"What kind of place is connected to that ‘door’?"

   Junyangko trembled all over, and the fear in her heart could not be recovered.

   You must know that the resources of the'Shushan' world are so many, and there are limits to the strengths that can be born.

   But now, the figure walking out of the'door' house has completely broken Chunyangzi's understanding of the world of'Shushan'.

   In Chunyangzi's view, only the ‘Shushan’ fairy sect, which monopolizes ninety-nine percent of the world’s resources, can have such a large number of powerhouses.

   As for other forces.

   No matter how amazing the disciples are, but without the resources, what breakthrough do you make?


   Until this time, Chunyangzi did not realize that what the world gate is connected to is a Tang world that is shoulder to shoulder or even surpasses the world of'Shushan'.


   It's not that Junyangko could not think of it.

  , but at the level of Chunyangzi, it is impossible to touch the world outside the world of'Shushan' at all.

   And just when Junyangko was shaking and restless.

   The Gate of the World continuously rushed out of a large number of Great Tang troops.

   The aura of many gods and demons gathered, swept away in all directions.

   In an instant.

   Except for ‘Shushan’ Xianzong.

  Several ancient beings sleeping on the edge of the world opened their eyes at the same time and looked in the direction of the world gate in horror.

   The very west.

   A certain blood pool filled with monstrous blood.

   The blood condenses, forming a figure in a blood-colored robe.

   The blood-colored figure looked solemn and muttered to himself: "A breath outside the world?"

   "Interesting, really interesting."

   The scarlet figure suddenly laughed, and the horrible fluctuations centered on him, constantly shaking around.

   "Three thousand years ago, your "Shushan" fairy sect shattered this blood **** body with the most treasured view of the sky, but unfortunately, the heart of this seat is placed in the sea of ​​blood. If the sea of ​​blood does not die, I will not die."

   The scarlet figure laughed frantically.

   If there are disciples of the Immortal Sect of'Shushan' here again, they will definitely be shocked to recognize that this blood-colored figure is really the blood demon that ravaged the world of'Shushan' three thousand years ago.

   At that time.

   In order to solve the blood demon, the Immortal Sect of'Shushan' did not hesitate to use a Mahayana Taishang as a bait to attract the blood demon, and then shatter the blood deity with the treasure of the heaven.

   Since then.

   The Blood Demon's Tribulation ended.

   and just when the Xianzong of Shushan was rejoicing.

   The distraction of the blood demon flees to the extreme west to save his life.

   The ‘Shushan’ headmaster of that generation may be aware of this, but the blood **** body has been broken, and the blood demon's strength will plummet by 90%, so he is too lazy to chase the blood demon.

after all.

   The blood demon's heart is pinned on the sea of ​​blood, which is extremely difficult to kill.


   In the eyes of the Immortal Sect of Shushan, the Gorefiend who has lost the blood **** body is just a prodigal dog that is lingering.

   is not worth mentioning at all.

   And this moment.

   When the gate of the world and the aura of many Tang gods and demons manifested, the blood demons revived for the first time, watching the next scene with great expectations.


   The Far East.

An old man in white robe walked out of the cave and looked towards the gate of the world. A strange light flashed on his wrinkled face: "The sky has changed greatly, and the supremacy of the'Shu Mountain' Immortal Sect that has been dominating the world for 90 thousand years will be shaken. ."

   A look of expectation appeared on the face of the old man in white robe.

   Although he is not weaker than the Mahayana immortal, because he is not a disciple of the "Shushan" Immortal Sect, he is directly suppressed by the "Shushan" Immortal Sect.

   I had no choice but to hide in the extreme east, avoiding the edge of the ‘Shushan’ fairy sect.

   Originally, the white-robed old man thought that he would be under the dominion of the Immortal Sect of "Shu Mountain" for hundreds of years.

   but such a scene appeared.

   For the white-robed old man, this is tantamount to hope in despair.

   Regardless of the final result, the situation of the white-robed old man will not get worse anymore. In that case, why not watch the ‘Shushan’ Immortal Sect fall from above it with your own eyes?

   Being chased and killed by the ‘Shushan’ Xianzong for so many years, the resentment in the heart of the white-robed old man can be imagined.


   And in other hidden places in the world, a wicked giant or a strong magical path hidden in the dark, their eyes shocked.

   just a moment ago.

   They obviously felt an extreme breath rising into the sky.

   If it weren’t for this breath that was completely different from the breath of the Immortal Sect of Shushan, they would all think that Immortal Shushan was going to kill.

   "It's so scary."

   "'Shushan' Xianzong, I'm afraid I will have a headache?"

   "Headache? It's just a headache? Although the deity was only shocked just now, there are three ways to reach the Mahayana stage in this momentum."

   "In addition to other powerhouses, the Immortal Sect of Shushan might be dangerous this time."

   "Isn't it? The only three Mahayana period, shouldn't it be ‘Shushan’ Xianzong?"

   "Not in the Mahayana period, but what about the Mahayana period? A world that can gather such a large number of powerful people, do you think the other party will have no confidence in opening the cross-border teleportation array rashly?"

   "Look at it."

   "The more chaos the world is, the better it will be for me."

   Countless gods talked quickly, looking at the door of the world,


at this time.

   Delin, who also stands outside the gate of the world, frowned.

  With Delin's strength, naturally he has noticed these peeping from all over the world.


   A trace of thunder flashed through Delin's pupils.

   In a crash.

   All the beings who looked at this place felt a thunder exploding in their ears.

   A large number of strong men vomited blood and suffered heavy injuries on the spot. Even a small number of evil cultivators went directly to the devil under this thunder and died on the spot.

"not good!"


   "I can't even look at it, really domineering!"

   The countless intertwined divine thoughts suddenly became immersed, and I no longer dared to peek.

   "This group of ants."

   Delin's face is full of contempt.

  If he is willing to ~www.ltnovel.com~, he will be able to take action now, and kill all the existence that just peeped here.

   But Delin knows that the biggest enemy of the Tang Dynasty's battle in the world of "Shushan" is the "Shushan" Xianzong.

   As for these ants, they can wait for the conquering of the world of "Shushan" to be solved one by one.

"All right."

   "It's almost there."

   Zhuge Kongming looked calm and said softly.

   In this battle in the world of ‘Shushan’, Zhuge Kongming is the main general, and the overall coordination.

   After all, in the world of the'Three Kingdoms', Zhuge Kongming was very good at military battlefields, and even used his own power to continue Shushan for nearly a hundred years.

   Although the scale of the war between the Datang world and the'Shushan' world far exceeds that of the'Three Kingdoms' world, Zhuge Kongming at this moment is no longer comparable.

   It is obviously the most suitable choice for him to dispatch the army.


   hum! ! !

   I saw two sword auras, one purple and one green, like two real dragons, entangled and swallowed down.

   Under the purple sword aura, the cloudless sky suddenly suppressed an unimaginable horror.

   A radius of thousands of miles is directly transformed into an endless sword field.

   Just when the purple sword energy appeared.

   Datang World.

   A hint of surprise flashed in Li Si's eyes: "Purple and green double swords? Is the ‘Shu Mountain’ Immortal Sect willing?"

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