Hall of Eternal Life.

Li Si walked outside the hall and looked up at the sky.

At this moment, the sky is blue in the Tang world.

But as long as it is a martial artist in the gods and demons realm, they can feel a terrible and inexplicable aura gestating and rising.

This breath does not come from a certain person or something, but from the entire world of heaven and earth.

As early as after conquering the world of "Sculpture of Gods", the World of Tang Dynasty was already on the verge of promotion.

Promoted from Hengsha World to the edge of Xiaoqian World.

And now, with the federal civilized world quickly incorporated into the territory of the Tang Dynasty.

Endless national destiny and the power of the origin have gathered, and the personality of the Datang World has quietly begun to rise.

"it's time."

Li Si's face was calm, he stepped in and appeared above the nine heavens.

"Promotion, let's start!"

Li Si slowly raised his right hand and gently shook it towards the void.


Outside Chang'an city.

Wang Chongyang, who came from the world of "Sculpture of Gods", was talking with Yang Guo and Guo Jing, who had first come to the world of Datang.

"Man Jieji?"

Guo Jingyang looked at each other, a terrible conjecture suddenly appeared in his mind.

"Senior, this Division of Ten Thousand Realms, but..."

Guo Jing swallowed fiercely and asked cautiously.


"Exactly what you think."

Naturally, Wang Chongyang would not tell the scene when he first heard the "Wan Jie Si", which was almost lost on the spot.


Just when Wang Chongyang was about to say a few more words.

Hum! ! !

A terrifying inexplicable air machine emerged, lingering in Wang Chongyang, Guo Jing and Yang Guo's mind.

"this is?"

Wang Chongyang was shocked.

Guo Jing and Yang Guo were also aware of it, and their expressions were extremely solemn.

This kind of inexplicable aura that suddenly appeared was like a sacred mountain, Guo Jing and Yang Guo couldn't breathe.


"what is that?"

Yang Guo seemed to have discovered something, his eyes staring straight at Nine Heavens.

Upon hearing this, Wang Chongyang and Guo Jing subconsciously followed Yang Guo's gaze.

I saw a sturdy figure with his hands on his back, like a stalwart figure overlooking the world, standing quietly above the void.

"Your Majesty."

Wang Chongyang thumped, knelt down on the ground without hesitation, and bowed deeply to the figure above the nine heavens.

"His Majesty?"

"Your Majesty of Datang?"

Guo Jingyang had a huge wave in the hearts of the two.

They never dreamed that when they first arrived in Chang'an, they would meet the supreme Emperor of the Tang Dynasty and dominate everything.

It is not only Wang Chongyang and Guo Jing.

When the world began to be promoted, as long as the strength reached the existence of the gods and demons in the Datang world, they could feel the world in their eyes changed.

Almost the same time.

All the gazes of the gods and demons were concentrated on the nine heavens of Chang'an, the imperial capital, the stalwart figure standing with hands.

"what happened?"

"What did your Majesty do to the world?"

"Huh! What does your Majesty want, you can ask?"

"That's right, but I feel that after today, I Datang will definitely usher in a brand new era."


Many gods and demons looked up at that stalwart emperor shadow in awe, and waited silently.

Rumble! !

The breath of horror tears through the world.

For a time, the whole world was shaking and shaking.

Standing on the nine heavens, Li Siao silently watched the changes in the Datang world, his eyes were like the primordial primordial cosmos, one after another divine literature appeared.

The promotion of the world gave Li Si a very special feeling.

If it is an ordinary **** or demon, even if it is the Nine Heavens Peak **** or demon, facing the promotion of the world, I am afraid that nothing can be seen.

after all.

The promotion of the world involves the fundamental rules of the universe and the multiverse. How could it be possible for a mere nine-layer **** and demon to see through?

But Li Si is different.

Li Si incorporated the source of the fourth natural disaster in his body.

And the source of the fourth natural disaster is essentially a fragment of the road.

Li Si's state at the moment is equivalent to the Avenue of Incarnation, with a partial perspective of the Supreme Avenue.


The obscure world's promotion and evolution, in Li Si's eyes, passed by like running water.

"That's it."

"That's it."

Li Si's thoughts fluctuated.

At this moment, the personality of the Datang World has completely surpassed the Hengsha World and is unswervingly promoting towards the Xiaoqian World.

During this period, all spirits revived, the power of heaven and earth grew crazily, deep in the mountains and old forests, there was a consciousness of the birth of a thousand-year-old tree, and within the deep sea, giant beasts gave birth to wisdom.

In addition.

There are more peculiar lives being born and nurturing in the world.

The yin and yang and the five elements, all fascinating and all spirits, are undergoing essential changes.

This is particularly clear to the gods and demons above the four heavens.

The gods and demons cultivation system has gradually mastered the power of heaven and earth since the fourth heaven.

Therefore, the violent changes that took place between the heavens and the earth at this time shocked all the four heavenly gods and demons in the Datang world.

"Why do I feel that the power of heaven and earth has become very active?"

"Yes, I have also felt that the power of heaven and earth is active. It seems that the road I wait for in the future has become much easier?"

"What is the reason for such a big change out of thin air?"

"What's the reason? You haven't thought that in the whole world, there can be such a way to reach the sky. Who else besides your majesty?"

Many four heavenly gods and demons were in awe of them.


Although they don't know what specific changes are taking place in Datang World today.

But just letting the power of heaven and earth be active is equivalent to widening their path in the future.

Except for the Emperor of Tang Dynasty, the four heavenly gods and demons couldn't think of a second person at all.

At the same time.

Above the nine heavens.

Watching Li Si's promotion in the world, a glimmer of enlightenment flashed in his eyes.

"Next, it's the last step."

Li Si's eyes were calm, like a deep sea, and said softly: "The world evolves, and time and space exist forever."

Li Si's voice was very flat, as if whispering in his ears.

But such a weak voice, as if a certain rule was blessed, directly echoed in the minds of sentient beings in the Datang world.


It hasn't waited for sentient beings to react ~ www.ltnovel.com ~ The most dramatic change in the Datang world has come.

I saw the earth swaying, the sky trembling, the beasts roaring, and the world shaking.

Every inch of land expands rapidly, and in a blink of an eye, it expands countless times. On the edge of the world, the power of heaven and earth shakes, and new continents are born one after another.

And above the sky, a day and a bright moon appeared at the same time, and the intense sunlight and the bright moonlight coexisted in the world.

The sentient beings stared at the scene in front of them dumbfounded, and their eyes fell in shock.

Everyone stood there dull, they couldn't imagine what kind of power actually changed the sky, the sun and the moon stood side by side?

Is this a fairy?

I am afraid that even the fairy gods can't accomplish such a thing.

Only the many gods and demons who had been faintly aware beforehand cast their shocking and horrified eyes on the emperor's shadow above the nine heavens.

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