Royal palace.

Tai Chi Hall.

Li Si naturally ignored the shock of the Manchu civil and military.

Based on the background of the current Datang world, unless some special Hengsha world, such as the "Shuiyuedongtian" world, is affected by the radiation of a drop of blood from a certain beast.

Otherwise, other ordinary Hengsha worlds would not even be qualified to let Li Si take a look.

after all.

Today is different.

Li Si is now at a height that can completely ignore most of the Hengsha world.

Even if Li Si is willing, it is not impossible to destroy a Hengsha world.

The destruction here is not simply the slaughter of the creatures in the world.

It completely destroys the entire world.

The gods and demons of the cave-sky realm, opening up the cave-sky in the body, are essentially equivalent to the world.

Therefore, completely destroying a world is not helpless for the gods and demons of the cave sky realm.

"How many worlds is the Division of Ten Thousand Worlds now shooting?"

Li Siduan sat on the throne of the dragon chair, looked at Zhuge Kongming, and asked casually.

"Return to your Majesty."

Upon hearing this, Zhuge Kongming immediately bowed his hands: "The world that the Division of Wanjie currently needs to focus on has 18 seats in total."

"These eighteen worlds were taken by sixty-nine gods and demons from the Division of Ten Thousand Realms, and they are in battle."

Zhuge Kongming treasured everything about Wanjiesi.

As the prime minister of the Tang Dynasty, Zhuge Kongming has great control over Wanjiesi, and all decisions made by Wanjiesi must go through Zhuge Kongming.

In this regard, even the cabinet is not as good as Zhuge Kongming.

"Eighteen worlds..."

Li Si nodded slightly.

He gave a total of dozens of world coordinates to the Wanjie Division. These world coordinates were all extracted from the source of the fourth natural disaster, and belonged to a more ‘know-how’ world.

of course.

It’s just ‘more’.

Do not rule out the possibility of accidents.

after all.

The heavens and the world, the multiverse.

There are too many unknowns.

Maybe a certain Hengsha world has undergone a certain change, and there is a high-end force far surpassing the small world or even the middle one.

This is also the reason why Li Si established Wanjiesi.

Use Wanjiesi to explore the details of the real world, and then let the Datang Empire decide whether to make a move.


When the other courtiers in the court heard that Zhuge Kongming was actually preparing to attack the eighteen different worlds at the same time, their faces suddenly appeared worried.

Regarding the matter of the Division of Ten Thousand Realms, even a member of the third rank such as the Six Book Shangshu, he just probably understands that it is a department specially established by His Majesty for the heavens and universal realms.

As for the specific information of the Wanjie Division, he knows nothing.

The ministers just heard the news that another world was conquered every day.

However, few ministers knew what kind of goals and pressures Wanjiesi currently had.

Especially now.

When the civil and military officials heard Zhuge Kongming's mouth that Wanjiesi was about to take action against eighteen different worlds at the same time, they showed a slight sadness.

after all.

This is eighteen worlds.

Eighteen complete worlds.

There are sun, moon, mountains and rivers, vegetation and beings.

Is it a bit too big for Man Jieji to make a shot at 18 worlds at the same time?

Most of the courtiers in the court were very conservative. They didn't think that the Tang Empire could not deal with the eighteen worlds.

But there is no need to divide the strength into eighteen parts.

In case something went wrong in this way, although it could not shake the foundation of the Datang Empire, it was also an extremely troublesome matter.

The thoughts of the courtiers were ups and downs, and in the end, Shangshu of the Ministry of War stood out and bit the bullet and said: "Your Majesty, the minister feels that facing the eighteen worlds at the same time, do you lose your consideration?

Bingbu Shangshu modified the words in his discourse very much, and wanted to make himself more euphemistic.

After all, what he said is equivalent to standing on the opposite side of Zhuge Kongming.

Who in the court does not know Zhuge Kongming's position in His Majesty's heart?

For Zhuge Kongming, His Majesty directly activated the post of prime minister again, and handed over to Zhuge Kongming, who was vitally important and had no right to intervene in the cabinet.

Such measures were all seen in the eyes of the Manchu civilization.

If it was something else, the Department of War Shangshu would never dare to confront Zhuge Kongming.

However, there should be no omissions in the battle of the world. For the long-term prosperity of the Datang Empire, the Ministry of War Shangshu can only summon the courage to stand up.


Li Si's eyes were calm, leaning slightly on the throne of the dragon chair, without speaking.

Although Shangshu of the Ministry of War is in charge of the world's soldiers and horses of Datang, the true foundation of the Datang Empire has always been in the hands of Li Si.

From the perspective of the Minister of War, it is loyal to be able to make this point.

after all.

Throughout the dynasties, the courtiers who can pour cold water to their face are probably ready to lose their heads at any time.

"Your Majesty, the minister feels that what the Ministry of War Shangshu said is not unreasonable."

The official secretary also stepped forward and bowed in prayer: "The eighteenth line is fighting at the same time to disperse the strength. This is a big taboo in battle."

If it is only aimed at a certain world, even within five worlds, naturally there will not be many courtiers opposed.

But what the Division of Ten Thousand Worlds faces is actually eighteen...

This worries the courtiers very much.

The officials were not worried that the Datang Empire was inferior to these eighteen worlds, but that the Datang Empire would use most of its strength on this. Will it fall into weakness in other areas?

In case of being taken advantage of by someone with a heart...

Zhuge Kongming's eyes drooped and he was silent.

At this moment, the chief minister of the cabinet, Zhang Juzheng, stood out and said, "My Majesty, the minister feels that the prime minister has decided that there is no problem."

The first minister of the cabinet, Zhang Juzheng, just finished his words.

The Manchu civil and military look changed.

You know, the prime minister and the cabinet seldom agree in person.

But now, the chief assistant of the cabinet thinks Zhuge Kongming's approach is okay?

Is it possible that the current Datang Empire really has the strength to easily smooth out 18 different worlds?

The thoughts of the courts and the ministers turned Zhang Juzheng's eyes turned, and he swept over the ministers: "The concerns of your colleagues are not unreasonable. The eighteen worlds certainly cannot shake the foundation of the Tang Dynasty, but It will hold back energy and cause some troubles..."

When Zhang Juzheng said this, he paused for a moment and continued: "But your worry that the eighteen worlds can disperse part of my Datang's energy, but it is a bit unreasonable."

Zhang Juzheng, as the chief assistant of the cabinet, and a **** and demon summoned by Li Si himself, knew far more than the Ministry of War Shangshu.

Even if Zhang Juzheng didn't know all about the current background and strength of the Datang Empire, only a small part was enough to make Zhang Juzheng confident.

There are only eighteen Hengsha worlds, and they want to distract part of Datang's energy, which is simply a dream!

Not to mention the other methods of your Majesty, it is the Flame Lingji, Dugu Sword Demon and so on after entering the Seventh Heaven Realm in the Origin Space...

Not to mention the eighteen Hengsha worlds, even one hundred and eighty Hengsha worlds are more than enough, and there can be no accidents.

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