Ziqing Double Swords are the treasures of the "Shu Mountain" Immortal Sect's attack, one of the strongest backgrounds, known as Fengrui Wushuang, can cut the Mahayana!

  'Shushan' Xianzong has dominated the world for 90 thousand years, and the number of times the purple and green swords were born is very few.

   is not because of some restriction.

   But unless absolutely necessary, the Immortal Sect of Shushan will never use the purple and green swords.

after all.

  The existence of background information, naturally the less people know the better.

   Otherwise, if everyone knows it, then it’s also called “inheritance”?

   Li Si did not expect that before the Tang Empire began to fight, the "Shu Mountain" Xianzong would have sacrificed purple and blue swords...

   "Your Majesty."

   "Need subordinates to take action?"

   An endless sand field was reflected in the pupil of the sand fox, and the terrifying demon power continued to rise, and the phantom of a nine-tailed demon fox appeared vaguely, shocking.

  As the demon general of the mountain patrol, the great sage of the bull demon, the sacred fox's own blood is extremely terrifying, coupled with the talent and supernatural powers of the demon clan, under the combination of the two, it has almost reached the extreme of the nine heavens.

   In terms of pure combat power, even Zhuge Kongming and Delin are inferior to Shahu.

"No need to."

   Li Si looked calm and shook his head slightly.

  'Shushan' Xianzong's purple and green double swords are indeed superior.

   But at this moment, the sword that was slicing towards the gate of the world was not the body of the purple and blue swords, but just a sword aura.

   If the "Shu Mountain" Xianzong holds a mere sword energy, he can solve the thoughts of the gods and demons of the Tang Dynasty, which is tantamount to wishful thinking.

   Don't say it's just a sword aura, even if the Ziqing double swords are close to each other, it can't help Zhuge Kongming and many other gods and demons.

   "Comply with the purpose."

   The endless sand field in Shahu’s eyes quickly disappeared, standing respectfully beside Li Si.

   Among the many gods and demons in the Tang Dynasty, only Shahu did not enter the world of ‘Shushan’ for the first time.


at the same time.

   With those two swords, one purple and one green, when they fell towards the gate of the world.

   The extremely sharp sword aura, as if trying to cut the entire ‘Shushan’ world into two.

"this is?"

   "Purple and green swords?"

  In the extreme west, the Gorefiend wears a blood-colored robe, just like a gentleman in the world.


   When the purple and blue swords emerged.

   There was a trace of horror in the pupils of the Gorefiend.

   The Blood Demon had never expected it in his dream, but the Immortal Sect of'Shushan' didn't even talk about temptation, and directly cut out the purple and blue swords?

   How worried is this?

  The blood demon is hard to understand!

   Even three thousand years ago, he was incarnate as a calamity and swept the world, and the "Shu Mountain" Xianzong only used the most treasured view of the world.

   As for the purple and green double swords, I didn't even see the shadow.

   But at the moment.

   Ziqing sword is mighty, but it makes the blood demon's scalp numb.


   The blood demon muttered to himself.

   With the background of the Immortal Sect of Shushan, there is no need to directly use the purple and green swords!

   In the eyes of the Gorefiend, the Immortal Sect of Shushan has 10,000 ways to deal with people from other worlds that suddenly appear.


   Between the electric light and the flint, an incredible thought suddenly flashed through the Gorefiend's mind.

   Unless the "Shushan" Xianzong believes that, apart from the purple and blue swords, there is no way to suppress this group of aliens...

   But how is it possible? !


   is more than just the extreme west.

   When the purple and blue swords of the Immortal Sect of Shushan were born, the whole world of Shushan was boiling.

   All of the evil Dao giants who are lingering in the dark, their faces are extremely pale.

   When they peered into the many gods and demons of the Tang Dynasty, they only heard a thunder echoing in their ears, and they were violently backlashed.

   Now that he has finally calmed down, the breath of purple and green double swords appeared again.

