Summon the Mythical Emperor of the World

Chapter 621: Before the battle of "Shushan"!

Within the blood cocoon.

The white breath fluctuated.

But Li Si clearly felt that there seemed to be a volcano in Bai Qi's body, which could erupt at any time.


In all directions, Bai Qi gathered a large number of laws of killing.

Although the law of killing is not comparable to the top laws of time and space, it can be regarded as one of the rarer higher laws.

Those who comprehend the law of killing, which one did not come out of the sea of ​​blood on the mountain?

Li Si was not surprised at the law of killing that he understood in vain.

Whether it is the Killing God Jue or the Killing God Realm, it is closely related to the law of killing. If Bai Qi understood the law of killing, Li Si would be surprised.

Li Si was surprised that Bai Qi was in his current state.

Under the blood cocoon, Bai Qi is faintly undergoing a certain qualitative change.

This qualitative change is definitely not just as simple as moving from the sixth heaven to the seventh heaven.

"I am looking forward to what kind of surprises you will bring after you break out of the cocoon."

After Li Si's thoughts changed, Bai Qibie was taken into the main temple by Li Si and moved out of the original space.

Li Si did not feel sorry for the power of the source in doing so.

But since the blood cocoon has been gathered all over Bai Qi, the environment of the original space is no longer needed.

Under this circumstance, continuing to place Bai Qi here will affect other gods and demons.

To know.

Even the most superficial law of killing would not be able to resist the gods and demons under the seventh heaven.

If it hadn't been for Li Si to take action just now and stop it in time, weaker gods and demons such as Cao Zhengchun and Zhang Juzheng would have been lost in the killing.

After Bai Qi disappeared.

The original space fell into silence again.

Many gods and demons are eagerly aware of many laws.

Sneer! ! !

The flame rose.

Yan Lingji opened her eyes, as if a sea of ​​fire was burning deep in her eyes.

Seventh Heaven God and Demon!

The seven heavenly gods and demons who have stepped into the flame law.

Although the law of flame is not as good at fighting as the law of killing, as one of the five-element laws, if one can comprehend the law of flame to the extreme, it is easy to burn the void.

After Yan Lingji broke through, she closed her eyes again to stabilize her realm.


time flies.

In a blink of an eye it was a day later.

Under the heaven-defying environment of the Origin Space, even the gods and demons who are not good at fighting like Cao Zhengchun and Zhang Juzheng are entering the Seventh Heaven Realm in front of them.

As for the stronger gods and demons, such as Delin and Zhuge Kongming, they have already stepped into the eighth heaven.

Even Delin was already at the peak of the Eighth Heaven, in a state where he could break through to the Ninth Heaven at any time.

And Delin and Zhuge Kongming, who entered the Eighth Heaven Realm, may be able to compete with the Nine Heavens Gods and Demons with various means and magical powers.

Except for Delin and Zhuge Kongming.

When Heiyan broke through, he was transformed into a black true dragon, with great pressure, no weaker than Zhuge Kongming and Delin, and it was also an existence that could fight with the Nine Heavens Gods and Demons.

after all.

Part of the blood of the true dragon is flowing inside the black rock.

Even if it is far inferior to the real gods and beasts, among the beasts, they are already at the peak level.

Because the real dragon is the top beast of the heavens.


"Irina's training system does not need to understand the rules and regulations."

As if thinking of something, Li Si sighed slightly in his heart.

Of the thirteen gods and demons summoned by Li Si, only Irina is not here.

Because the environment of the original space does not make any sense to the Zerg mother emperor.

The horror of the Zerg mother emperor clan does not lie in understanding how many rules and regulations.

Empress Irina wanted to go one step further. There was only one way to enter the fifth, sixth, and even seventh heaven.

That is to follow the inheritance method of the mother emperor clan, step by step.

And this can only depend on Irina herself, and Li Si can't help either.


"According to the progress Irina reported last time, she is already about to enter the fifth heaven, right?"

Li Si shook his head slightly: "It's still too slow."

If Empress Irina knew what Li Si was thinking, she would definitely cry without tears.

In fact, Irina's breakthrough speed is already fast enough.

Because of the special race, the mother emperor of the Zerg race has a lifespan of millions of years, which can almost be called immortal.

Under the longevity of life, it would take at least hundreds of thousands of years for the vulgar Zerg mother emperor to move from the fourth heaven to the fifth heaven.

Irina was able to approach a breakthrough in less than a year, and it was already considered extremely hard.

after all.

A metamorphosis like Li Si, in just one year, has broken through from a mortal to a metamorphosis of the gods and demons in the world of heaven and beyond. I am afraid that there are not many of them in the heavens and the multiverse.

According to the standard of Li Si, to ask the Zerg mother emperor is simply rubbing the dignity of the mother emperor on the ground.

"All go back."

Li Si glanced at the many gods and demons.

next moment.

Time and space change.

Has left the original space.

After Cao Zhengchun and many other gods and demons left, Li Si glanced at the exhaustion of the original power, and suddenly felt a little painful.

In this short day, the original power consumed was almost equal to the original power harvested by Datang World to conquer a Hengsha world.

It's just that Li Si changed his mind to think that the original power he is currently expending is to prepare for the world of'Shushan'.

Once the world of'Shushan' can be taken down, the harvest it will bring to the world of Datang, I am afraid that even the world of Hengsha will be incomparable.

after all.

That is a small world.

Moreover, it is still a small thousand world that is suspected to be connected to a middle thousand world.

"Come early."

Li Si glanced at the sky and said casually.

"According to the purpose."

The attendant **** retired respectfully.

After half an hour.

Tai Chi Hall.

The civil and military officials bowed and stood, bowing toward the stalwart figure sitting on the dragon chair.

"Get up."

Li Si waved his hand and said.

Before the Tang world battled the "Shushan" world, Li Si naturally had something to tell.

"According to the purpose."

The court officials stood up respectfully.

"His Majesty, today the Division of Wanjie has conquered another world..."

Zhuge Kongming stood out, arched his hands.

"According to the Li Si is extremely casual, as if he is ordering a trivial matter.

During this period, with the establishment of Wanjiesi, one world after another was discovered and conquered.

Li Si has long been used to this.

When the civil and military men of Manchu heard Li Si's tone, they swallowed viciously.

Even though they have heard this news no less than dozens of times since this time, they still can't accept it.

This is a different world!

Putting it a year ago, let alone conquering another world, even the territory of the Tang Dynasty such as the Western Continent and the American Continent would be difficult for ministers to connect with the Tang Empire.

But now, almost every day, there is news that another world has been captured.

This makes all the courtiers feel like a dream.

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