Summon the Mythical Emperor of the World

Chapter 588: Come in person!

When the Commonwealth Civilized Mecha Division held the energy light blade and slashed on the meteorite core.

A supreme breath that cannot be seen directly began to ascend and spread from the meteorite core.

Under the envelope of this breath, even a sanctuary mage like Delin's thinking began to slow down.

"what is this?"

Inside the federal main ship, the look of the majestic elders and many congressmen changed drastically.

Even though they have obtained the meteorite core for hundreds of years, they have never seen such an abnormality in the meteorite core.

For a long time, successive federal leaders thought that the meteorite core was just a dead object.

At most, there is some magic on it, which can easily make people mentally disordered, but that's all.

But now.

The aura spreading from the core of this meteorite, the aura that is above everything, does not seem to be as simple as a dead thing?

"Could it be..."

A trace of fear suddenly rose in the majestic old man's heart.

As if opening a Pandora's box, it spread the panic to the world.


Even if the majestic old man regrets it, it is already too late.

Under the aura that exudes from the core of the meteorite, his thinking began to slow down, unable to stop it.

Above the stars.

Jiang Chen, who had been sitting cross-legged and presiding over the Sixiang sword formation, suddenly opened his eyes.

"This feeling......"

Jiang Chen stared straight at the core of the meteorite.

The image of the meteorite core is a jade dish.

The jade disc is made of special material, like gold but not gold, like jade but not jade, so extraordinary.

But at this moment, the surface of the jade dish cracked one after another, revealing a breath of supremacy.

"What the **** is the meteorite core?"

Jiang Chen's face was ugly.

As the first mythical mecha division of the federal civilization, Jiang Chen has also seen the core of meteorites.

But at this time, the core of the meteorite gave Jiang Chen a very strange feeling.

"not good!"

The tyrant suddenly raised his head and looked towards the core of the meteorite.

Not only the male tyrant, Bai Qi, Zhang Jiao, and even Zhuge Kongming, who was far away from the door of the world, also noticed something and wanted to stop it.



The aura exuding from the core of the meteorite, even if it was just shrouded in random, made it difficult for Bai Qi and others to take action.

Just as Zhang Jiao and the other gods and demons looked solemn, everyone in the Federation looked panicked and could only wait quietly for the situation to develop in an unimaginable direction.

Rumble! ! !

A breath of detachment from the world appeared in the federal civilized world without warning.

Every inch of the starry sky in the sky blue star field began to tremble, as if preparing to welcome the arrival of a godless person.

The phenomenon of slight time and space stagnation was originally caused by the aura from the core of the meteorite, which was directly broken.

Whether it is Bai Qi and other gods and demons, or the people of the Federation, they are panting, like a fish leaving the water source, hard to breathe.

"Federal Civilization!"

"You are looking for death!!"

A voice that sounded like a prison, echoed in the ears of every creature in the federal civilization.

Everyone subconsciously raised their heads and looked at the door of the world in the depths of the sky blue star field.

At this moment.

I saw a figure wearing a dragon robe slowly walked out of the depths of this huge and towering world gate.

"Dragon Robe? Are you?!!!"

The moment the majestic old man saw this figure, incredible fear and shock appeared on his face.

Just as mortals knew the existence of the Nine Heavens True Dragon, but had never seen it before.

Until one day, the nine-day real dragon really came to the world where the mortal was, panic and helpless.



The mecha division holding the core of the meteorite, under this pressure, turned into powder without any suspense, and disappeared under the stars.

And the meteorite core is out of the control of the mecha division, floating quietly in the starry sky, slowly sinking and floating.

As for the energy light blade that was cut on the core of the meteorite, it was shattered with the mecha.

Losing the energy light blade, the meteorite core, which was originally covered with cracks, slowly began to heal, and the horrible aura from the cracks became lighter and lighter.

"Fortunately, it stopped in time."

"The source of the fourth natural disaster did not really wake up."

Li Si saw this scene, his expression unchanged, but he was slightly relieved.

If he comes here for a while and waits for the meteorite core to fully recover, I am afraid the source of the fourth natural disaster will ‘wake up’.

At that time, Li Si might only be able to destroy the gate of the world and cut off all the connections between the Tang world and the federal civilization.

Originally, Li Si hadn't taken any action and didn't descend into the federal civilization because he was worried about drawing the attention of the fourth natural disaster.

In Li Si's conjecture, the source of the fourth natural disaster was not even enslaved by the federal civilization, and it was most likely to be in a state of sleep.

In order to avoid accidents, Li Si can only stay in the Datang World and let his subordinates take action.

after all.

Li Si's current strength was already able to crush the ordinary seven-layer gods and demons before he conquered the world of the ‘divine carving’.

After conquering the world of ‘Divine Carving’, the strength has skyrocketed, even if it is not as good as the Nine Heavens Gods and Demons, it is not far behind.

Although Li Si didn't know how deep asleep the source of the fourth natural disaster was, if he rushed into the federal civilized world, it would certainly stimulate the source of the fourth natural disaster.

Moreover, after Li Si included the "Lord God", his body naturally carried a trace of the "Lord God" aura. If the source of the fourth natural disaster was discovered, the consequences...

You must know that the source of the fourth natural disaster has certainly severely damaged the'Lord God'.

However, the'Lord God' also severely damaged the source of the fourth natural disaster, and the two are definitely immortal enemies.


Out of various considerations, Li Si did not take it lightly.


When Li Si saw the behavior of these idiots in the federal civilization, he couldn't bear it.

If Li Si does not take action again, I am afraid that the source of the fourth natural disaster will be truly released.

Under such circumstances, Li Si did not hesitate to descend into the federal civilization.

Try to prevent it before the fourth natural disaster is fully recovered.


Li Si had good luck.

The meteorite core at this moment is slowly sinking into silence.

"Is it because the injuries were so severe that I couldn't even detect the'main god' aura on me?"

Li Si frowned It stands to reason that the injury at the source of the fourth natural disaster is less severe than that of the "Lord God".

But now it seems that even the ‘Lord God’ is not aware of the fact that the injury at the source of the fourth natural disaster is very different from Li Si’s guess.

At this moment, some people walked out of the entrance of the Federal Main Fleet, and it was the numerous members of the Federation headed by the majestic elders.

"Who are you... on earth?"

In order to confirm the guess in his heart, the majestic old man bit his head and asked with a trembling voice.

"Who am I?"

Li Ai turned his eyes, looked at the majestic old man and others, with a calm expression.

"Your federal civilization, don't you want to make a deal with me?"

"Now, I am here."

Li Si carried his hands on his back and said slowly.

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