   "Is the'Shushan' Xianzong crazy?"

   Evil Dao Mo Dao giant can not believe it.

   If it weren't for the purple sword energy to slash at the group of people from other worlds that suddenly appeared, these people would probably feel that the "Shushan" Immortal Sect would kill them all...


   "I thought that this group of strangers would be able to jump for a while."

   "But the Immortal Sect of'Shushan' didn't give a chance at all, and directly sacrificed purple and blue swords."

   "Yes, with the sharpness of the purple and blue swords, even in the Mahayana period, if you fight hard from the front, you will have to hit hard."

   "This group of people from other worlds, under the purple and blue swords, will probably suffer heavy casualties in the first place, nine out of ten deaths."

   "The rest is under the encirclement and suppression of the Immortal Sect of Shushan, and it will not last long."

   Many Evil Dao and Demon Dao giants are too aware of the methods of the "Shushan" Immortal Sect.

   The more they understand, the more they know the horror of the Immortal Sect of Shushan.


   The moment the breath of the purple and blue swords appeared.

  In the eyes of these evil Dao and Dao giants, the many gods and demons in Datang are already dead.


  'Shushan' Xianzong.

   The palm teaches Tianjizi to stand with his hands.

  Behind Tianjizi, the three Taishang also stood quietly.

   hum! !

   Two fairy swords, one purple and one green, appeared faintly, revealing a terrifying sword intent.


   "The sword ancestor cut that sword, even if I wait, I have to avoid the edge for now."

   Fu Hengzi looked at the purple and blue swords erected on both sides, a shock flashed in his eyes, and said.

   "Not bad."

   "These people from other worlds want to invade the world of my'Shushan', it is simply looking for death."

   Another Mahayana too snorted.

The third Taishang heard this, his eyes flashed, and he hesitated: "The other party is the Great Tribulation of Extinguishing the World, after all, the sword of the sword ancestor is terrifying, but it may be difficult to completely erase the Great Tribulation... "

"All right."

   "Don't say anything."

   At this moment, the palm teacher Tianjizi slowly said: "What is the result? We just look at it."

   In the words of Tianjizi, a trace of expectation emerged.

With a single blow from the Ziqing Double Swords, this group of people from other worlds will be unprepared and will at least be hit hard. At that time, the "Shushan" Immortal Sect will make a full shot, and the possibility of going through this catastrophe will be greatly improved. .


   Ziqing Jianqi straddled the sky, and slashed towards the gate of the world.


   A hint of thunder flashed through Delin's pupils again.

   "It's okay."

   Zhuge Kongming smiled lightly.

   Delin glanced at Zhuge Kongming, the thunder in his eyes disappeared.

  Since Zhuge Kongming said there was nothing wrong, Delin naturally believed ~www.ltnovel.com~ to tear up.

   Ziqing Jianqi cut through the void.

   "It's over."

   Chunyangzi has cold hands and feet.

   Although he didn't know what this purple-green sword aura was, just the aura that extinguished everything made Chunyangzi not even thinking of resisting.

   "Never mind."

   "With so many strong men buried, I am also worth it."

   Chunyangko looked at the many Datang gods and demons, and thought to himself.


   Just when Chunyangzi's face is like ashes.

   hum! ! !

   An illusory array rose from the sky.

   Within the array, the two air currents of Yin and Yang are condensed into eight small imaginary worlds, colliding and squeezing each other, as if endless.

   "Eight formation map!!!"

   Zhuge Kongming flicked his fingers.


The mighty, all-cutting purple sword energy directly slashed into the eight formations, eight small imaginary worlds collided and squeezed, the terrifying purple sword energy was continuously decomposed and rejected, and finally turned into a faint heaven and earth aura. Blended into the eight formation map.



  PS: Cavin, this chapter will be the first tonight, no more, no need to wait.

   Let the author sort out the next plot~~~~~

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