

Delin thought for a while, then shook his head and said: "Return to your Majesty, your subordinates have never heard of this name."

"I see."

Li Si tapped the handrail lightly with his right hand and said.

"It seems that Delin at this moment has not yet met Lin Lei."

Li Si thought silently.

"I don't know, after losing Delin, will Lin Lei still become the master of Hongmeng in the future?"

Li Si suddenly became interested.

Although, Li Si knew that a son of a big power like Lin Lei had countless opportunities, even if one was lost, there was another waiting, it was impossible for a scene that has been unknown since then.

Ke Delin's influence on Lin Lei is not a mere opportunity to describe.


These thoughts just flashed through Li Si's mind.

The world of'Panlong' is too far for Li Si.

The heavens and myriad worlds, endless dimensions, God knows where the "Panlong" world lies?

"Delin, now I have started a war with the federal civilized world, you go to the federal civilized world, and you must take action whenever necessary."

Li Si pondered for a moment before speaking.

As the only six-tier **** and demon under Li Si's command, Li Si certainly couldn't leave Delin unused.

Zhuge Kongming needed to use eight arrays to ensure the absolute safety of the world gate.

And Delin is to prevent the federal civilized dog from jumping over the wall and making a move of death.

"According to the purpose."

Delin arched his hand again, turned and walked into the door of the world.


at the same time.

When Chen Shaoming brought the conditions of the Emperor of Tang Dynasty to the Supreme Court.

All the parliamentarians, including the supreme leader, fell silent.

After a long time.

The majestic old man said hoarsely: "What do you think?"

The importance of the meteorite core to the federal civilization is very clear to every member of the court.

Without this meteorite core, today's federal civilization, not to mention the mythical mecha division, even the legendary mecha division, there are not many.

Before the alien meteorite was captured, there was only one legendary mecha division in the entire federal civilization.

And now.

There are thousands of legendary mecha divisions in the federal civilization, and ten mythical mecha divisions.

The qualitative change in this can be imagined.

Although the meteorite core has a strange magical nature, no matter what, the federal civilization is absolutely impossible to give up the meteorite core.

As long as the meteorite core is there, the Commonwealth civilization will have a chance to rise again.

However, if we follow the conditions of the Emperor of the Tang Dynasty and present the core of the meteorite, the federal civilization may no longer be able to stand up.

As for the negotiations promised by the Emperor of the Tang Dynasty...

Even the Federal Civilization knows that this negotiation is completely delaying time and delaying time for the Federal Civilization.

There will be a battle between the federal civilization and the Datang world.

This battle is related to the belonging of the world, and the freedom of civilization is inevitable.

The Federal Civilization wanted to drag the time of this battle back for a while, and only then had this negotiation.

But now.

If really hand over the meteorite core.

Don't delay any time, just surrender to the Tang Empire directly and completely.

Because of the loss of the meteorite core, the Commonwealth Civilization has lost the qualification to comeback.

Under this circumstance, the gap between the federal civilization and the Datang world will only grow wider and wider. What can you do to resist?

And once the federal civilization really surrendered to the Datang Empire, none of them, the congressmen, would definitely survive.

It is absolutely impossible for Datang World to allow a person who can continue to lead the federal civilization to live.

Above the Supreme House silence.

All MPs are caught in a dilemma.

Is it to hand over the meteorite core or not?

Should I live on my knees, or stand up and fight for the chance?


"Go to war."

An elderly congressman stood up and stared solemnly at the congressman.

"For the Federation!"

"For the Federation!!"

The blood of all the members began to boil.

At this moment, they did not exclude dissidents, did not form parties for personal gain, but for the future of the entire federal civilization.

Fight for the federal civilization!

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