After dozens of breaths.

Countless soldiers on the side of the Tang Dynasty reacted, looking at the old man in a broad coat who had destroyed the Federation army with their own strength, and his expression was full of strong excitement.

"Datang is invincible!"

"Datang is invincible!!"

"Datang is invincible!!!"

Spiritual fluctuations like a tsunami swept in all directions, shocking.

Under the white tiger fairy sword.

Bai Qi's body was enveloped in a layer of blood mist that seemed to be substantial.

This is the external manifestation of the realm of killing **** condensed to the extreme.

Under this level of the Killing God Realm, Bai Qi's every move, the power that it exudes, is increased several times or even ten times.

"This kind of strength..."

Bai Qi glanced at Delin deeply, then closed his eyes and continued to fight against the white tiger fairy sword above.

Although Bai Qi's Killing God domain is strong and good at group attacks, it will take at least half a day to solve the large number of federal troops.

But Delin...

But it was a moment...

In addition, the pale blue thunder that seemed to fall from above nine heavens actually threatened Bai Qi with palpitations.

"It seems that I am worrying too much."

Zhang Jiao shook his head slightly, not paying attention to the battlefield, and instead looked at the Azure Dragon Immortal Sword that exuded a blue glow above his head.

"The rating of these immortal swords has already reached the real immortal level. Only true immortals can be refined."

"Does this world have anything to do with'Xian'?"

Zhang Jiao's thoughts were ups and downs, one after another Xianshu was beaten, falling on the Azure Dragon Immortal Sword.

Outside the door of the world.

Zhuge Kongming's right hand that had been raised slowly lowered.

Without Delin's shot just now, Zhuge Kongming would definitely not be blind.

Although he needs to guard the gate of the world and cannot leave, he can still do it with a single blow at an infinite distance.

"this is?"

Jiang Chen's pupils shrank and he was completely immersed.

As the controller of the Sixiang Sword Array, as long as the Sixiang Sword Array is not broken, Jiang Chen will be in absolute safety.


Even though Delin’s World Destroying Thunder just passed Jiang Chen.

But all the power was blocked by the power of the sword formation of the Sixiang sword formation.

"If there is no Sixiang Sword Array, can I survive?"

Jiang Chen's thoughts went up and down, but in the end he closed his eyes.


If there were no sword formations, Jiang Chen would not be any different from the smashed federal army.

In the federal army, there are also mythical mecha divisions.

But these mythical mecha divisions didn't even struggle, and they were wiped out.

Although Jiang Chen thought he was far superior to other mythological mecha divisions, there was no qualitative change with these mythical mecha divisions.

"what should I do now?"

Jiang Chen looked at Delin, who was standing under the stars, hesitated.

In fact.

Jiang Chen also has a hole card.

In addition to the Sixiang Sword Array, Jiang Chen also had an immortal talisman bestowed by the supreme of the Immortal Sect of Shushan.

Arouse this immortal talisman to get a blow from the "Shu Mountain".

The supreme of the Immortal Sect of "Shushan" is at least the invincible immortal of the Mahayana period.

In the world of ‘Shushan’, a powerhouse of this level can ascend to the upper realm at any time as long as he wishes.

And the blow of the immortal in the Mahayana period is not an exaggeration to say that it destroys the world.


With such a hole card in hand, Jiang Chen hesitated.

Because Zaichen's original plan was to use this fairy talisman to destroy the gate of the world.

With Jiang Chen's eyesight, he can naturally faintly perceive that near the gate of the world, there are strong men in the Tang world guarding him.


Jiang Chen needs the federal civilization to attack near the gate of the world, draw out the strong man to appear, and then inspire the fairy talisman to hit the "Shushan" Supreme.

But unfortunately.

The appearance of Delin completely disrupted Jiang Chen's plan.

Delin wiped out all the federal army with one blow, slashing all Jiang Chen's calculations.

Without an endless federal army, Jiang Chen couldn't get close to the gate of the world at all. Even if the fairy talisman was inspired, his power might be greatly reduced due to the distance, and his success would eventually fall short.

But at this moment.

The main force of the Union army is all over.

If Jiang Chen continues to use this fairy talisman, I am afraid that next, the federal civilization will be slaughtered by the Tang world.

But after being excited about the fairy talisman, what should the world gate do?

Do you expect two or three big cats and kittens of the Federal Civilization to fight against the great Tang powers hidden around the World Gate?

If the World Gate is not destroyed, the Datang World will continuously send strong men to invade the federal civilization.

Waiting for the federal civilization is still a dead end.

"hold on!"

"hold on!"

Jiang Chen took a deep breath and sat cross-legged on the starry sky.


Within the Federation main ship.

The dignified old man and many parliamentarians were silent.

An extremely depressing atmosphere permeated everyone.

In order to be able to grasp the situation, they installed the most advanced detection device of the Federation around the sky blue star field.

You can observe the entire battlefield immersively.


The more so, the more ‘clearly’ they felt about Delin’s blow just now.

The kind of thunder that destroys everything, as if the entire star field would collapse for it.

A sense of powerlessness filled the hearts of the federation's high-levels who were usually high above Fang Qiu.

Whether it is the dignified old man or other congressmen, they all feel the great horror that all beings are ants.

Even if they hold power, what can they do?

Under this kind of power, the monstrous power cannot keep them alive.

"That's it."

"That's it."

After a long time, the majestic old man's voice was extremely bitter.

Before the decisive battle.

He once asked Chen Shaoming, the congressman who was envoy to Datang.

At that time, the dignified old man asked Chen Shaoming a question.

What is his chance of winning for the Federation?

Chen Shaoming's answer is half-percent.

And the premise of this half is based on the situation where Jiang Chen is able to make waves.

If there is no Jiang Chen.

The federal civilization will definitely lose.

The dignified old man still thinks Chen Shaoming thinks too much at first?

Even if the Datang World could indeed crush the federal civilization, most of the strength of the Datang World was still on the other side of the gate of the world.

Due to the restrictions of the World Gate.

It is bound to be impossible for the Datang World to use all of its strength on the federal civilization.

Under this circumstance, even if the federal civilization uses human life to push it, there is no chance of winning.

But now.

The majestic old man suddenly realized a For the Datang world, the resistance of the federal civilization was as ridiculous as a clown.

Just one person is enough to destroy the army that the federal civilization has assembled.

What is the federal civilization in the eyes of Datang World?

"The Emperor of Tang Dynasty?"


"Emperor of Tang Dynasty!!!"

The majestic old man's eyes are filled with regret and unwillingness.

He understands that what is waiting for the federal civilization next may be an abyss that will never be restored.

And all of this was caused by him.

If it weren't for the majestic old man who decided to fight to death with Datang, how could the current situation be so desperate?

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