Summon the Mythical Emperor of the World

Chapter 583: The decisive battle begins


The majestic old man's thoughts fluctuated and finally settled directly.

The majestic old man believed that Jiang Chen would not lie at this moment.

If the federal civilization is conquered by Datang, it will not benefit him Jiang Chen.

In this case, Federal Civilization and Jiang Chen are equal to grasshoppers standing on a rope.

Prosper together.

Lose everything.


"let's start!!"

The majestic old man looked at the many congressmen and categorically cut the railway.


Under the decree one after another of the Supreme House, the entire federal civilization slowly began to operate.

As a behemoth that dominates thousands of life planets around it, once the federal civilization goes all out, the potential that will erupt is far beyond anyone's imagination.

One after another battleship was assembled.

One after another mecha division walked out of the planet.

"Oh my God?"

"Why was a military warship that I bought at a huge price last year and was expropriated by the Federation?"

"It's such a coincidence, mine is too."

"What happened? How could the Supreme House make such a decision?"

"It should be war."


"You haven't heard that my Federation has a star field, and lost contact overnight?"


Countless federal citizens exploded.

For these federal citizens who were born in peacetime, I am afraid that they have never seen a war of a little scale in their lives, let alone this is a war between two worlds?

The dense starry sky warships converged towards the sky blue star field.

When the Tang World just invaded, in order to preserve its strength, the Federal Civilization evacuated all the warships and mecha divisions in the Sky Blue Star Region.

And this time with the official launch of Datang World, these mecha divisions and warships have greatly enriched the federal army.


A legendary mechanic couldn't help looking at the towering figure not far away.

"I, Waiters, I'm back again!!!"

Waiters clenched his fists, looked at the distant sky blue star field, and said in a loud voice.

As a former general of the Sky Blue Star Territory, Waiters dreamed of returning from the Sky Blue Star Territory's defeat.

And now.

He finally got this opportunity.

"Datang World..."

There was a faint flame burning in Waiters' eyes.

During the time when he returned to the main star, Waiters knew even more about the source of his invasion of the sky blue star field.

Datang World.

A powerful alien world outside the federal civilization.

But even if Waiters knew all this, there was no fear.

Endless warfare rises in Waiters' heart.

"Do you know the meaning of life?"

Waiters said softly.

"The meaning of life?"

The legendary mechanic not far away thought for a while, and tentatively asked: "Is it hope?"


Waiters sneered.

"It's a fight!!!"

In an instant.

Waiters rushed towards the sky blue star field.

One after another wormholes split open in front of Waiters, allowing Waiters to span a long distance and approach the sky blue star field at an extremely terrifying speed.

Wormhole technology is the highest research result of federal civilization. Every time a wormhole is opened, a lot of energy needs to be burned.

But at this time of life and death, where does the federal civilization care about how much energy it consumes?

Endless warships and mecha division doors continue to pass through the huge wormhole, quickly approaching the sky blue star field.


Supreme House.

After all the members have left.

Only the majestic old man remained in the whole house.

At this moment, a trace of fatigue finally appeared on the face of the majestic old man.

As the supreme leader of the federation, the dignified elder knows that no matter how much pressure he is, he can't show it.

No matter what moment or occasion, he must be a strategizing posture.

Only in this way can we lead the federal civilization to a more glorious future.

"Chen Shaoming."

"What do you think is our federal chance of winning?"

The majestic old man looked at Chen Shaoming who had been staying aside.

Chen Shaoming has been silent since he went to the Datang World and brought back the conditions of the Datang Emperor.

Regarding the controversy among the many parliamentarians on the court, nothing was said.

This point has long been seen by the majestic elders.

"What's the chance of winning?"

Chen Shaoming repeated it in a low voice and shook his head: "Leader, do you want me to tell the truth or lies?"


The majestic old man straightened his waist and said slightly solemnly: "What about the truth and what about the lie?"

"The lie is naturally the invasion of the Datang World that our Federation will win and finally repel."

Chen Shaoming said lightly.


The majestic elder keenly noticed that Chen Shaoming used the word'repelling'.

In the face of the Tang Dynasty, even if he is telling lies, does Chen Shaoming dare not use "victory" to describe it?

"What about the truth?"

The majestic old man asked in a deep voice.



"Less than half of Chengdu."

"Furthermore, the chance of winning this half-Chengdu is still based on the premise that Jiang Chen can hold down the world powerhouse of Datang."

"If there is no Jiang Chen, my federation will lose."

Chen Shaoming raised his head and glanced at the majestic old man, and said bluntly.

The majestic old man was silent when he heard the words.

The majestic old man never dreamed that Chen Shaoming would be so optimistic about the Federation?


"This time I am going to the Datang World, although I haven't seen the unfathomable Emperor of the Tang Dynasty."

"But the power shown by Datang World alone is enough to sweep my federal civilization countless times."


When Chen Shaoming said this, he stopped and did not continue.


Everything that Chen Shaoming said was based on the current strength of Datang World.

As for the unshown...

And the supreme Emperor of Tang Dynasty who initiated the two world wars...

Chen Shaoming didn't dare to imagine, if the Emperor of Tang made a move, how would his Federation resist it?

"Hope, everything I think is wrong!"

Chen Shaoming sighed deeply.

The Datang Empire is too powerful, so powerful that the federal civilization is not even qualified to fight protracted wars and delay.

Under the military front of the Datang Empire, the federal civilization was defeated in addition to being defeated.


at the same time.

The reaction of the federal civilization naturally fell into the sight of Zhuge Kongming for the first time.

When it comes to the operation of the entire federal civilization, such a big movement, the spatial fluctuations caused by countless warship mecha divisions opening wormholes, it is difficult for Zhuge Kongming to know.

"Federal Civilization..."

Zhuge Kongming glanced deeply into the starry sky.

at this time.

Zhang Jiao's figure appeared silently.

As a disciple of "Xian", Zhang Jiao can be said to be the **** and demon with the most methods under Li Si.

"You guard here again, I'll go back."

Zhuge Kongming said "

Zhang Jiao nodded slightly.

After a while.

Datang World.

Zhuge Kongming truthfully reported to Li Si everything that happened in the federal civilized world.


Li Si leaned slightly on Long Nian.

"Does the Federation Civilization want a decisive battle with me?"

Li Si looked faintly, looking at the door of the world, as if seeing through the world of federal civilization.

"In that case."

"I am as he wishes!"

Li Si's voice was not loud, but it resounded in everyone's ears: "Go to war."

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