Summon the Mythical Emperor of the World

Chapter 585: Holy Dharma! Destroy the world thunder! (Four thousand words, 2


"Even the Four Elephant Sword Array of'Shushan' came out?"

Li Si leaned slightly on Long Nian, with a smile on his face.

When the incarnation of "Sun Ming" and the disturbance of federal civilization, Li Si felt that the four fairy swords at that time were very similar to the four elephant sword formations of "Shu Mountain".

But at that time Li Si was only suspicious.

Because the Sixiang sword formation was too weak at that time.

In Li Si's memory, the Four Elephant Sword Array that can smelt everything is not comparable.

But now these four ancient swords are for Li Si to directly confirm that the opponent is very likely to be the suppression-level sword formation of'Shushan'.

Four elephant sword array.


"An ant who is not even in the realm of the Seventh Heaven God and Demon, who controls the Four Elephant Sword Formation, can he use the power of this sword formation?"

"If it were the Four Elephant Sword Formation in its heyday, I would have such a trace of scruples."

"but now......"

A trace of contempt flashed across Li Si's face.

The Four Elephant Sword Array is indeed powerful, second only to the few treasures of "Shu Mountain", and at least the top ten treasures of "Shu Mountain".

But no matter how strong the Sixiang sword formation is, it is just a dead thing.

Without an equally powerful master and envoy, the Sixiang Sword Array's method of smelting everything is probably going to be greatly discounted.

Under this situation, if the Federal Civilization wanted to solve the invasion of Datang by this, it would be tantamount to a dream.

Say it again.

Before Li Si, he sent ‘Delin’ to the federal civilized world.

With Delin from the world of ‘Panlong’ sitting in town, the federal civilization can’t make waves at all.

Under the crush of absolute strength, any struggle of the federal civilization is as fragile as thin paper.


Federal civilization.

Bai Qi and the other gods and demons looked solemn, feeling the pressure from the Sixiang sword array.

"This feeling."

"Is it some kind of field?"

Bai frowned slightly and muttered to himself.

Even his killing **** domain, under this pressure, is losing ground.

"Everything is those four ancient swords!"

Bai raised his head and looked towards the four sides of the universe, looming, like a four-like sword formation that melted into the void.

"No way."

"Need to stop."

"Otherwise, after a long time, we may be fine, but they might be dangerous."

Zhang Jiao turned his eyes and looked at the countless soldiers of the Tang Dynasty who were fighting with the warship mecha of the Federation civilization.

With the power revealed by the Sixiang Sword Array, there is no way for the gods and demons of their level to be affected for the time being.

It's just that other people are in danger.

As a disciple of "Xian", Zhang Jiao certainly saw the essence of the problem at a glance.

"Then what should I do?" Yan Lingji asked bluntly.

As one of the gods and demons in the war between the two realms, Yan Ling Ji and others are highly valued by His Majesty.

But if after the war, Datang’s soldiers were killed in battle, they would definitely be punished by His Majesty.

"Very simple."

"Block the power of these four ancient swords."

Zhang Jiao looked up quickly and said.

"We went to the positions of these four ancient swords in two groups, and then shot and suppressed these four ancient swords."

"Once Gu Jian is suppressed, the current situation will naturally be resolved."

Zhang Jiao said calmly.

"no problem."

In Bai Qi's eyes, there was panic and murderous intent rising, looking towards the white tiger fairy sword erected in the north of the universe, representing the white tiger.


"If we all go to deal with Gu Jian, who will guard the situation on the battlefield?"

Yan Lingji looked hesitant and couldn't help asking.

Yan Lingji's voice just fell.

Bai Qi, Zhang Jiao and others were silent.

In addition to Zhang Juzheng and Cao Zhengchun, who are based in Chang'an, and Irina, the mother emperor who continues to create an army of Zerg, his Majesty has sent a total of nine gods and demons to the federal civilized world.

These nine gods and demons, Zhuge Kongming needs to guard the gate of the world and cannot make a move.

There are only eight gods and demons who can move freely.

But if these eight gods and demons all travel to all corners of the universe to suppress the ancient sword, wouldn't the sky blue star field battlefield be dangerous?

