Federal civilization.

Sky Blue Star Field.

When Li Si finished his last sentence, "Now, I am here," all the federal lawmakers, including the federal leaders, exploded.

Although they had already guessed in their hearts, they still felt a huge shock when Li Si personally admitted.

The man in front of him...

Is it the Emperor of Tang Dynasty?

The absolute master of Datang World?

It is precisely because of the other party's idea that the federal civilization is invaded and is about to end?

The majestic old man wanted to look directly at the Emperor of Tang Dynasty.

But I found myself unable to look directly.

Just as the Emperor of Tang Dynasty and the world he lived in were not the same.

"The Emperor of Tang Dynasty?"

Jiang Chen sat cross-legged, looking at the figure with the negative hand standing for nine days, almost above the world.

"Sixiang Sword Array, are you in fear?"

Jiang Chen looked up and looked around.

I saw four huge fairy swords erected all over the universe.

These four huge fairy swords, looming, almost merged with the void, as if they were immortal.

In fact it is so.

The Sixiang Sword Array, as the suppression-level sword formation of the "Shu Mountain" Xianzong, has guarded the "Shu Mountain" for an unknown number of years, and has survived many calamities.

Although there is no such exaggeration as the "Ten Thousand Tribulations", the difference is not that far.

And at the moment.

This ‘Shushan’ suppression-level sword formation, the four immortal swords of the Sixiang sword formation began to tremble, as if fearing something.

After discovering this scene, Jiang Chen was silent.

Jiang Chen never dreamed that the Sixiang sword formation he had placed his hopes on would actually feel the breath of the Emperor of the Tang Dynasty, and that was how it reacted.

Under this circumstance, Jiang Chen absolutely believes that once he imposes the Sixiang Sword Array against the Emperor of the Tang Dynasty, he might be directly attacked by the Sixiang Sword Array.

"Mahayana period?"

"Still above the Mahayana period?"

The thoughts in Jiang Chen's mind fluctuated.

Only the Mahayana immortals who can make the Sixiang Sword Array react like this, even more terrifying than the Mahayana immortals.

after all.

It is not that the Sixiang Sword Array has not trapped the Mahayana immortals.

Normal Mahayana immortals would never let the Sixiang sword formation be timid before fighting.

Even if the current Four Elephant Sword Formation is dominated by Jiang Chen, there is no one in power.

"Emperor of Tang Dynasty..."

The majestic old man took a deep breath, suppressed the shock and horror in his heart, and tried to calm his expression.

after all.

As the supreme leader of the Federation, he should be at the same height as Li Si.


Even though Li Si was watching lightly, the majestic old man felt a pressure that seemed to come from nine days above his face.

After realizing this.

The majestic old man gritted his teeth and continued: "Emperor Datang, I am indeed ready to make a deal with you."

"This thing is the core of the meteorite of my federation. It is exactly what you want."

"Now I dedicate him to the World of Tang Dynasty, and ask Emperor Tang to forgive my federal civilization once."

After the dignified old man said these words, he only felt that his body was collapsed.

"Dedicated to?"


Li Si shook his head slightly, a trace of contempt crossed his eyes: "You think now, you

Is the Federation still the master of the meteorite core? "

Since Li Si came to the federal civilization, the entire world has been under Li Si's control, and everything has become Li Si's private property.

How ridiculous that the majestic old man wants to dedicate the core of the meteorite to Li Si?

This is equivalent to offering Li Si's things to Li Si.

"what do you mean!"

Upon hearing this, the majestic old man paled.

"Everything should be over."

Li Si's eyes were flat and he said softly.

"White rise."

Li Si's voice just fell.

Under the white tiger fairy sword in the west of the universe, a soldier in silver armor turned into a **** light and appeared not far away.

"It will be at the end."

Bai Qi arched his hands slightly and said loudly.

"Within three days, level down federal civilization!"

Li Si looked at Bai Qi and said calmly.

"According to the purpose."

After Bai Qi finished speaking, he turned around and headed towards all directions with Zhang Jiao and other gods and demons who were accompanying him.


Countless Datang soldiers were divided into eight parts, and they followed Bai Qi and other gods and demons to fight.

"It's over."

The majestic old man and many congressmen saw this scene, only feeling a trace of sorrow in their hearts.

They clearly understand that the federal civilization is about to end.

Now that the main force of the federal civilization is buried on the battlefield, how can you resist these soldiers?


The majestic old man has a feeling.

I am afraid that it will not take three days for the federal civilization to be flattened.

Just when the dignified old man and others were panicking.

Li Si turned his eyes and looked at the Four Elephant Sword Array erected in all directions of the universe.


"The strength of the main line is too weak."

Li Si raised his right hand and grabbed it at the four huge fairy swords

In an instant.

The stars trembled.

The four huge immortal swords suddenly let out a mournful cry, and was pulled out by Li Si abruptly from the half-merged into the void.

Hum! !

Jiang Chen's expression changed drastically, and he spit out a mouthful of blood.

"not good!!!"

Jiang Chen could feel that within the four immortal swords, the traces belonging to him were being erased at a speed visible to the naked eye.


Jiang Chen has a hideous face.

He spent most of his own essence and blood to leave traces in the Sixiang Immortal Sword, in order to stimulate the Sixiang sword formation.

Once these traces are erased by Li Si, it shows that the Four Elephant Sword Formation has completely fallen into Li Si's hands.

For Jiang Chen, this is absolutely an unbearable loss.

The Sixiang Sword Array is a treasure temporarily bestowed by the Supreme Supreme Being of the "Shushan" Immortal Sect to Jiang Chen.

When Jiang Chen returned to the world of'Shushan', he still had to return it.

Once Jiang Chen lost the Sixiang Sword Formation, even if his fate was special and he received too much attention from the "Shushan" Immortal Sect, the end would not be any better.

"Get me back!"

Jiang Chen bit the tip of his tongue, spit out a mouthful of blood, and constantly operated his mind to control the Sixiang Sword Array, trying to regain control of the Sixiang Sword Array.



Even though Jiang Chen paid a huge price, Li Si slowly raised his hand, it was like a mantle arm blocking a car, and he couldn't help it.


Li Si frowned.

When pulling out the Sixiang Immortal Sword, Li Si felt an insignificant resistance.

Although this resistance could not even delay the moment, it still made Li Si somewhat dissatisfied.

next moment.

Li Si turned his eyes and looked at Jiang Chen.

boom! ! !

At this moment ~www.ltnovel.com~ Jiang Chen was struck by lightning.

Under Li Si's indifferent gaze, Jiang Chen deeply realized what is called ‘Divine Power as Prison’, as if Jiang Chen was reduced to an ant on the ground, life or death, all in Li Si’s thoughts.

Bang! ! !

Jiang Chen's body exploded directly.



The majestic old man and many federal congressmen were so frightened that they didn't even dare to breathe too much when they saw this scene.


At the moment Jiang Chen exploded.


Li Si seemed to perceive something, with a startled suspicion, his eyes slowly turned to a certain direction.

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