The two of them were busy, and the two of them were busy.

"Everyone can go somewhere else."

Nami waved her hand and signaled everyone to leave.

I still have a lot of things to deal with. How can a Fishman Island have so many things to deal with? The new residence of the residents of Fishman Street, the education problems of the residents of Fishman Island, and the popularization of Fishman karate and Taijutsu.

Being a queen is too difficult!

Seeing that Nami started to deal with the documents again, Crane and others also saluted and left tactfully.

"Ah, things are troublesome. The Celestial Dragons and a ship of CPs are missing. I don't know how Sengoku will blame me when I go back." Aokiji scratched his head a little annoyed.

The new queen of Fishman Island, Nami, obviously didn't care about this matter. After Crane clearly pointed out that it was the Celestial Dragons and CP who were missing, Nami simply confirmed whether there was any record of entering the island.

Her attitude was very clear: the person you are looking for has never been to Fish-Man Island, so it has nothing to do with my Fish-Man Island, so go look for him somewhere else.

This attitude is normal at ordinary times, but when it comes to a Celestial Dragon, regardless of whether this matter is related to Fish-Man Island, as long as the Celestial Dragon disappeared when he came to Fish-Man Island, according to the nature of the World Government, Fish-Man Island will definitely not be picked out.

At this time, the Ryugu Kingdom did not even have an attitude, and was completely indifferent.

"The trouble now is not only that the Celestial Dragons cannot be found, but also the subsequent conflict between the World Government and Fish-Man Island." Crane has been extremely serious since he came out of the Ryugu.

Nami's attitude conveys not only indifference to the disappearance of the Celestial Dragons, but also indifference to the entire World Government.

He didn't believe that Nami, who could peacefully obtain the power of Fishman Island, would not understand the twists and turns in the process. So it is very likely that Nami is very confident in Fishman Island or in her own strength.

"Let's go and meet our old friend."

He asked the guards who followed him and the others, and the guards told He the location of Neptune, the former king of the Dragon Palace Kingdom, the current advisor of the Dragon Palace Kingdom, and the great knight.

Neptune is now in a small palace next to the Dragon Palace. After the notification, He and his party soon met Neptune.

Neptune was lying on the couch, holding a book to teach Shirahoshi about some of the forces in the sea.

This was Nami's request. Before, after Nami and Shirahoshi talked, she found that this little girl was naive and scary. After understanding, it was discovered that Neptune's protection of Shirahoshi was too much. In addition to basic literacy for so many years, Shirahoshi, as the princess of the Dragon Palace Kingdom, did not know the situation of the world and the major forces at all.

"You don't even realize that the pirates may have malicious intentions towards you, and this is how you protect her?"

Faced with Nami's questioning, Neptune's face flushed, "We plan to keep Shirahoshi away from the darkness of the world, as long as she lives happily."

"How long can you protect her? Ten years, twenty years, when you are no longer able to protect her?"

"And we, we will protect Shirahoshi." Seeing their father being questioned like this, Shark Star and others also stood up indignantly.

"You? You should follow Jinbei to practice fish-man karate first. People without strength can't protect anything!"

"From today on, you will teach Shirahoshi common sense, and I will specially ask a teacher to educate Shirahoshi later."

Nami threw down a book and handed the task of educating Shirahoshi to Neptune.


"It's been a long time since we last met, Vice Admiral Tsuru, what is the purpose of the navy's visit this time?"

Neptune put away the book, greeted Vice Admiral Tsuru, and his eyes stopped on Aokiji and Garen.

Vice Admiral Tsuru, Admiral Aokiji and the rookie commanders of the Navy? Why did the Navy come to Fish-Man Island with such fanfare?

Seeing outsiders coming, Shirahoshi looked at everyone curiously and went into the inner room.

"Your Excellency Neptune is still as elegant as ever." Tsuru smiled and stated his purpose directly: "A Celestial Dragon disappeared on the way to Fish-Man Island, and there is no news about the CP team sent by the World Government."

"You should go to Queen Nami for this kind of thing. Now, she is the leader of Fish-Man Island." Neptune straightened up.