Although the gate of the world is guarded by Zhuge Kongming, as long as there is no problem with the gate of the world, Datang will be invincible.

But if the Federal Civilization has any trump cards, it can deal with Zhuge Kongming...

Although this possibility is negligible.

But if it happened, they would be the sinners of Datang.

of course.

In addition to the gods and demons such as Bai Qi, there are also local gods and demons in the Datang world, as well as God and demons-level Zerg warriors on the battlefield.

But the strength of these gods and demons was far inferior to that of Bai Qi and others, and they were simply unable to perform the task of guarding the battlefield.

Just when Bai Qi and others hesitated.

A voice sounded.

"Don't worry about going."

"Leave it to me here."

I saw Delin suddenly walk out of the dark and spoke.

Bai Qi's pupils shrank and suddenly turned to look at Delin.

For Delin, Bai Qi met a while ago.

Because it was the gods and demons summoned by your majesty, Bai Qi had a few words with Delin.

But after that, Delin disappeared.

Bai Qi thought that Delin returned to Datang World.

But unexpectedly, Delin has been hiding in the dark.


"Then I will leave it to you."

Bai Qi thought for a moment, nodded and said.

Since Delin is the **** and demon summoned by His Majesty, it means that he can be trusted.

In addition, Bai Qi couldn't see through Delin at all, so she naturally wouldn't worry about Delin's lack of strength.

To be able to hide around silently and not be discovered by Bai Qi, where can the strength be weakened?


at the same time.

Above the federal civilized army.

Jiang Chen stood on the starry sky, feeling the monstrous power revealed by the Four Elephant Sword Array.

"This is the Sixiang sword formation of'Shushan'!"

"It really deserves to be a suppression and sword formation that only immortals can spur during the Tribulation Period."

A trace of paleness appeared on Jiang Chen's face, but he became more excited.

Compared with this real Sixiang sword formation, the imitations he had refined before were inferior to the dust on the ground.


"Under the blessing of the Sixiang sword formation, I am at the center of the sword formation."

"As long as the sword formation is not broken, I will not suffer any injuries."

Jiang Chen slowly looked towards the sky blue star field.


I saw eight streamers flying out from the depths of the sky blue star field.

These eight streamers, two of them in one group, are divided into four groups, and they respectively head towards the four ancient swords erected in the four directions of the universe.

"I noticed the weakness of the Sixiang Sword Array so quickly?"

A hint of surprise flashed across Jiang Chen's face, but there was no surprise.

If it is the immortal who crosses the catastrophe period to cast the Sixiang sword formation.

The four immortal swords will be completely integrated into the void, it is impossible to be discovered.

But Jiang Chen was not an immortal during the tribulation period.

As a result, there is a flaw in the Sixiang Sword Array.

That is, the four fairy swords cannot be completely integrated into the void, and there is the possibility of being targeted one by one.

"Even if you know what?"

Jiang Chen's expression remained unchanged, and a touch of madness appeared in the depths of his eyes.

"With the essence of the Four Elephant Sword Array, at least eight of you can be contained."

"The loss of eight strong men is the clarion call for my federal civilization to open the counterattack!"

Jiang Chen lowered his head slightly and looked at the huge starry sky battleship below.

Inside the battleship.

The majestic old man seemed to have received some news and immediately said: "Jiang Chen has already held the strong man in the Datang world."

"From now on, immediately dispatch all mythical mecha divisions and prepare to counterattack!!"

There was a strong excitement in the words of the majestic old man.

Because he knows that the federal civilization is life or death, so it will follow in the next half.


As the order spread.

Countless federation star warships and mecha divisions seem to be crazy.

Desperate to rush to the sky blue star field.



Boom boom boom! ! !

The breath of mythical mecha masters erupted one after another, and the horrible energy fluctuations swept one slice after another.




"Sure enough!!"

Waiters drove a five-hundred-meter-sized mecha, madly fighting with a certain **** and demon in Datang.

For a time.

The situation where Datang had overwhelmed the Federation suddenly reversed.

Under the frenzied attack of Federal Civilization, the Datang side unexpectedly began to show signs of decline.

"not good!"

"This group of natives in another world!!!"

