"Go to war?"

The heart of the Manchu civil and military was shocked.

The "war" that His Majesty said was not an ordinary war, but meant to destroy the federal civilized world.

This kind of hegemony of setting the fate of a world in one word makes all the officials and officials excited!

This is their majesty!

This is the emperor of Tang Dynasty who is shocking the ancients!

"According to the purpose!"

Zhuge Kongming slightly arched his hands.

As the World of Tang Dynasty occupied more than one hundred life planets, Zhuge Kongming had already roughly understood what kind of world the federal civilization was like through these life planets.



The Supreme House clearly controls everything.

But in fact, the mythical mecha divisions faintly stand above the Supreme House.

Even the Supreme Chamber adopted a system of members for the so-called fairness and freedom.

That is, the parliamentarians have the power to veto the supreme leader.

In Zhuge Kongming's opinion, this is simply absurd.

When does the emperor need to look at the expressions of his officials?

Perhaps in the past dynasties, some powerful ministers who have been in power can do this.

But all this is on the dark side.

Don't dare to get it on the table grandiosely.

But in federal civilization, this system of parliamentarians restricting leaders has become sparse and commonplace.

Zhuge Kongming's eyes were like a torch, and he naturally realized the nature of the councilor system at the first time.

Perhaps in peacetime, the parliamentary system can greatly coordinate the contradictions within the federal civilization.

But in fact, when it comes to major events that require a short time to make decisions, the parliamentarian system exposes great drawbacks.

For example, this Datang World invasion.

If the Federal Civilization is the top leader’s speech, it will definitely respond immediately, rather than after discussing with many legislators, and then sending out an army to fight the Datang World.

To know.

During this time.

Datang World has completely occupied more than one hundred life planets.

He even figured out most of the details of the federal civilization. In this case, let alone the Datang world crushing the federal civilization.

Even if the strength of Datang World is comparable to that of Federal Civilization, Federal Civilization will fall into a great disadvantage because of this.

Above the dragon.

Li Si looked towards the door of the world, and his huge mind merged into the door, spreading towards the federal civilized world.


Federal civilization.

Taking the emperor's order, Zhuge Kongming began to mobilize the Datang army sitting on various life planets to prepare for the final backlash of federal civilization.

Under the vast starry sky.

The densely packed Federal warships and mechas are like a white ocean, approaching the sky blue star field.

And on every life planet in the Sky Blue Star Territory, they also rushed out of the Datang warriors, like a dark tide, confronting countless star warship mechas.

The battleship is like a cloud.

Mecha like rain.

As for the Datang and Federation, one side is like dense locusts, and the other is like flying snow in the sky, with no end in sight.

In the center on both sides, there is a nihility frontline.

At this moment, there was no one on this front line, because the decisive battle had not yet begun. Whether it was Datang or the Federation, they were looking for an opportunity and a slim chance of victory.

Amidst a huge starry sky battleship, the majestic elders and many congressmen gathered.

This battle is related to the life and death of the federal civilization. They, the high-level members of the federal civilization, must be present in person.

After all, if the Commonwealth Civilization is defeated, everything will stop.

Even if they hide in the main star, they can't escape death.

"Leader, do you need me to order war?"

A middle-aged man with a straight waist looked at the majestic old man.

"No need to."

"Wait a little longer."

The majestic old man stared at the dark tide representing the officers and soldiers of the Datang on the screen.

Many other parliamentarians were equally silent.

When the decisive battle arrived, everyone felt extreme pressure in their hearts.

In this war, if the Commonwealth Civilization wins by chance, then everything is easy to say.

If the Federation loses...

I'm afraid they can only be buried on the battlefield.

This unpredictable sense of oppression made the MPs on the court lower their breath a lot.

"let's start."

After a long time, the majestic old man spit out these three words.


The middle-aged man with his waist straight turned around immediately.

After a while.

The Federal battleship that seemed to be flying in the sky slowly moved.

Begin to crush towards the soldiers of Datang.

With the actions of the Federation, the Datang soldiers also rushed towards the Federation.

After a short while.

The two sides suddenly fought together on the middle front, forming a black and white ground meat line.

Every moment there are soldiers of Datang who have fallen.

Correspondingly, the warships and mecha divisions of the Federation were also torn apart by the soldiers of Datang with their bare hands.

And behind the sky blue star field.

The gods and demons, such as Bai Qi and Moon Worship Master, quietly looked at the battlefield.

"Do you need me to take action?"

Yan Lingji frowned slightly, her eyes looking at both sides of the war.

Although the current fight between Datang and the Federation, Datang has the advantage.

But no matter what, it is a fact that the soldiers of Datang died in battle.

Under this circumstance, Yan Lingji wanted to take action to reduce the loss of Datang.

Yan Lingji's voice just fell.

The rest of the gods and demons all appeared moved.

"No need to."

Bai Qi shook his head slightly and said.

"This is your majesty's order. Unless our army is completely defeated, we only need to deal with the high-end power of the Federation."

Bai Qi said slowly.

"What does your majesty mean?"

