Summon the Mythical Emperor of the World

Chapter 612: Search the soul!

In front of the Hall of Longevity.

Li Si's huge spiritual thoughts diffused and dazzled, and finally gathered on an illusory figure that broke into Chang'an City.

"Finally caught you little mouse..."

A sneer appeared on Li Si's face.

Just now, he noticed that there was a special existence, sneaking into the world of Datang.

However, because he didn't know what method was used, even Li Si, the lord of the seat world, could not lock his specific position for a while.


Li Si didn't expect it.

The little mouse who sneaked into the world of Datang dared to break into Chang'an City unscrupulously?

You know, Chang'an City is the imperial capital of the Tang Dynasty, a place shrouded in vast national luck.

The illusory figure breaking into Chang'an City is tantamount to taking the initiative to send itself to Li Si...

And it is still the kind of unreserved delivery...

This act of throwing into the net is tantamount to seeking a dead end...


Li Si saw through the illusory figure for the first time, and his eyes focused on the rune exuding the breath of reincarnation in the illusion figure.

"It is by relying on this rune to avoid my gaze?"

Li Si narrowed his eyes slightly.

Without this rune, I am afraid that the illusory figure had just sneaked into the Datang World, and it would have been discovered and locked by Li Si.

Is it a joke that the shining of the gods list reflects the heavens?

But this rune made the illusory figure avoid the reflection of Fengshen Bang.



No matter how mysterious the Samsara Talisman was, it couldn't stop the illusory figure from taking the initiative to send itself to Li Si.

And this time.

The illusory figure felt only a surge of pressure crushed down.

As if from the stalwart existence of nine heavens, he fixed his gaze on him.

"this is?!"

The illusory figure paled, and there was a huge wave in his heart.

He hadn't expected in his dreams that there would be such a powerful person in a small thousand world that had just been promoted. Not only did he discover him without any suspense, but with just one glance, the phantom figure was hit hard, and the true spirit almost collapsed.

If it weren't for the reincarnation symbol in the illusory figure, a force burst out at the critical moment to protect the illusion figure.

Coupled with the fact that the illusory figure itself also used an unknown number of hole cards, I am afraid that he was wiped out the moment Li Si's eyes fell.

But even so.

The illusory figure also paid a heavy price.

Not only was the power of the Samsara Talisman completely consumed, but his true spirit body almost collapsed.


The illusory figure faintly sensed that if it hadn't been for the stalwart existence who cast his gaze, he hadn't been ruthless, and would be merciful, I'm afraid he would have been crushed long ago.

"Damn **** damn!!!"

The illusory figure trembled.

It's pitiful.

He just wants to reincarnate smoothly, how can he attract the attention of such existences?

"Could it be..."

Among the sparks and flints, the illusory figure suddenly thought of the two purple beams of light, one large and one small.

This kind of fortune, which is obviously the son of this world, is it a certain descendant of the existence who is watching him now?

Thinking of this, the illusory figure felt cold.

The illusory figure knows that no matter what the strong person is, he is very disgusted with his son being replaced by someone like him through reincarnation.

"It's over."

"It's all over."

"Why should I look for a son of some kind?"

"Can you find a family of ordinary people in reincarnation?"

"It's all right now, even I got in."

The illusory figure panicked.

Just when the illusory figure was thinking about what he should do next.

Time and space change.

Wait until the illusory figure can look around clearly again.

But found himself in front of a towering palace.

Outside the towering palace, there is a man wearing a dragon robe standing with his hand holding his hand, his eyes full of playfulness.

"it's him."

The illusory figure was surprised.

At this moment, if he still didn't understand, the dragon-robed man in front of him was the one who moved him over, he would really be a fool.

"I have seen..."

"Senior met..."

The illusory figure bowed deeply towards Li Si.


Li Si raised his right hand slightly.


Inside the illusory figure, the rune that revealed the breath of reincarnation flew out directly and landed on Li Si's hand.

And leave with the reincarnation symbol.

The breath of the illusory figure plummeted.

Without the blessing of the Samsara Talisman, the illusory figure can hardly maintain its shape.


Even so.

The illusory figure did not dare to say a word.

"The breath of reincarnation..."

Li Si carefully felt the reincarnation symbol in his hand, his eyes thoughtful.

Among the heavens and the multiverse, reincarnation is definitely one of the most mysterious forces.

And this reincarnation symbol is contaminated with the law of reincarnation, allowing the holder to stay awake in reincarnation and even choose the world of reincarnation.

Although Li Si does not modify the rules.

However, it contains the fragments of the road like the source of the fourth natural disaster. Not to mention the law of reincarnation, it is the supreme road of reincarnation. Li Si has also experienced it up close with the fragments of the road.


Regarding the function and effect of the reincarnation talisman, Li Si cannot be concealed.

"The existence of refining this reincarnation talisman is at least a **** demon in the cave world who has comprehended the law of reincarnation!"

Li Si speculated in his heart.

Although the seven heavenly gods and demons can comprehend the rules of the law, but the strongest law that is as profound as the law of reincarnation can be touched by the seven heavenly gods and demons?

At least the gods and demons of the cave sky are qualified to touch the law of reincarnation.

"Dongtian Realm..."

Li Si's thoughts went up and down.

Since the Great Tang World was promoted to the Little Thousand World, the emperor's refining technique has entered the fourth stage, and the luck dynasty has been upgraded to the ‘di dynasty’. Li Si’s combat power is not too far away from the gods and demons of the cave.

The ordinary gods and demons who first entered the cave world could not help Li Si at all.

Even as the Ten Thousand Realms Division continued to conquer the Ten Thousand Realms, the National Destiny of the Tang Dynasty was growing every moment, and Li Si's strength also improved.

The so-called Dongtian Realm God Demon couldn't make Li Si take another look.

"You come to my world, what are you going to do?"

Li Si turned his eyes, moved away from the reincarnation talisman, and looked at the illusory figure.


Seeing Li Si speak, the illusory figure was overjoyed.

The most feared thing about the illusory figure is that Li Si just crushes him without saying a word.

"I just strayed into this world..."

The illusory figure bit the bullet and said.

In fact, his infiltration into the Datang World is certainly not a ‘stray entry’.

But at this moment, even if he took the courage of the illusory figure, he did not dare to tell his true purpose.

The only hope of the illusory figure is that Li Si can perceive the origin of the reincarnation talisman, and actually look at his master's face and let him once.

"Into this world by mistake?"

A touch of sarcasm appeared at the corner of Li Si's mouth: "Do you think I'm so cheating?"


Upon hearing this, the illusory figure was shocked.


It's too late.

Seeing Li Si's thoughts moved, the illusory figure fell asleep directly.

Immediately after.

Li Si began to look at the memory of the illusory figure.

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