Summon the Mythical Emperor of the World

Chapter 603: Devouring national luck! World promotion!

Inside the longevity hall.

Li Si touched his chin, his eyes thoughtful.

"The world of Ludingji, the world of Promise, the world of wandering planets, the world of Zhen Huan, the world of Conan..."

"Unexpectedly, the world explored by the fourth natural disaster is actually these low-level worlds, the lowest level in the world of Hengsha..."

Li Si somewhat understood why the federal civilization captured the source of the fourth natural disaster for nearly a hundred years, but it was still vulnerable to the Tang Empire.

If the federal civilization passes through the source of the fourth natural disaster and explores these bottom worlds, I am afraid that it will be difficult for the federal civilization to undergo a qualitative change in another 100 or 1,000 years.

Among the worlds selected by Li Si, the highest level should be the "Wandering Planet" world. Only this world can use planetary engines to push the parent star to migrate to the depths of the universe, and it has been able to crush this batch of worlds. Other worlds too.

Planetary engines can explode power beyond galaxies, which is already half a foot into the interstellar age.

The only pity is that in the "Wandering Planet" world, the doomsday comes too early, otherwise, if thousands of years have passed, it might be the second federal civilization.

As for the other worlds outside the "Wandering Planet"...

In the world of Lu Ding Ji, the martial artist who can give birth to internal energy is already able to suppress one party. As for the innate masters who develop internal energy, there are probably not many in the whole world.

In other words, Li Si only needs to send an innate team of hundreds of people to completely conquer this world.

The Promise World is weaker, the extraordinary power has basically disappeared, and the technology is in the bud, which is very embarrassing, and it has a taste of entering the era of the end of the law.

In such a world, the power of the source is shrinking, if it is not for expanding the territory, I am afraid that even Li Si would not look down on it.

In the rest of the world, the world of Zhen Huan's biography is even more boring. The main trend is not in the direction of the world, but it has fallen into the intrigue in the palace?

Li Si was too lazy to take a look at this kind of world, and just handed it over to a few of his subordinates.

There is also the world of Conan, because biochemical transformation, and the kind of poison that can make people rejuvenate, have a little value.


It's only worth it.

And it's the kind of dispensable.


In a blink of an eye, Li Si glanced over this batch of worlds.

Basically, there is nothing that Li Si wants to understand.


No matter how small a mosquito is, it is meat.

No matter how low the level of the world is, it is also the Hengsha world. Once it is included in the territory of Datang, the increase in national fortune will still be very impressive.


"This is the Imperial Capital of Tang Dynasty?"

A one-armed man with a heavy sword looked at the mighty Chang'an city and muttered to himself.


"Thanks for you during this time."

"If it weren't for you, I'm afraid I wouldn't even have enough contribution points, let alone come here..."

Guo Jing, who was next to him, said with shame.

As early as some time ago, Datang World opened up the channel to the world of "Sculpture of Gods".

Any creature in the world of the ‘Sculpture of God’ can apply for the ‘Ascension’ to the Datang World as long as they make up enough contribution points.

"Even without me, after a period of time, Uncle Guo can still make up enough contribution points..."

Yang Guo said lightly.

Just when Yang Guo and Guo Jing were preparing to enter Chang'an City.


"Dragon Eighteen Palms?"

A strange sound came, and a man in a shabby Taoist robe appeared beside Guo Jing and Yang Guo, constantly looking at them.

"Senior is the king..."

The moment Guo Jing saw the man in the Taoist robe, his pupils shrank, almost exclaiming.

The man in a Taoist robe in front of him is one of the five most famous in the world of ‘Divine Sculpture’, Zhong Shentong, Wang Chongyang.

Although Guo Jing has not seen Wang Chongyang personally, he has also seen several portraits of Wang Chongyang.

It is not surprising to recognize the other party the first time.

"Not bad."

"You have eyesight?"

"Are you a disciple of the old beggar?"

Wang Chongyang nodded slightly and said cordially.

Ever since he was picked up by Li Si casually, Wang Chongyang was thrown to Zhenwu Si, regardless of whether he asked.

It was not until he entered the Zhenwu Division that Wang Chongyang realized how big the gap between the world of the "Sculpture of Gods" and the world of Datang was.

In the world of the ‘sculpture of gods’, the secret technique that can be passed down through the ages to establish a powerful Taoist magic can be seen everywhere in the Zhenwu Division, and you can observe it without paying any price.

Even in Zhenwu Division, there is a Supreme Heart Dharma that Wang Chongyang has never heard of before.

However, if you want to observe these supreme mental methods, you need to pay some contribution.


When Wang Chongyang first entered the Zhenwu Division, he had been in a state of shock. He hid in the hidden scripture pavilion every day to verify what he had learned.

It was not until recently that Wang Chongyang realized that he could not enter, so he left Zhenwusi.

One is because I want to relax.

The second is that Wang Chongyang needs to complete the task of Zhen Wusi.

In Jinwusi, contribution value equals everything.

As long as your contribution value is enough, you can even meet your majesty.


"When did you come here?"

Guo Jing's face was obviously relaxed.

In any case, Wang Chongyang is also from the same home world as him.

This feeling of encountering old knowledge from another country eased Guo Jing's originally tense mind.


Wang Chongyang looked stiff, and reluctantly said, "I haven't been here for long."

"That's it."

Guo Jing nodded slightly.

"What are your plans for coming to Chang'an?"

Wang Chongyang glanced at Guo Jing and Yang and asked suddenly.

Guo Jing and Yang Guo looked at each other, and said together, "I also hope that seniors can give me some advice."

With the eyesight of Guo Jing and Yang Guo, how can you not see that Wang Chongyang has been here for a while?

In this case, Wang Chongyang must know a lot more than them.

"Then I'll speak straight."

Wang Chongyang nodded slightly when he saw Guo Jingyang Guo and they were quite acquainted.

Since the three of them came from the same world, Wang Chongyang didn't mind mentioning a few words from each other.

"If it was before, I will introduce you to Jin Wusi."

Wang Chongyang thought for a moment and said.

"Jin Takeshi?"

Guo Jing and Yang Guo repeated in a low voice.

I don't know why, just the three words "Jin Wusi" made them feel a panic.

"But now, you have a better place to go."

When Wang Chongyang said this, he paused for a moment, and continued: "This morning, your Majesty personally issued the decree to form the ‘Division of Ten Thousand Realms’."

"I can report your names to If you can enter the'Thousand Realms Division', it will be your great luck..."

There was a trace of envy in Wang Chongyang's words.


Hall of Eternal Life.

Li Si was reading the memorial.


at this time.

Originally because of the continuous conquest of the federal civilized world, the continuous growth of the vast national fortune of the Tang Dynasty seemed to have broken through a certain shackle.

Hum! ! !

A breath of terror permeated the world.

Li Si slowly raised his head, a strange light flashed in his eyes: "Are you going to start?"

"World promotion?"

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