Yan Lingji was slightly taken aback.

But the tyrant next to him thoughtfully said: "Your Majesty is training troops through the federal civilization?"

This kind of order to deliberately not intervene and sit back and watch sacrifices, apart from allowing the Federal Civilization to temper the Great Tang soldiers, Xiongba couldn't think of a second reason.

"Not bad."

Bai started nodding.

"That's it."

Yan Lingji suddenly realized.


Federal civilization.

The majestic old man and many congressmen stared closely at the huge light curtain in front of them.

Above the light curtain, it is the bit by bit of the battle between Datang and the Federation.

"not good."

"Leader, our federation is at a disadvantage."

Some congressmen whispered, worried.

Before seeing the peak powers of the Datang World, the federal civilization had already fallen into a disadvantage.

This is something that no one on the court thought of.

"Does mythical mecha division need to be dispatched?"

Some Members made suggestions.

Except for the fallen four mythical mecha divisions.

There are still six mythical mecha divisions left in the federal civilization.

These six mythical mecha divisions are the last cards of today's federal civilization. They are less than extremely powerful and absolutely cannot be used.

"I don't recommend sending out mythical mecha divisions!"

The third congressman said: "Before I don't know the whereabouts of the top powerhouse on the Datang side, dispatching the mythical mecha division is just a meaningless sacrifice."

The congressman spoke calmly and calmed the audience.


The federal civilization has mythical mecha divisions.

But there are gods and demons in the Datang world that are comparable to or even suppress the mythical mechanics!

"So what should I do?"

"Do you just watch my federation fall into a disadvantage, and do nothing?"

The congressman who spoke at the beginning frowned.

And this time.

The majestic old man did not speak, but looked at Jiang Chen.

Jiang Chen's expression remained the same, but if he was interested, he would find that Jiang Chen's aura had decayed silently.

"Once I shoot, I can only last for half an hour."

Jiang Chen slowly raised his head and said.

Although, Jiang Chen forcibly controlled the real Sixiang Sword Formation through the ‘Shushan’ secret method.

But this control is only temporary control.

Moreover, in order to maintain this temporary control, Jiang Chen needs to bear the pressure of the Sixiang Sword Array every second.

This is the price.

The Four Elephant Sword Array can only be fully activated by the real immortals during the Tribulation Period.

It was a great fluke that Jiang Chen was able to urge him in advance.

"it is good."

The majestic old man gave a solemn expression and stubbornly said: "I will let the Federation army, within half an hour, invade the sky blue star field and destroy the illusory gate."

Both the majestic elders and other congressmen on the court realized that the only way to truly resist the invasion of the Datang World was to destroy the ‘door’ house.

As long as the ‘door’ households are still there, the power of the Datang Empire will continue to flow into the federal civilized world.

Jiang Chen took a deep look at the majestic old man, took a step, and appeared above the starry sky.

"he is?"

Bai Qi and the others in the sky blue star field noticed Jiang Chen for the first time.

"It's him?!"

A trace of hatred flashed in Hei Yan's eyes.

Some time ago, if she didn't take the shot in time, she would probably fall into the hands of the opponent.


"The four swords on him..."

Zhang Jiao seemed to perceive something, his eyes fixed on the four ancient swords that Jiang Chen was carrying.


Haven't waited for Zhang Jiao to slow down.

Jiang Chen looked indifferent and gently raised his right hand.

"The spirit of the four elephants! Smelt all beings!!!"

Rumble! ! !

The four huge ancient swords Jiang Chen carried suddenly rose to the sky.

These four ancient swords seemed to penetrate through the void, directly appearing in all directions of the universe.

The next moment.

Under the suppression of four ancient swords.

An inexplicable aura suddenly appeared in the entire sky blue star field battlefield.

Heaven and earth are suppressed.

The void is banned.

An aura of destruction of all things returning to earth, fire and fengshui began to diffuse quickly.

Under the real Sixiang sword formation in the "Shushan" world, the sky blue star field, which encompassed hundreds of planets, was directly suppressed.

"this is?!"

Bai Qi's face changed.

The Scarlet Domain suddenly began to expand, trying to resist the Four Elephant Sword Array.


The Sixiang Sword Array at this moment has been completely mobilized, even if it is only one-tenth of its power, it is not the White Killing Realm that can stand alone.





"Sure enough, the Federal Civilization is in contact with a certain fairy world?"

Li Siduan sat on the throne of the dragon chair ~www.ltnovel.com~ and looked at the supreme four ancient swords standing all over the universe with thoughtful eyes.

Although these four ancient swords are extremely tyrannical, they have a certain exclusion from the federal civilized world.

Obviously it is not a thing of the federal civilized world.

Moreover, the height of these four ancient swords cannot be cast by a mere federal civilization.

In Li Si's view, the existence of these four ancient swords is at least the existence of the seventh heaven and even the eighth heaven.

If the Federation civilization had such a powerful person, would it be watching the Datang world invade more than a hundred life planets?

"Is it the Sixiang sword formation of'Shushan'?"

Li Si thought of ups and downs, and suddenly thought.

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