Under the white tiger fairy sword, Bai Qi was about to retreat to support the battlefield.

But at this time.

Jiang Chen's voice suddenly sounded.

"Want to go?"

"Stay better."

In a flash.

The terrifying killing intent erupted from the White Tiger Fairy Sword.

The white tiger fairy sword represents the white tiger among the four elephants, which has the meaning of killing.

Under the mighty murderous intent, Bai Qi was in a dilemma.

Not only for nothing.

Zhang Jiao, Xiongba and other gods and demons were also dragged by the sudden eruption of the fairy sword, unable to support them, and could only helplessly watch Datang Yifang retreat.


"It's fast, it's fast!!!"

Jiang Chen's breath is getting more and more decayed, but the dazzling light in his eyes is even more dazzling: "As long as you destroy the cross-border teleportation array, everything will end."

Jiang Chen stared directly at the huge gate of the world in the depths of the sky blue star field.


at this time.

An old man wearing a broad coat robe turned into a streamer and flew slowly to the battlefield.

At this moment.

Datang and the Federation have completely fought each other.

The Kuroshio, which represents the Tang Dynasty, and the Feixue of the Federation have already mixed together to form a black and white meat grinder.

And this old man wearing an exaggerated robe fell into the battlefield lightly, and disappeared in a blink of an eye, without causing a ripple.

"Only one?"

Jiang Chen was taken aback for a moment, and then he didn't care.

The thing he was most worried about was that there were more than five powerhouses hidden in the Datang World.

If this is the case, the joint efforts of these five peak powerhouses will most likely block the Federation's offensive.

But one...

Jiang Chen didn't believe that a mere person could change the situation involving a star field battlefield.

Not to mention the endless starry sky battleships and mecha divisions, five mythical mecha divisions alone are enough to stop them and besiege them.

And under the white tiger fairy sword.

Bai Qi's mind is getting heavier.


Zhang Jiao also saw the old man in a wide overcoat.

This old man, it was Delin, who just promised to replace them and guard the battlefield.

But Zhang Jiao is not so optimistic about Dalin.

No matter how strong Delin is, he is alone after all.

Facing this densely packed federal army, how much Delin can kill no matter how strong he is?

And there are obstacles to the mythical mecha division of the same level.

"I hope Master Zhuge can block it."

"If Lord Zhuge can't stop it, then you can only rely on your Majesty."

Zhang Jiao didn't put hope on Delin, but was thinking about how to plead guilty to your majesty.


Zhang Jiao found that a light blue thunder appeared on the battlefield where he was fighting.

"That is?!!"

Jiang Chen also lowered his head, looking at the invisible thunder, a trace of doubt appeared on his face.

next moment.


A loud and terrifying noise spread in all directions.

The light blue thunder suddenly released a dazzling shock.

A circle of huge ripples centered on it, spreading and covering all around instantly.

At first, the ripples only filled one-tenth of the battlefield.

But then it expanded rapidly.

It covered one-fifth, one-third, one-half in an instant!

Boom! !

Amid the huge roar, a thunderstorm seemed to fall from the nine heavens, swallowing everything and covering everything! !

"Sanctuary! World Destroying Thunder!!!"

Amidst this sky-reaching thunder, an old man wearing a broad coat robe walked out and looked in the direction of the Federation.

Time seems to have stopped.

In the entire sky blue star field battlefield, the federal civilization side ~ ~ all star warships, all mecha divisions, stiffly stopped in place.

The slowly rotating stars, the battle fortresses of the Federation, all stood still.

The legendary mecha division, the myth mecha division, and even Jiang Chen, who was enveloped in the Sixiang sword formation, only felt that he was immobilized by an invisible pressure.


A light blue thunder flashed by.

Everything, battleships, fortresses, and mecha divisions, all shattered and disappeared silently under the stars.

Dead still.

Endless silence.

The entire sky blue star field, all the creatures participating in the war, fell into an unprecedented dead silence.

Especially in the rear of the Federation, the leaders and many congressmen who survived by chance have not yet been affected by the thunder, staring dullly at the blank starry sky that was erased by a force, as if they were caught in a nightmare, and could never wake up.

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