"We just came from the Dragon Palace."

Vice Admiral Tsuru wanted to find some help from Neptune. Without the help of mermaids or fishmen, it would be a pipe dream for them to find clues on the seabed.

Seeing that Neptune didn't speak for a long time, Vice Admiral Tsuru added: "Sir, if the real reason for the death of the Celestial Dragons cannot be found, the World Government will definitely blame Fish-Man Island."

"Queen Nami now represents the entire Fish-Man Island. Please forgive me for not being able to provide you with any help!"

Neptune sighed deeply and said.

If it was before, in order to remove Fish-Man Island, Neptune would definitely assist the Navy in the investigation, but now, Neptune believes in Nami more.

"Sir Neptune..." Vice Admiral Crane wanted to add.

"Vice Admiral Crane, what is the purpose of that Celestial Dragon coming to Fish-Man Island? It can't be a trip, right?"

Neptune interrupted Crane and asked in a deep voice.

"Sir Neptune, it's just some assistance. As long as we find the reason for their death, we will leave, and Fish-Man Island will not be blamed by the World Government for this matter." Crane did not answer Neptune's question. Everyone knew this question, and Crane really didn't want to put Fish-Man Island on the opposite side of the World Government because of this matter.

The death of the Celestial Dragon was an accident, and Fish-Man Island actively assisted in the investigation without any suspicion.

This is the best solution in Crane's opinion, because the strength of Fishman Island is too weak. Any CP0 will be unstoppable after entering Fishman Island.

Weakness is the original sin!

"What a joke! He came with malicious intent and died on the road. We still have to help you investigate the cause of his death to prove his innocence? We have no reason and no need to prove it!"

Neptune laughed in anger.

"Go back, Vice Admiral Crane, Queen Nami is the will of the entire Fishman Island."

"I understand."

Vice Admiral Crane was speechless after being questioned by Neptune, and had to bow and say goodbye.

"Grandma, are you okay?" On the way, Poppy saw that Crane was in a low mood and secretly pulled Crane's sleeve.

"It's okay." Crane smiled kindly, reached out and touched Poppy's head: "We did something wrong. It is our mission to investigate the whereabouts of the Celestial Dragons. It is their duty for the Kingdom of Ryugu to be unwilling to assist. And I asked them to assist in the name of doing good for Fishman Island, which is actually asking them to exchange dignity for peace."

Crane sighed slightly, as if asking himself, and also for Fishman Island. Then he showed a relieved smile: "Alas, Fishman Island has finally found its backbone."

Understanding the attitude of Fishman Island, Vice Admiral Crane led a group of people to leave Fishman Island on a warship and continued to search for the whereabouts of the Celestial Dragons in the nearby waters.

The warship followed the current back to the original route and returned to the vicinity of the huge shell. Just as it was about to leave, a pirate ship came with the current and stopped next to the shell.

"Stop." Aokiji ordered: "Turn off all lights."

The temporary brake of the warship started, pushing the warship away from the current, lowering the anchor, and letting the warship quietly float on the seabed.

Crane naturally understood what Aokiji meant, and stood on the bow with his arms crossed. Poppy, with his feet in the air and his arms on the railing, followed the others and stared at the pirate ship intently.

"What, you're asking me for money?" Looking at the sign asking for 100 million berries under the dim light, the pirate captain felt a sense of absurdity. I've always been the one robbing others, and this is the first time someone has stopped me and asked for tolls.

"Hahaha, Fishman Island dares to charge me, let's reward him with a few shells! When we get to Fishman Island, we'll catch a few mermaids as an apology."

"Boss, I heard that the mermaids are all beautiful, and any one of them can be worth hundreds of millions of berries!"

"Wouldn't that mean we're going to get rich?"

"Hehe, boss, can you catch a few more, and we'll keep a few too."

"Hahaha, it's up to you how many you catch, now, push the cannon over to me!" The pirate captain was in a good mood listening to the flattery of his men.

Boom boom boom!

