Summon the Mythical Emperor of the World

Chapter 607: The power of luck! World fusion!

The **** and demon of the cave sky...

It is the existence above the nine heavenly gods and demons.

The nine heavenly gods and demons want to break through the shackles and enter the cave world. Those who are not with great perseverance and chance cannot do it.

The cultivation system of gods and demons goes from low to high, from shallow to deep. It seems that the upper limit is extremely high, but in fact, how many gods and demons can reach the last?

In the realm of gods and demons from the first heaven to the third heaven, polish the flesh and temper the true essence.

From the fourth heaven to the sixth heaven, they begin to control the power of heaven and earth.

As for the gods and demons from the seventh heaven to the nine heavens, they understand the rules of the law.

Generally speaking, when the Nine Heavens completes the gods and demons, they have fully understood a certain rule.

As for after...

The Nine Heavens Peak God Demon wants to step into the Cave Sky Realm, only by relying on this law to open up the Cave Sky in the body.

For example, Yan Ling Ji who follows the law of flame.

If you step into the cave sky in the future, the cave sky opened will be the flame cave sky.

The Lord of Worshipping Moon entered the cave sky, and the cave sky opened up was indeed too cloudy.

Each cave-sky realm **** and demon, because of the impassable path of their own, opens up different cave-skys.

of course.

The cave sky opened by the gods and demons of the cave sky is completely different from the real world.

The real world, even the weakest world of Hengsha, is the gathering of the five elements and the cycle of Yin and Yang.

However, due to the limitation of the law of understanding, the cave of the gods and demon of the cave world had only one attribute at the beginning.

Although the ordinary God and Demon of the Heavenly Caverns can destroy a world of Hengsha with their hands raised, but in terms of the real power level, the Gods and Demon of the Heavenly Caverns are far less complete than a world of Hengsha.

However, if the gods and demons of the cave sky want to break through again, they continue to comprehend other laws and rules, and then continue to integrate into the cave sky opened by themselves, so that the cave sky can be continuously improved, and then a real world can be formed.


Comprehending a rule of law is enough to spend the entire life of the Nine Heavens Gods and Demons, and it is simply as difficult to continue to comprehend other vast laws and rules.

Li Si leaned slightly on the throne of the dragon chair, and thoughts flashed through his mind among the electric light and flint.

Everything about the gods and demons of the Cave Sky Realm was learned by Li Si from the time and space memory of the "Lord God".

No matter it is the ‘main god’ or the source of the fourth natural disaster, it is undoubtedly a stalwart existence far surpassing the gods and demons of the Dongtian realm.

In this incredible eye, everything in the cave sky realm is like watching and watching in the palm of the hand.

"Dongtian Realm God Demon?"

Li Si muttered to himself.

Although the Nine Heavens God and Demon can escape from the world, they cannot survive in the endless void because of consumption.

Outside the world, the void is endless, full of violent void energy.

This energy cannot be directly absorbed into the body.

The Nine Heavens God and Demon stay in the void for a long time, and sooner or later they will face the risk of energy exhaustion.

But the gods and demons of the cave world are different.

The gods and demons of the cave world opened up the cave in the body.

But Dongtian can directly consume these violent void energy, and then convert it into energy that can be absorbed.


Only the real God and Demon of the Cave Sky Realm can travel in the void.


The fight between the gods and demons of the cave sky is completely a collision between two cave days.

Unless it is a rare number of gods and beasts, such as the true dragon and phoenix, the strength of the ordinary gods and monsters in the cave is tied to their own cave.

"At the peak of the'Lord God', there were countless reincarnations under his command, but there were not many who could reach the reincarnation of the gods and demons in the cave world. Power gains."

Li Si tapped the handrail lightly with his right hand.

Although the gods and demons of the cave sky are far inferior to the'main gods', it is clear that the'main gods' also value the gods and demons of the cave sky.

after all.

Even if it is the ‘main god’, it’s impossible to create a reincarnation in the cave world without any restrictions.

Every person in the cave-sky realm is precious to the ‘main god’, and is no longer dispensable.

"My current strength has touched the threshold of the Heavenly Cave Realm."

Li Si thought silently.

Although the path that Li Si took was completely different from the cultivation system of gods and demons.

But among the major systems, it is possible to draw a general level through combat power.

For example, at this moment, Li Si, the fourth-tier emperor's qi refining technique, plus the power of a higher level of dynasty, on the whole, has surpassed the nine-tier gods and demons, and barely touched the cave world.

Although Li Si may not be as good as the real cave world, in the world of Datang, the so-called cave world gods and demons cannot help Li Si.

The promotion of the Great Tang World to the Small Thousand World is no longer something that the Gods and Demons of the Cave Sky realm can shake.

Even if Li Si is willing to pay a huge price, regardless of the consumption of the original national fortune in the Datang World, he can completely trap a **** and demon of the cave and heaven, and then trap him to death for a long time.


This is not worth the gain.

With Li Si's growth rate, not to mention the long years, even if it is only ten years, it is enough to reach an incredible realm.

At that time, what is the God Demon of the Cave Sky Realm?

"there's one more thing......"

After Li Si got acquainted with Hui's own power, he suddenly felt something and frowned.

"[Cast Heaven]..."

Li Si continued to absorb the changes after the breakthrough of this dynasty movement, his complexion changed slightly.

"World Fusion..."

Li Si looked solemn.

[Making Heavenly Court] It is the practice that naturally appeared in Li Si's mind after the emperor's refining technique entered the third stage. It was able to open up the Tang empire into a fortune dynasty and was completely used by Li Si.

And now.

After the advancement of the Yun Dynasty level, Li Si surprisingly learned from the [Cast Heavenly Court] that by consuming a certain degree of power of the national fortune, all the worlds under the Tang World can be integrated into the Tang World.

This ability to move the world and change time and space has exceeded Li Si's imagination.

In Li Si's memory, I am afraid that only the ‘main god’ and the source of the fourth natural disaster would have such means.

"World fusion?"

"Still wait a minute."

Li Si thought for a moment, but did not act immediately.

For Li Si, the world of "sacred carving" and the world of federal civilization have been conquered by the Tang world and completely reduced to one of the territories of the Tang As long as Li Si has a thought, it can appear in these two Any place in the world.

There is no need to integrate it into the Datang world now.

There is another reason.

It is recorded in [Cast Heavenly Court] that the price of fusing the world is to pay some national luck.

However, there is no specific details on how many of these ‘some’ national forces are.

But Li Si faintly realized that these'some' powers of national destiny are probably quite a lot.

After all, how could it be possible to move the world and merge the world, such as the defying ability?

Now that the Datang World has just been promoted, although the power of national destiny is endless, if it is consumed in a world that cannot be seen to the end, Li Si still needs to think carefully.

Say it again.

World integration can proceed at any time, and there is no rush at this moment.

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