Summon the Mythical Emperor of the World

Chapter 606: Horrible Li Si! God and Demon of the Cave Sky!

Royal palace.

No matter how Li Si suppresses it.

However, as the monstrous kingdom was transported into the body, a trace of horror slowly disappeared, coupled with the sense of oppression brought about by the promotion of the world, the creatures of the entire Datang world felt vaguely like the Supreme Heavenly Emperor descending on the earth.


"Are I too tired?"

"Why do I feel this way? As if..."


Countless people in Datang were excited.

Compared with the people of Datang, those alien races who were promoted with the help of Datang world and born wise and wise were terrified.

The bodies of these alien races are very complicated, with thousands of years old trees, deep-sea monsters, and so on.

If the Datang World is not promoted, these alien races will probably only be mediocre for their entire lives.

But the promotion of the world has given them the opportunity to go one step further.


Haven't waited for these aliens to be excited.

I felt the breath of Li Siyin's breakthrough.

Although these breaths are very weak, they are like an ancient sacred mountain, crushing these alien races fiercely.

In an instant.

All the aliens have become honest.

Staying on his own territory in fear, waiting for Li Si's trial.


Hall of Eternal Life.


Li Si slowly operated the emperor's qi refining technique, and the infinite national fortune poured into Li Si's body, and was continuously refined into strands of mysterious and mysterious'qi'.

These ‘qi’ continue to merge into Li Si's body, increasing the strength of the body at a terrifying speed.

Not only the physical body, but Li Si's soul is also crazy.

The emperor's refining technique, as a root-level technique that points directly to the Dao, claims that as long as the country's luck is sufficient, it can break through without limits.


Click and wipe.

Li Si's body soul is becoming more and more brilliant, bursting out endless divine light, just like an eternal day, which will last forever!

Hum! ! !

at this time.

A shadow of the emperor appeared again behind Li Si.

Unlike the previous Unreal Emperor Shadow. This time, the emperor's shadow was almost full of substance, as if walking out of the long river of time and space, exuding an air of coercion.



Li Si narrowed his eyes slightly, but his mind spread infinitely.

The shadow of the emperor behind him is the manifestation of everything Li Si himself.

In a way, this emperor's shadow is the embodiment of Li Si's "Dao Guo".


next moment.

Li Si opened his eyes silently.

at the same time.

Li Si's body turned into a black hole, frantically devouring the power of national destiny, and bit by bit...

The power of origin.

After the World of Tang Dynasty successively conquered the world of ‘sacred carving’ and federal civilization, the power of its origin was not lacking.

Originally, Li Si was still thinking about finding an opportunity to let the'Master God' devour some of the original power and see if he could restore some functions.

of course.

Li Si also knew in his heart.

The original power he can provide is nothing short of a drop in the bucket and not worth mentioning, compared to the original power that the ‘main god’ wants.

But anyway, something is better than nothing.

Maybe it can restore some useful functions to the "Lord God"?


What Li Si couldn't think of was that he could even swallow the power of the origin?


"The power of the source was not swallowed by the [Emperor Qi Refining Technique]!"

Li Si's pupils shrank slightly.

I saw that in Li Si's body, the dynasty movement that belonged to the [casting heaven] was also slowly moving.

Compared with the [Emperor Qi Refining Technique], this root-level exercise method, [Cast Heavenly Court] was directly suppressed to the corner.

But even so, [Cast Heaven] is still operating unswervingly.

And the original power that was swallowed into the body by Li Si was integrated into the [casting heaven].


With the dual inhalation of the power of national destiny and the power of origin, the breath of Li Si Shenshan seems to have stepped into a new realm.

A grand, magnificent, and consummate taste emerges spontaneously.

"This is the fourth stage of the emperor's qi refining technique?"

Li Si sighed with emotion in his heart.

At this moment, Li Si's aura was completely restrained, no different from ordinary people.

Even ordinary people, after practicing the Farmer's Three Styles, seem to be better than Li Si.

But if Fu Hengzi, the Supreme Supreme Being of the "Shu Mountain" Immortal Sect, did this again, I am afraid he would be horrified, because in the eyes of Mahayana immortals like Fu Hengzi, the horror of the energy in Li Si's body was not what Fu Hengzi could imagine.

I am afraid that only the upper realm connected by the world of "Shushan" can such a powerful person exist.


"It's just entering the fourth stage."

"Originally, I thought that after conquering the federal civilization, at least it would be able to enter the fourth stage and even the peak."

Li Si shook his head slightly and sighed slightly.

"Anyway, no matter how special the way the federal civilization exists, it is just a world of Hengsha. It is rare to be able to take me further."

Li Si changed his mind, slightly satisfied.

"Next, let the'Team of Ten Thousand Realms' act thoroughly to conquer the Ten Thousand Realms for me."

Li Si leaned slightly on the dragon chair and suddenly thought.

"Also, since the Datang World has been promoted to the Xiaoqian World, it is time to consider the matter of the Shushan world."

Li Si narrowed his eyes, and a trace of killing intent flashed.

Li Si already had some thoughts about the world of'Shushan'.

It's just that the Tang Dynasty was just the world of Hengsha, no matter how confident Li Si was, he would not be stupid enough to deal with the world of'Shushan'.

But it's different now.

The World of Tang Dynasty has become the World of Xiao Qian.

In terms of world personality, it is already at the same height as the "Shushan" world.

Under this circumstance, Datang World wants to conquer the world of'Shushan' without any obstacle.

"As for the law of dynasty [casting heaven]..."

Li Si suddenly thought of something and felt it carefully again, a trace of joy appeared on his face.

Just now when the emperor's Qi refining technique broke through, [Cast Heaven] also started to operate.

Now this method of dynasty has been a quiet breakthrough, and the dynasty of the Tang Dynasty has directly crossed a level.

The power of transporting the dynasty can greatly increase Li Si's combat power.

"My current strength..."

Li Si raised his right hand and slowly clenched his fist.

There is a feeling in Li Si's heart that as long as he is willing, the world of Hengsha, such as the world of the "Sculpture of Gods", may be crushed instantly.

The fourth stage of the emperor's qi refining technique, coupled with the law of dynasty after the breakthrough, brought Li Si to a leap, more than just one plus one?

This is an increase of several times or even dozens of times.

Before breaking through, Li Si's strength surpassed the ordinary eight-layered gods and demons, even if it was not as good as the nine-layered gods and demons, it was not far behind.

but now.....

Li Si's strength has faintly surpassed the limit of the nine heavens.

"Now, if I make a move, it will be enough to sweep a group of nine heavenly gods and demons."

Li Si thought about it ups and downs, and quickly pondered: "If it is to discuss combat power, I am afraid that only the nine heavenly gods and demons can barely beat me."

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