Summon the Mythical Emperor of the World

Chapter 614: Water Moon Cave Sky!

"'Shuiyuedongtian' world..."

   Li Si's gaze is faint, crossing two realms, following the gate of the world, and falling into the world of "Shuiyuedongtian".

   This was originally judged by the Datang Wanjie Division, which was only equivalent to the middle Hengsha World, but after being invaded by the Datang World, it showed an extraordinary background.

   The gods and demons of Wanjieji suffered a big loss.


   No matter how extraordinary the world of "Water Moon Cave Sky" is.

   But when Li Si sent Bai Qi to go, he had already announced the outcome of the opponent.

   With Bai Qi's strength, as long as the world of "Shuiyue Dongtian" is still within the scope of the Hengsha world, there will be only one end.


   Li Si shook his head slightly.

   If only the gods and demons invaded by Wanjiesi, the creatures in the "Shuiyue Dongtian" world might still survive most of them.

   But Baiqi shot...

   With the murderous nature of Bai Qi, after today, the creatures in the "Shuiyue Dongtian" world may plummet by more than half.

   Although Li Si knew the result, he didn't stop it.

   The heavens, the multiverse, the multiverse, the weak and the strong are the eternal rules.

   The world of "Shuiyue Dongtian" dared to resist the Tang Empire, so it had to pay a price.

   Otherwise, how does the Datang Empire dominate the world?


at the same time.

  'Shuiyuedongtian' world.

   The three Tong brothers stood up in the air, and the power of the horrible blood boiled, turning into one heavy shackle after another, and severely suppressed the two great Tang Wanjie division gods and demons not far away.

   In the world of'Shuiyue Dongtian', mysterious blood flows in the Tong family.

   With this bloodline, the Tong clan is born with various talents.

   It's just that the ordinary Tong clan members have difficulty even awakening their own blood, let alone inspiring.

   But at this time, under the pressure of the two Great Tang Ten Thousand Realms Gods and Demons, the blood in the bodies of the three Tong Brothers was completely activated, erupting with incredible power.


   The faces of the two gods and monsters of the ten thousand world divisions are ugly.

   After they entered the world of'Shuiyue Dongtian', they found that the strength of this realm was weak, not even the gods and demons.

   Excessive contempt, causing these two gods and demons of the Ten Thousand Realms to not make a full shot, but slowly, with a playful mentality, wanting to step on the entire world of'Water Moon Cave Sky'.


   The two gods and demons of the Ten Thousand Realms Division gave the Tong family plenty of time.

Under the pressure of annihilation, the three brothers of the Tong family entered the ancestor's cave house and thoroughly stimulated their blood.


   The two gods and demons of the Ten Thousand Realms are unlucky.

   The three brothers of the Tong clan, who have been thoroughly inspired by their blood, have exerted their power under their cooperation to force the four heavenly gods and demons.

   If it were not for these two gods and demons from the Division of Ten Thousand Realms to master some special secrets, they would have been suppressed under the joint efforts of the three Tong brothers.

"How to do?"

   One of the Ten Thousand Realms Division God and Demon asked in a low voice, his tone full of eagerness.

   He vaguely discovered that with the passage of time, the power that the three Tong brothers mastered became more and more terrifying. Following this trend, after a few hours at most, they still have to fall into the opponent's hands.

   "The jade symbol for help has been used."

   "We can last as long as we can now."

   Another Ten Thousand Worlds Division God and Demon replied.


   "I knew that I shouldn't have given these three little beasts time, just kill them!!"

   The Ten Thousand Realms Division God and Demon who began to speak is extremely regretful.

   When they first entered the world of "Water Moon Cave Sky", they had many opportunities to kill the three Tong brothers.

   just because of the cat and mouse mentality, deliberately let go of the other party.

   In the eyes of the two Ten Thousand Realms Division Gods and Demons, it is only a matter of time before they can suppress the world of'Water Moon Cave Sky' with their strength.

   As for the three Tong brothers? The three new ants entering the innate realm are not worth mentioning.


   Twenty Thousand Ten Thousand Worlds Gods and Demons never dreamed.

   The three Tong brothers, whom they regarded as ants, turned out to have skyrocketed in strength. Under their joint efforts, even they could barely resist.

   This tremendous change in the situation made the two gods and demons of the ten thousand realms want to die.


  Once the incident spreads back, the two of them will probably have no face to carry it in front of the many colleagues of Wanjiesi.

   Conquering a small and weak world that is tenable and stable, and finally being killed by the natives, this is simply shameful.

   The two gods and demons of the Ten Thousand Realms can almost think of the livid faces of those adults.

   "It doesn't make sense to think about it now."

   "This world is not simple. These three little beasts have improved so quickly, there must be a big secret."

   The second Ten Thousand Realms Divine Demon was silent for a moment, and said slowly.

   At this moment.

   Under the blood pressure of the three Tong brothers, the two of them could be defeated almost at any time.

   "Big Brother."

   "These two people will be unstoppable."

   The youngest childish heart among the three Tong brothers was extremely excited.

   "Don't be careless."

   "They are not simple."

  Boss Tong Bo said in a deep voice.

   Tong Bo is not a member of the Tong clan, but because of the ability of Tong's bloodline temporarily acquired in the ancestor of Tong's Dongfu, he can join forces with Tong Zhan and Tong Xin.

   "Big Brother."

   "What is the origin of these two people?"

   "Why have I never heard of it? Moreover, their methods have never appeared before."

   Tong Zhan couldn't help asking.

   Tong Bo heard this, his eyes flashed.

   These are the questions he has been thinking about.

   In the world of ‘Shuiyuedongtian’, although the Tong clan is detached from the outside world, living in refuge...

   But it's not that I don't know anything about the world.

   can be since the appearance of the two gods and demons.

   It is easy to see and suppress the strongest people in the world.

   and the means are unfamiliar, unheard of.

   If the other party did not underestimate the enemy and gave the Tong family time, I am afraid the situation would not be what it is now.

   "What do you ask so much for?"

   "Wait for them, can't you just ask them yourself?"

   Tongxin said indifferently.

   As the youngest of the three Tong brothers, Tongxin’s blood concentration is indeed the strongest.

   If the power to suppress the blood of the two gods and demons of the world ~ half of it comes from the innocence.


   Tong Zhan nodded slightly.

Although    Tongxin has no scheming, it is true.

   Instead of thinking about it now, it's better to take them down as soon as possible.

   By then, everything will naturally come to light.

   "Tong's bloodline, sealed the world!!"

   Tong Bo narrowed his eyes, and his breath rose again.

   Next moment.

   Tong Zhan and Tong Xin are the same.

   In an instant, the power to suppress the blood of the two gods and demons of the world began to shrink.

   The pressure of fear made the faces of the two gods and monsters pale as paper.

"not good."

   "It's over."

   "Can't hold on anymore."

   The two gods and demons of Ten Thousand Realms looked desperate.

   Just when the three Tong brothers looked excited, they wanted to take down the two gods and monsters of the world in one fell swoop.

   hum! ! !

   The sky suddenly darkened.

  A layer of misty blood floats in every inch of air.

"what is this?"

   Tong Bo's expression changed drastically, he suddenly raised his head and looked towards the sky.

   I saw a soldier in silver armor walking step by step.

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