Summon the Mythical Emperor of the World

Chapter 615: Repair the main temple!

"he is?!!"

Not only Tong Bo, but Tong Zhan and Tong Xin also discovered Bai Qi.

Just looking into the distance, whether it was Tong Bo or Tong Xin, they felt the blood of Tong's blood flowing rapidly in their body trembling.

Even the power to suppress the bloodlines of the two gods and demons of the Ten Thousand Realms was almost collapsed.

This terrible impact caused a huge wave in the hearts of the three Tong brothers.

Since entering the Ancestral Cave Mansion, the three Tong brothers have stimulated their blood and their strength has skyrocketed countless times.

Even the two gods and demons of the world can easily suppress them.

Originally, the three Tong brothers thought that they had reached the highest level in the world.

but now......

At the moment when they saw Bai Qi, the three Tong brothers had only one thought.


"King Wuan."

Compared to the three Tong brothers.

The two gods and demons who fell into desperation were ecstatic.

King Wu'an was white, but he was a prestigious killer in the Datang Empire.

I don’t know how many creatures died in the hands of King Wu’an.

Moreover, in the current Datang Empire, with the exception of His Majesty, King Wu'an is strong enough to rank in the top ten.

The two Ten Thousand Realms Division had never expected that their distress jade talisman would make King Wu'an come here?


"Even the adults of the Division of Ten Thousand Realms cannot order King Wu'an..."

Between the lightning and flint, the scalps of the two gods and demons exploded.

Although the several adults of the Wanjie Division are of high authority and are highly valued by His Majesty, it would be a joke if they wanted to command Wuan Wang Baiqi.

Wu'an King Bai Qi was the first king of the opposite **** in the Datang Empire.

There was only one person who could order Wang Baiqi to order Wu'an.

Emperor of Tang Dynasty.

At this point, the two gods and demons of ten thousand worlds were extremely frightened.

Because at this moment, everything that happens in the world of "Water Moon Cave Sky" is most likely under your majesty's gaze.

And everything they did, I'm afraid it will fall into the eyes of His Majesty.

To know.

This is your majesty.

This is the Emperor of Tang Dynasty.

The absolute master of the Datang Empire and even the Datang World.

And being able to be watched by such an existence should have been an extremely glorious thing.


When the two gods and demons of the Ten Thousand Realms thought about their performance just now, the scene of being almost suppressed by the world's natives, they could not ashamed to get into the ground.

With every step Bai Qi took, he crossed hundreds of thousands of miles, and in an instant, he had come to the two gods and demons of the ten thousand realms.


Bai Qi glanced at the two gods and demons of the Ten Thousand Realms and snorted coldly.

"Subordinate is guilty."

The two gods and demons knelt down without hesitation, and said respectfully.

But this scene caused a deep shock on the faces of the three Tong brothers not far away.

Although they knew that the silver armor soldier who appeared suddenly was very strong, they couldn't believe it when they saw the humble posture of the two gods and demons of the world.

To know.

If they hadn't entered the Ancestral Cave Mansion and stimulated their blood, these two Ten Thousand Realms Gods and Demons would probably be unstoppable and could easily sweep the world.

Even if the three of them inspire their blood and gain unprecedented strength, they still need the three of them to work together to be sure of winning each other.

but now.

These two Ten Thousand Realms Division Gods and Demons actually behaved like this...

The three Tong brothers suddenly thought of fleeing.


After Bai Qi glanced over the two Ten Thousand Realms Gods and Demons, he slowly looked at the Tong's three brothers.

"Interesting bloodline?"

Bai Qi seemed to have discovered something, and his tone flashed with surprise.


The surprise disappeared in a flash.

For Bai Qi, let alone Tong's bloodline is just interesting, even if the other party's bloodline comes from the gods and beasts, if you dare to be an enemy of Tang and your Majesty, you can't kill it.

"Your Mightiness......"

When Tong Bo saw Bai Qi speaking, his expression suddenly showed hope.

As long as Bai Qi can communicate with them, the Tong clan may survive.


Haven't waited for Tong Bo to finish. .

Murderous intent rises deep in Bai Qi's eyes.

Immediately after.

The blood that was originally scattered in every inch of the air began to spread wildly, forming a **** domain that enveloped the entire sky.

Under the horrified eyes of the three Tong brothers.

This blood-colored domain fell suddenly, in all directions, within its range.



Datang World.

Palace, Hall of Eternal Life.

When the Bai Qi and the blood colored realm shrouded, Li Si averted his gaze in the world of'Shuiyue Dongtian'.

In Li Si's view, there are no variables in the world of "Water Moon Cave Sky".

Even the ancestor Dongfu of the Tong clan is far from able to stop Bai Qi.

after all.

No matter how the world of "Shuiyuedongtian" is, it is just a world of Hengsha.

The upper limit of the world determines that even if the world of "Shuiyue Dongtian" has a great foundation, it cannot change the outcome.

Under absolute strength, any resistance is as fragile as thin paper.

"During this period of time, Wan Jie Si has conquered more than ten worlds?"

Li Si's eyes turned and looked towards the other world.

Li Si is the world lord of the Datang World, and any subordinate world of the Datang World, in Li Si's eyes, is completely clear and has no secrets.

And just now, when Li Si was looking at the world of'Shuiyue Dongtian', he glanced at other worlds by the way.

"Not bad."

Li Si nodded slightly.

Although the worlds currently conquered by the Division of Ten Thousand Realms, they are all low-level Hengsha worlds, such as the world of "Zhen Huan Chuan" and the world of "Lu Ding Ji"...

But anyway.

Conquering a world is an improvement for the Datang world.

Even if this improvement cannot bring about qualitative changes in Datang, over time, quantitative changes can bring qualitative changes.


"Now the original power that I can control is abundant."

Li Si thought silently.

The more than a dozen worlds conquered by the Tang Dynasty, in addition to bringing national fortune to Li Si, also increased the power of origin.

After supplementing the Datang World, there was some extra power from the source.

The power of the source is the foundation of every world.

Down to the Hengsha World, down to the Great Thousand World, the power of the origin is very important.

Even the inconceivable existence such as the'Lord God' and the Fourth Natural Disaster desperately desires the power of the source.

"Would you like to use the extra power of the original source to try to repair the'main god'?"

Li Si touched his chin, his eyes thoughtful.

Although these original powers are far from being able to restore the'Master God' to the peak period.

But it's better than idle.

If you're lucky, maybe you can repair the heaven-defying functions of the'Lord God'?

Li Si's spirit was shocked.

next moment.

Li Si's heart moved.

A radiant, magnificent and useless Qionglou Tiangong appeared in front of Li Si.

This Qionglou Tiangong is extremely incomplete.

On the walls of the Tiangong, there were heart-palpitating cracks, and even the nine hundred and ninety-nine buildings around the Tiangong were built. More than half of them were missing, leaving only the most basic foundations.

The remaining small part of Qionglou is also crumbling with cracks everywhere.

The Qionglou Tiangong is the body that used to be the ‘main god’ of the heavens.

The main temple.

"The power of the source, repair!!!"

Li Si slowly injected the power of the origin into the main temple.

"I don't know, which function of the main temple can be repaired."

A look of expectation appeared in Li Si's eyes.

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