Ziqing Jianqi looks at the world.

   But under the collision and squeeze of the eight imaginary small worlds, they are constantly attenuating, finally turning into the most basic heaven and earth aura.

  As one of Zhuge Kongming's supernatural powers, the Eight Formation Diagram is very good at defense. Within the formation diagram, Yin and Yang are reversed, and the five aggregates are all lost.

   Unless the power of Ziqing Jianqi instantly soars to the cave world.

   Otherwise, it is impossible to break the eight formation map.

   Even Li Si praised the eight formations.

   When he fought the federal civilized world, Li Si asked Zhuge Kongming's eight formations to guard the gate of the world.

   In Li Si's view, even if all the mecha divisions of the Federal Civilization were all fighting together, all kinds of high-tech weapons were desperately blasted down.

   At that time, Zhuge Kongming was only a six-layer **** and demon.

   But at this time, Zhuge Kongming was already an eight-fold **** and demon.

   As a result, the power of the Eight Formation Diagram has skyrocketed a hundred times, a thousand times, and it can withstand almost all attacks under the cave sky.

"this is?"


   "Impossible! That is the purple and blue swords!!"

   There are various kinds of ‘shushan’ in the world, and many evil dao and evil dao giants have widened their eyes.

   Ziqing Jianqi was blocked, which is understandable.

   After all, these strangers are coming so aggressively, how can they not have any cards?

   Apart from other things, just the existence of three of these people from other worlds who are comparable to the Mahayana period is not what a mere purple sword energy can do.

   Under the aura of the purple sword, I am afraid that I have to retreat during the Mahayana period, and those from other worlds under the Mahayana period should at least be killed and injured.

but in fact......

   There were no casualties at all.

   The man with a feather fan and a turban who blocked the Ziqing sword aura seemed to have not exerted much effort at all. In an understatement, he blocked the Ziqing sword aura that could tear the world.

what does this mean?

   means that the strength of this man with a feather fan and a scarf is probably higher than that of the ordinary Mahayana period!

   Although it may be far inferior to the rumored true immortal who turned into a cave.

   But at least in the realm of the Mahayana period, it has definitely reached its peak.

   "Come and not be indecent."

   Zhuge Kongming's eyes flashed across the silk ripples, his right hand was raised, his index finger stretched out, and he slightly pressed toward the direction of the ‘Shushan’ fairy sect.

   "Gossip prisoner Tianzhi!"

   rumbling! ! !

   Heaven and earth, void, five elements, yin and yang.

   Everything is turned into a giant finger.

"not good!!"

   Tianjizi's expression changed drastically.

   As soon as the giant finger that filled the heavens and the earth appeared, it crossed countless thousands of miles and rolled down towards the ‘Shushan’ Immortal Sect.

   The other three superstars did not care about the shock that the purple sword energy was blocked, and they looked solemnly at the giant fingers that were getting closer and closer.


   Fu Hengzi looked at Tianjizi.


   Tianjizi narrowed his eyes slightly, and the Supreme Treasure View skyrocketed, as if it were a day, floating above the ‘Shushan’ fairy sect.

   hum! ! !

   A ray of light that seems to penetrate the past and present shoots out from the horizon.

   The light is faint.

   Under the ray of light, the speed of the Eight Diagrams Prisoner Tianzhi continued to decrease, and the chaotic Five Elements, Yin and Yang stabilized.


   A hundred miles away from the Immortal Sect of "Shu Mountain", this and the giant fingers of the sky turned into a breeze, disappearing in a moment.


   For ordinary mortals, it may take several days or even dozens of days to cross.

   In the eyes of any immortal during the Tribulation Period, the distance of a hundred miles is just one idea.

   The Eight Diagrams Prisoner Tianzhi was blocked only a hundred miles away, which was considered extremely risky.

  Because, once it is a little bit late at night, or the distance is not well controlled, the Eight Diagrams Prisoner Tianzhi will be blasted on the ‘Shushan’ Immortal Sect...

   Even though the "Shu Mountain" Xianzong has a large formation to protect the mountain, when the two collide, some disciples who are close to the formation will surely be affected and die.

   Tianjizi's forehead overflowed with cold sweat.

   He never expected that the power of that huge finger would be so powerful.

   Tianjizi's thoughts were ups and downs, and finally his gaze was firm and said: "All the'shushan' disciples, make every effort to kill people in other worlds."

   "Kill a person in the outside world during the foundation period and reward ten golden pills."

   "Kill a person from another world in the Golden Core Stage, and reward the Primordial Spirit Stage initiation once."



   "Kill the aliens who cross the Tribulation Period, and reward the Mahayana Period insight."

   "Killing people from outside worlds in the Mahayana period, rewarding true immortals for practicing for a thousand years."

   "Destroying the cross-border teleportation array will be the next head teacher of the Immortal Sect'Shushan', in charge of the most treasured view of the heavens, and dominate the ups and downs of all living beings!"


   in an instant.

   The voice of Tianjizi resounded in the ears of all the disciples of the ‘Shushan’ fairy sect.


   These Xianzong disciples are crazy.

   Although the "Shushan" Xianzong monopolized ninety-nine percent of the world's resources, most of the resources were provided for the Mahayana Taishang and the Master.

   As for the Mahayana period...

   Even if an immortal crosses the Tribulation Period, if he wants to obtain resources, he still needs to rely on contributions in exchange.

but now.

   Tianjizi has even taken out the real celestial altar and the position of the head teacher. How can this make countless Xianzong disciples not crazy?

   The Altar of the True Immortal is the place where Xianzong connects with the upper realm, where the rules and regulations are faintly affected by the upper realm.

   Cultivating there for a long time has incredible benefits for the rules of perception.

   But unfortunately.

   This kind of influence is extremely limited, even in the Mahayana period and every head teacher, every thousand years, there is only a hundred years of cultivation time.

And now, only need to kill the strong in the Mahayana period in other realms, and you can reward the time for the cultivation of the thousand-year true celestial altar. Can't wait to fight with people from another world now.

   As for the position of teaching, not to mention controlling the vast majority of the resources of Xianzong, just controlling the Supreme Treasure Guantian Realm, it is enough to make the Mahayana period hot.

   Once you become the head teacher of the Immortal Sect, you are equivalent to standing on the top of the "Shushan" world. This is a fatal temptation for some disciples of the Immortal Sect who seek power.

"right now......."

   Tianjizi's reaction to many disciples is clear.

   In fact, if you can't survive this catastrophe, the immortal sect of "Shushan" will probably be destroyed ~ www.ltnovel.com~ At that time, these resources would be nothing but cheap Datang World.


   As long as it can repel the Datang World and destroy the cross-border teleportation formation, even if it promises to be the leader of the teaching, Tianjizi will not hesitate.


   Tianjizi's face was full of murderous intent.

   Boom! ! !

   The Guantian realm suspended above the fairy sect of ‘Shushan’ once again penetrated with a bright light, pointing out the direction for countless disciples of the ‘shushan’ celestial sect.




   Countless Xianzong disciples rose to the sky, the sword flew away, and hurried towards the gate of the world.

   One formation after another emerged, covering the world.

   One after another immortals walked out of the cave.


  The gate of the world.

   After Zhuge Kongming pressed a finger, a hint of coldness appeared on his face.

   He turned his head slightly, looked at the countless Great Tang army, and said softly: "Anyone who resists, kill without mercy!!!"

   In a crash.

   The Great Tang army is like a dense black tide, rushing toward the "Shushan" world in all directions.

  The gods and devil imperial qi world, a palm fell, and the monks under the golden core stage were killed and injured countless.

   The war has begun!

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