Federal civilization on the edge of the world.

Just when the hearts of many huge starry beasts were trembling and restless.

The energy fluctuations originating from the sky blue star field gradually weakened, and finally immersed.

"what happened?"

"Boss, didn't you say that there is an incredible existence in the fight?"

"Why now..."

The golden starry beast was silent for a moment, and its huge eyes were filled with solemnity: "The battle is over."


The inquiring star behemoth looked dumbfounded.

It never expected that the battle that even the golden star beast called the "incredible existence" would end so soon?

You know, the more powerful it takes to fight, the more time it takes.

Because as the level increases, the life-saving ability or comprehensive means will increase. In this case, it will take a long time and extremely difficult to completely kill or defeat the opponent. If you are careless, you will be reversed. .

Unless the strength of both sides is crushed.

But crushing by strength is common among the weak.

But among the real strong, how easy is it to talk about?

And the energy fluctuations from the sky blue star field just now are absolutely out of reach for this giant starry sky.

It simply cannot imagine how terrifying the strength of crushing the other party's existence in this level of war!

"Boss, that direction should be one of the territories ruled by the federal civilization..."

"Federal Civilization?"

The golden star beast repeated in a low voice.

"Boss, do we need to send clansmen to destroy the federal civilization?"

The talking star beast continued to ask cautiously.

"no need."

The golden star beast did not hesitate to refuse: "The appearance of such a terrifying existence in the federal civilization, I am afraid that it does not need our clan to take action, and the clan is already annihilated in the aftermath of the battle. Misfortune is not a blessing!"

A trace of horror flashed across the golden starry beast's eyes.

In addition to fear in the heart of the golden star beast, there are more doubts.

It thinks it has lived for a long time, but it has never heard of such a strong one.

"Are they the few beings who disappeared at the beginning of the world? Or come from outside the world..."

The golden starry sky behemoth's thoughts turned rapidly, and countless possibilities were thought of in a flash.

But no matter what kind of possibility, it is not the starry behemoth clan can provoke.

From beginning to end.

The golden star behemoth did not think that the existence of the horrible energy fluctuations had anything to do with the federal civilization.

Are you kidding me? !

For those powerful people, even if they are not born and stalwart mythical races, they are also unworldly powerful people watching all living beings. How can they be reached by the so-called technological foreign objects with the federal civilization?

"and also."

The golden star beast seemed to have thought of something, and continued to speak: "Transfer the race and move on toward the edge of the universe."


"Our current position is already at the edge of the universe. If we go further, we will be close to the cosmic membrane. Space-time storms will occasionally appear there. If we encounter it, our race may suffer damage..."

The star beast beside him bit his head.

"There is damage and possible genocide, which one do you choose?"

The golden star beast said expressionlessly.

If the being far away in the sky blue star field noticed the starry sky giant beasts, the life and death of their clan would be between that one's thoughts.

The golden starry sky behemoth thought it could not stop the will of that existence.

But you can hide it if you can't stop it!

As long as it is not discovered by that existence!


at the same time.

Sky Blue Star Field.

Naturally, Li Si didn’t know that at the edge of the universe, the real overlord of the universe, the Star Giants clan before infinite years, would be scared to transfer the group because of the aftermath of his fight with the Taishang Fuhengzi of the "Shushan" world, and would rather face the risk of space-time storms. He didn't want to risk being discovered by Li Si.

At this moment.

All of Li Si's attention was concentrated on the jade dish in front of him.

For the sake of safety, Li Si did not bring the jade disc back to the Tang world.

Because this jade disc is the source of the fourth natural disaster that once crisscrossed the heavens.

God knows what will happen.

The Tang World is the rear of Li Si's future battles in Ten Thousand Realms.

No accidents are allowed.

So Li Si directly chose to study jade discs in the federal civilized world.

In this way, even if something was beyond Li Si's control, Li Si had a big deal to abandon the federal civilization.

"This is the source of the fourth natural disaster?"

Li Si took a close look at the jade disc.

The jade disc exists in front of Li Si, but if Li Si closes his eyes, he cannot sense the existence of the jade disc at all.

simply put.

The jade dish can only be seen by the naked eye.

As for other methods, such as divine mind, consciousness, and other exploration methods, it is impossible to perceive the jade disc.

"Returning to the basics, it exists in the heavens and the earth but cannot be checked..."

Li Si muttered to himself.

Fortunately, the source of the fourth natural disaster was captured by the federation, a group of civilizations that did not follow the individual path.

Otherwise, if the source of the fourth natural disaster falls in the hands of a world like ‘Shushan’, it will inevitably be found anomalous.

The ants of the Federation had no idea what kind of existence they captured.


Li Si's heart moved.


The jade disc fell into Li Si's hands.

At the moment when the jade dish approached Li Si, a terrible mental oppression enveloped Li Si.

"No wonder the Federal Civilization wants to seal you up."

"This kind of mental oppression, even if it is the Seventh Heaven God and Demon, may not be able to resist it."

Li Si just frowned, then looked at the jade dish casually.

There is a main temple guarding Li Si's soul, unless the source of the fourth natural disaster is restored to its heyday, it is impossible to affect Li Si.

"However, the source of the fourth natural disaster is now in sight, so why doesn't the system react at all?"

Li Si looked at the jade dish, frowned and thought.

Li Si's thoughts were ups and downs, and scenes of the ‘Master God’ were suddenly flashed across his mind.

"I see."

Li Si's eyes were thoughtful among the sparks.

next moment.

Li Si snapped at the jade disc.


The surface of the jade dish suddenly exploded.

There was a cloud of light that looked down on the shape.

Immediately after.

This fascinating light group suddenly exploded with a terrifying power because of Li Si's stimulation, and a huge and mighty will was reviving.

For a time.

Time and space seemed to be stuck in silt, and stopped moving.

The entire federal civilized world seems to have become a huge amber, and the creatures in the world are bugs imprisoned in the amber.

"who is it?"

"Who interrupted me!"

A terrible spiritual wave came from the misty light group, radiating in all directions.

"It's you'?"

A silent glance from the light group fell on Li Si.

To be precise, it fell on the'main god' in Li Si's body.

In an instant ~www.ltnovel.com~ a scent of rage came out of the light group, and he clearly recognized the "Lord God".

A force capable of destroying the Commonwealth Civilization and the Universe burst out and fell towards Li Si.


Li Si, who was in desperate situation, not only showed no fear, but a smile appeared on his face.


Just when he smashed the jade disc, the power of the source of the fourth natural disaster broke out completely.

Finally a long-lost voice came from my ear.


【system hint...】

[The source of the fourth natural disaster was discovered, is it included? 】


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