Now that I understand the general function of the reincarnation symbol.

Li Si naturally guessed the purpose of the illusory figure in the Tang world.

Now that the Datang World has just been promoted, the original power is abundant, and the rules and regulations are obvious. Any creature, as long as it is born from the Datang World within this period of time, can get great benefits.

This is the blessing of the common people brought by the promotion of the world.

And after the illusory figure sneaked into the Datang world, broke into Chang'an City...

It's nothing more than paying much attention to Mu Mu and the Dragon Si who was conceiving in Song Xian'er's belly.

What the Unreal Figure doesn't know is.

Since the promotion of Datang World.

Whether it is Mu Mu or Song Xian'er, who has the support of the Datang deity, how can someone replace it casually?

Under the blessing of God's position, it is equivalent to connecting these two little beings with the Tang Empire.

Not to mention that the illusory figure only holds the reincarnation symbol.

Even if the master who refined this reincarnation talisman comes close, he can't move any hands or feet.

Are you kidding me? !

Even the gods and demons of the Heavenly Caverns might not be able to resist the backlash of the vast national destiny of the Tang Empire, which is now a small world.

"Eight Wilderness World?"

"Six Dao Demon Sect?"

Li Si kept flipping through the memories of the illusory figure.

As the emperor force refining technique entered the fourth stage, Li Si became more proficient in looking through the memories of others.

Even at the peak of the illusory figure, he was a master of Nine Heavens Consummation, but in Li Si's hands, there was no room for resistance.

In an instant, Li Si took the illusory figure from birth to the present, and saw everything that happened in his eyes.

According to the memory of the illusory figure, he should come from a middle-thousand world called the Eight Desolation Realm.

In the Eight Desolation Realm, it is ruled by eight long-lived sects.

The Six Demon Sect is one of them.

The illusory figure came from the Six Dao Demon Sect.


The master of the illusory figure is not low in the Six Dao Demon Sect.

"Middle Thousand World..."

Li Si sighed slightly.

Although the Datang World has been promoted to the Small Thousand World, it is only one level away from the Middle Thousand World.

But if you want to cross this level, even Li Si can't be sure how long it will be realized.

After all, compared with the promotion of Hengsha World to Small Thousand World, from Small Thousand World to Middle Thousand World, the span between this is not an exaggeration.

And now.

This illusory figure came from a mid-thousand world.

He is also a disciple of this ruling sect in the world.


What made Li Si relax a little.

The Eight Desolation Realm is separated from the Datang World by how much time and space it is.

The illusory figure ran as far as possible in order to avoid the secret calculations of his brothers.

Don't dare to choose those world reincarnations near the Eight Desolation Realm.


Li Si didn't need to worry about Datang World competing with the Eight Desolate Realms in advance.

"The Eight Desolation Realms are vast and boundless, and the eight major sects control everything. Anyone who disobeys the eight major sects will be killed without mercy."

In Li Si's mind, bits and pieces about the Eight Desolation World appeared.

All of these were learned by Li Si searching through the memory of the phantom figure.

"When the Datang World is promoted to the Middle Thousand Worlds, I want to see if the Eight Desolation Realms can block our Datang Bingfeng?"

Li Si smiled faintly.

Li Si was only a little afraid of the old Zhongqian world like Bahuangjie.

As for fear of fear, it never exists.

Even Li Si is still considering how to bring the Eight Desolation Realm into the territory of the Tang World in the future.

If the master of the illusion figure knows that because of the selfishness of his apprentice, he has brought a terrifying enemy to the Eight Desolation Realm, he might personally shoot the illusion figure to death.

"As for you?"

After thinking about the Eight Desolation Realms, Li Si set his sights on the illusory figure.

At this moment, because the illusory figure was hit hard many times, and the reincarnation talisman was forcibly taken out by Li Si, he was already shaky.

If it hadn't been for Li Si for a complete soul search, I'm afraid it would have completely collapsed long ago.

"You can disappear."

Li Si directly turned and walked into the Hall of Longevity.

next moment.

The illusory figure was completely shattered.

The only true spirit that includes the illusory figure is almost wiped out.

The death of the true spirit is equivalent to the complete death of the illusory figure, without even the chance of reincarnation.

Li Si will not let go of anyone who hits his thoughts on Li Si's two unborn heirs.

Say it again.

Since Li Si's soul search got everything he wanted to know, the illusory figure had lost the value of surviving.

In this case, what do you keep him for?


And at the moment when the illusory figure was completely gone.

Far away in the depths of time and space, within a magnificent mid-thousand world.

In the empty and deep magic palace, a man with a black robe and gold rim sitting on the throne suddenly opened his eyes.

"Little Qi is dead?"

The eyes of the black robe and gold-rimmed man exuded extremely terrifying fluctuations, as if the world was turned upside down and everything was at its end.

"Is it your hands?"

The black robe and gilded man looked at several figures standing below respectfully.


"Even if I have the courage to wait, I dare not do this."

These figures knelt down in fear.

As a disciple of the Six Dao Demon Sect, these figures are very clear about the rules of the Six Dao Demon Sect.

That is obedience.

Absolute obedience.

The black robe Phnom Penh man is their master.

What the black robe Phnom Penh man said, these disciples can only obey.

And that disciple named'Little Seven', when he was reincarnated, the black robe and Phnom Penh man had already issued an order not to endanger his life.

In other words,

The black-robed Phnom Penh man didn't want to see, who took advantage of the weakening period of the'Little Seven' reincarnation and shot and killed.

of course.

The meaning of the black robe Phnom Penh man at the moment is that as long as the'Little Seven' does not die.

As for whether he was subjected to certain means, the black robe Phnom Penh man is not investigated.

This is also the rule of the Six Demon Sect.

Since the Six Dao Demon Sects are contaminated with the word ‘Devil Sect’, they are naturally unscrupulous in their behavior, and there is no such thing as an authentic sect, even if they help each other.

In the Six Demon Sect, if you can't do whatever it takes, it will be difficult to survive.

"Not you?"

The black robe and Phnom Penh man's eyes swept across the several disciples below.

The Phnom Penh man in the black robe didn't think that his disciples would dare to disobey him in the face.

"If it wasn't for you, someone else did it?"

The man in the black robe with gold rim suddenly got up, his eyes full of anger.

"Dare to take action against my Six Dao Demon Sect disciples, ha ha..."

The black robe Phnom Penh man has gloomy slowly looking in the direction of Datang World.

"You guys, head in this direction. I want to know the cause of death of'Little Seven'."

The black robe and Phnom Penh man said slowly.

The disciples of the Six Dao Demon Sects can kill each other, but it is unclear that they must not die.


The figures below looked at each other, and bit the bullet and agreed.



at the same time.

Li Siduan sat on the throne of the dragon chair.

"about there."

As if thinking of something, Li Si turned his eyes slightly and looked at a certain position.

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