Summon the Mythical Emperor of the World

: Sheet 593 The end of the Federation, the fourth natural disaster!


Jiang Chen Zhenling was full of fear.

With the death of Fuhengzi, the true spirit of Jiang Chen, who had lost its shelter, had not survived even a moment, and was completely wiped out under the pressure of the divine instrument of merit.

All the members of the Federation watching the battle from a distance were silent and desperate.

Just now, when Fu Hengzi first appeared, there was a little thought in their hearts that they shouldn't have. Maybe the Emperor of the Tang Dynasty and Fu Hengzi were both injured, and his federal civilization was able to survive...

But the cruel facts tell these federal members...

For an existence like the Emperor of Tang Dynasty, would both lose? Never possible! ! !

Fu Hengzi didn't even survive Li Si's move, so he died, what would he do to hurt both sides?

Both losers are based on the premise of the same strength or not very far apart.

But now...

Is there a big difference between Emperor Datang and Fu Hengzi in strength?

If Li Si knew the thoughts of these federal members, he would definitely disdain.

As the supreme elder of the Immortal Sect of "Shushan", Fu Hengzi would indeed make Li Si jealous if the deity came.

After all, the Mahayana period of the'Shushan' world is already equivalent to the nine heavenly gods and demons of the Datang world.

But what appeared in the Federation World was just a dharma body of Fu Hengzi, not even a clone.

For today's Li Si, it is simply vulnerable.

Li Si's heart moved.

The artifact tripod, which was originally as big as the world, once again tumbled around.

The drooping power of ten thousand virtues kept shrinking, and it instantly condensed into a half-person-high small tripod, suspended above Li Si's head, constantly rising and falling.

"Not bad."

Li Si glanced at the meritorious artifact tripod and nodded slightly.

Since conquering the world of ‘Divine Sculpture’, the fortune level of the Datang Empire has been slightly improved, and even the power of the artifact cauldron with merit has skyrocketed. The ordinary seven-layer gods and demons simply cannot withstand the pressure of the artifact cauldron.

"Fu Hengzi?"

"'Shushan' world?"

A chill flashed across Li Si's face.

In fact, even if Fu Hengzi did not threaten Li Si, he would not be able to return to the world of'Shushan' alive.

God knows what will happen after Fu Hengzi goes back?

Will the Immortal Sect of'Shushan' discover the abnormality of the federal civilization and the state of the source of the fourth natural disaster, and then do anything again?

Li Si made a plan and finally broke through the world channel of Datang World and Federal Civilization. He was about to reap the fruits and was absolutely not allowed to be disturbed by others.

Even if it's just possible, it won't work!

As for Li Si's shot to crush Fu Hengzi's body, will the other party know...

The deity of Fu Hengzi, perhaps knowing that the law body was killed, would never know what happened to the federal civilized world.

Dharmakaya is not a clone, let alone an incarnation.

At best, the body is a powerful memory.

Belonging to an independent individual.

Can't share all the memories like the avatar.

In addition, Li Si had already used the power of the'Lord God' to block time and space before taking the shot.

In this case, let alone just a Dharmakaya, even if it is a clone incarnation, it will be disconnected from the deity under the blocked time and space of the ‘main god’.

The ‘main god’’s blockade of time and space is blocked from the root of cause and effect.

Just when Li Si was thinking about it.

Hum! ! !

I saw a sword sound resounding across the world.

Four huge fairy swords soared into the sky, and flew towards the distance.

"Almost forgot you."

Li Si smiled softly.

Although the meritorious artifact tripod easily crushed Fuhengzi Dharma Body and Jiang Chen True Spirit.

But it didn't hurt the suppression-level sword formation of "Shushan" Xianzong.

One is that Li Si intentionally left this sword formation.

On the other hand, the Four Elephant Sword Array has been cultivated by the Immortal Sect of "Shu Mountain" for many years. The body does not say that it is immortal, but it is unrealistic that the meritorious artifacts want to crush it in one blow.

I saw Li Si beckoning slightly.

An energetic force swept up towards the Four Elephant Sword Array.

The Sixiang Sword Array wanted to struggle.


How could the Four Elephant Sword Array, which lost the main array, block Li Si?

Not for a moment.

Four miniature swords, which had shrunk several times, were suspended in Li Si's palm.

"Four Elephant Sword Array?"

"At least the nine heavenly gods and demons spent a lot of energy to refine them."

"And after countless years of cultivation by the Immortal Sect of'Shushan', has reached the peak of the Nine Heavens, and has even begun to'evolve' towards the Nine Heavens?"

Li Si took a close look at the four elephant sword formations, slightly satisfied.

Without hesitation, the Sixiang Sword Array is Li Si now, besides the'Master God', the highest level treasure.

Not even the Temple of War.

At best, the God of War Temple is only eight levels of gods and demons.

Yu Sixiang sword formation is a big difference.

"It is rumored that in the great wild world, the four swords of Zhuxian of the Heavenly Sage suppressed Wanxian, and the saint is unbreakable."

Li Si looked at the four miniature fairy swords in his hand and thought of it leisurely.


The Four Swords of Zhuxian and the Four Elephant Sword Array, except that they are composed of four swords, differ in power by thousands of miles.

Li Si played the Sixiang Sword Array for a while again, and threw it directly into the immeasurable time and space in the main temple.

The Sixiang Sword Array, as the suppression-level sword formation of the "Shu Mountain" Xianzong, Li Si thought with his feet, knowing that the "Shushan" Xianzong must have the means to lock the position of the Sixiang Sword array.


Li Si did not intend to use the Sixiang Sword Array.

But throw it into the main temple.

The immeasurable time and space of the main temple, the heavens and worlds, which are known as the smaller one, isolate time and space, and isolate cause and effect. No matter how great the ‘shushan’ fairy sect is, it cannot lock the Sixiang sword formation through the immeasurable time and space.

Finish these.

Li Si put his hands behind his back again, his eyes turned to look at the majestic elders and numerous federal congressmen.

"Respected Emperor Datang."

"We are willing to surrender, willing to surrender!"

The majestic old man only felt that a terrifying gaze swept away, and immediately said bitterly.

"We are willing."

"Also ask the Emperor of Tang Dynasty to spare us."

The remaining lawmakers saw the leader taking the lead and surrendered, and immediately scrambled.

In the face of life and death, the so-called dignity and the so-called face are not worth mentioning.


Li Si smiled faintly.

"I don't need it anymore."

Li Si shook his head slightly and waved his hand.

In an instant.

Everyone in the Federation looked stiff and was wiped out of thin air, as if they had never existed before.

If these federal senior officials honestly cooperate when Li Si asks them to hand over the source of the fourth natural disaster, Li Si may be able to let them go again.

But these people did not.

Not only did they not, they also threatened Li Si with this...

Therefore, in Li Si's mind, these people were already dead.

"Everything is up."

"Next, it's your turn."

Li Si casually wiped off the people of the Federation, staring at a certain position with solemn expression.

There is a jade dish floating quietly there.

The jade disc is like gold but not gold, like jade and not jade, a mysterious and inexplicable breath spreads from the surface of the jade disc.

It is the core of the meteorite captured by the federal civilization.

That is, the fourth natural disaster source body identified by Li Si!

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