Summon the Mythical Emperor of the World

Chapter 587: Li Si: Federal civilization, you are looking for death! !

"Oh my God!"

"what is that?!!"

"Run! Devil! All the devil!!"

On the edge of the battlefield, because they were not within the range of Delin's first blow, the surviving federal forces were all pale, apart from anything else, the warship mechas that were immediately controlled flee in the direction far away from the sky blue star field.

No federal soldier can maintain fighting spirit.

No one can bear the great horror of the sudden turn of the earth and the collapse of the star field.


A congressman noticed this scene, looked at the expressionless majestic old man, and asked with a trembling voice.


The majestic old man glanced at these deserters.


Where can you escape?

If the federal civilization is really destroyed, those of you who participated in the war can survive?

The majestic old man moved his lips, but in the end he couldn't say anything.

Because it makes no sense.

What if these people do not escape?

The main force of the Union army was wiped out.

The remaining people, even if they stay, can't affect the situation at all.


Datang World.

Li Si sat on the dragon's wing, looked at the scene where Delin took the shot, nodded slightly and said: "The holy law of the'Panlong' world is really unique."

The holy method is a method that can only be mastered by the sanctuary mage of the "Panlong" world.

Compared to immortal spells and magic spells, holy spells are far more domineering.

Whether it's immortal or magical methods, they all emphasize the unity of nature and man, and their methods are relatively gentle.

But the holy law is different.

The holy law goes to extremes.

Come as much as possible.


"The war should not be over yet."

Li Si turned his gaze and looked at the four fairy swords erected in all directions of the universe.

So far, apart from these four elephant sword formations, Li Si has not discovered any other means of the "Shushan" world.

Li Si didn't believe that the "Shushan" world merely lent the Four Elephant Sword Array to the Federation Civilization, without other arrangements.


Federation main ship.

The majestic old man raised his head, his eyes blank.


"Do you want to start the Tinder plan?"

A gentle man with glasses approached and asked in a low voice.

Long before the decisive battle, the Commonwealth Civilization was preparing the Tinder Plan.

It's just that the Tinder plan is of great importance, and it must wait until the situation is completely irreversible before it can be launched.

And at the moment.

This is when the situation is completely irretrievable.

"Tinder Project..."

"Is the Tinder plan useful?"

The majestic old man muttered to himself.

If it had been before, the Tinder Project represented the last hope of federal civilization.

But after seeing the true power of Datang World, the majestic old man suddenly raised doubts.

The so-called Tinder plan.....

Really useful?

With the strength currently demonstrated by the Datang World, the warship carrying the Federal Civilization Fire Project may not be able to escape far.

In this case, the Tinder plan has long lost its meaning.

Other lawmakers saw the words of the dignified old man, and their faces were ashamed.


Anyone with a little bit of foresight has already realized that the Tinder Plan has no effect at all.


"I have a way."

"Can force Datang World to retreat."

At this moment, a certain congressman suddenly spoke.

The words came out.

Everyone on the court frowned.


At this time, is there any way to make Datang World back down?


The majestic old man said without expression.

By now, the dignified old man had already planned the worst, and listening to the so-called method did not affect much.

"Before the Emperor of the Tang Dynasty brought a word and asked me to hand over the meteorite core before I was willing to negotiate."

"From this, I infer that the core of this meteorite has an extraordinary position in the heart of the Emperor of Tang Dynasty."

When the congressman said this, he paused.

"carry on."

The majestic old man was shocked, as if grasping something.


The speaking congressman looked around and looked at the other congressmen: "We can use the meteorite core as a bargaining chip on the spot to force the Emperor of the Tang Dynasty to retreat the army of the Datang World."

"If the Emperor Datang refuses to agree, we will destroy the core of the meteorite."

"If the Emperor of the Tang Dynasty agrees, after the Datang World retreats, it is up to us to decide whether to hand over the meteorite core."

The congressman talked freely.

The eyes of the majestic old man are getting brighter.

Perhaps the method mentioned by Members is indeed feasible.

Provided that......

"I'm right."

Suddenly, another congressman stood up and said: "Everything you said is based on the premise that the Emperor Datang attaches great importance to the core of the meteorite."

"If the meteorite core is not so high in the heart of the Emperor Datang, the fate of our federal civilization..."

The second member has not finished.

The first congressman interrupted: "End?"

The first congressman sneered: "You think, even if you don't do this, how can the fate of my federal civilization be better?"

The first congressman's words just fell.

All the members of the court were silent.

Even the second congressman who retorted could not speak.


Now their federal civilization has no choice.

You can only make a bet.

"Just do it!"

The majestic old man made a final conclusion.


With the consent of all members.

The meteorite core is activated and transmitted through the wormhole to the main ship.


Sky blue star field battlefield.

Delin looked indifferently at the remnant army of the Federation that had begun to flee, and was about to speak and pursue and kill.

at this time.

A huge main ship came slowly.

I saw a mecha division walk out of the main ship, and a faint spirit wave spread in all directions.

"Dear Datang powerhouses."

"Now let's make a deal."

The mechanic stretched out his right hand, and a box made of alloy emerged.

"This is the core of the outer meteorite captured by our federal civilization."

"It's also what your Datang Emperor wants."

The mechanic looked at Delin and continued: "As long as I have a thought or an abnormal mental state, even if there is only a trace, the core of the meteorite will explode."

"Therefore, if you want to snatch, there is no need."

The words of the mechanic made Delin frown slightly.

Just now, he really wanted to use some kind of soul holy method to control the other party.

But at this time, he dared not take this risk.

"what do you want?"

Delin looked at the mecha division and said slowly.

"Very simple."

"All your troops in the Tang Dynasty, retreat as many as possible, and then destroy the gate of the world."

The mechanic said bluntly.

After hearing this, Delin didn't answer.

Withdraw all the Great Tang army, as long as His Majesty can make this decision.

"of course."

"You can choose to refuse."

"The consequence of rejection is the core of the meteorite, which will be destroyed together with our federal civilization!"

The mechanic said in a stern tone.

Delin looked at the mechanic quietly.

Without a clear order, Delin was unable to make any decisions.

After a while.

Seeing nothing from Datang's side, the mecha division saw a trace of madness in his eyes.


The box cast from alloy is opened.

A piece of jade-like dish inside was exposed.

The jade dish is like gold but not gold, like jade but not jade, and an inexplicable breath flows on the surface of the jade dish.

"In that case."

"Destroy together."

An energy light blade appeared in the hand of the mecha division, and it slashed towards the jade disc.

Hum! !

At the moment the energy light blade slashed on the surface of the jade disc.

Time and space seemed to freeze.

in all directions.

up down left right.

The entire federal civilized world was plunged into a strange silence.

The star stopped burning.

Light cannot be transmitted.

Even thinking began to slow down.

On the surface of the jade dish, cracks appeared one after another, and an aura that surpassed the heavens emerged from the cracks.

As if in the jade disc, a certain stalwart existence is slowly recovering.

"this is?"

Delin's expression changed drastically.

Even if he is as strong as him, in front of the aura revealed in the cracks of the jade dish, it is as small as an ant.

at the same time.

Datang World.

"Federal Civilization."

"You are looking for death!!!"

Li Si stood up from Long Nian, a flash of anger flashed through his eyes.

The next moment.

Li Si stepped forward, stepping directly into the world, and descending into the federal civilized world.

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