A violent explosion lit up on the huge shell, and the nearby seawater seemed to boil. But the flames and countless bubbles dissipated, and the shell still appeared intact in front of the pirates.

"Here they come!" Aokiji on the distant warship frowned and reminded everyone.

I saw several huge black shadows appear above the pirate ship. Everyone looked at the huge black shadows and pairs of scarlet eyes, like the god of death wandering in the deep sea.

"Sea King!"

Tsuru narrowed his eyes slightly, and he already had the answer in his heart.

Before the pirate ship made any response, the huge black shadow pounced on the pirate ship, and the bubble film was torn apart in an instant. As the ship shattered, the bloody mouths swallowed all the members of the pirate ship and the debris of the ship into their stomachs.

When all the wreckage was swallowed, the figures of the sea kings disappeared into the dark deep sea.

On the warship, Tsuru and Aokiji looked at each other and saw shock in each other's eyes.

This is why the Celestial Dragons and CP disappeared. The Celestial Dragons and CP will definitely not pay the toll, and those sea kings are likely to be the ones that Fishman Island is against.

The means to deal with the evil guests who are unwilling to pay the toll.

The murderer is Fishman Island!

And then the two felt that it was tricky, very tricky. If this is true, then the World Government will definitely make a big move for it, and Fishman Island will definitely be dragged into the war.

And the mysterious Queen Nami, and this amazing means of controlling the Sea Kings, when the time comes, the World Government, and even the Navy, may pay a huge price.

No one can threaten the Deep Sea Queen who controls the Sea Kings.

"Ah, I know." Poppy leaned on the railing, frowned, and said to Crane seriously: "The Celestial Dragons were eaten by big fish, so we can't find them."

Crane was stunned for a moment, then smiled: "Yes, it's the Sea Kings."

Aokiji glanced at Crane, and Crane seemed to say to himself: "The Navy cannot be dragged into a meaningless war. We have sacrificed a lot for the tranquility of the sea."

This time it was just a Celestial Dragon.

"Go back." Crane turned his head and gave orders to everyone.

Aokiji found his own recliner, lay down on it, and pulled down his eye mask: "You are the chief officer, you have the final say."


On the other side, after He and others left, Neptune hurried to the Dragon Palace alone. Seeing Nami still processing documents at the table, he asked the guards in the hall to leave.

After struggling for a while, Neptune said: "Is the matter of the Celestial Dragons related to Fish-Man Island?"

"They did not pay the license fee and died at the mouth of the Sea King." Nami did not even raise her head.

What is the difference between this and dying on Fish-Man Island? Neptune sat there decadently. He loved Fish-Man Island and his people deeply. Because of this, he knew that Fish-Man Island was weak and would not anger the World Government. For Fish-Man Island!

"Fish-Man Island can't be ignited again." Neptune paused, as if he had made a great determination: "If the World Government holds me accountable, I will say that I attacked the Celestial Dragons."

"Help me take good care of Shirahoshi and teach her to be strong."

Nami's sharp eyes softened, and the cold light in her eyes disappeared. If Neptune had just said something about not attacking the Celestial Dragons when he knew the disgusting purpose of the Celestial Dragons, then he would never have to come out of that side hall again in his life!

"Fish-Man Island has not yet reached the point where a retired old man needs to take the blame."

"But the World Government..."

"Even if this incident didn't happen, the World Government's attitude towards Fish-Man Island has not been good. In their eyes, fish-men and mermaids are not human beings, and are no different from fish that can be killed at will in the seabed."

Nami stopped writing, crossed her fingers, and looked at Neptune seriously.

"To change this situation, there is only one way, hit them hard! Hit them once to avoid a hundred hits!"

Nami's powerful aura burst out, and all the guards near the Dragon Palace were stunned in an instant, and Neptune in front of him also lowered his head slightly under this aura.

Overlord's Haki! At this moment, Nami, who shoulders the hope of the entire Fishman Island, truly becomes the supreme overlord of the seabed!



The huge warship pierced the sea surface and floated up. Crane, who was about to give the order to return, suddenly found that a blue-skinned fishman was floating on the sea in front of him waiting for him.

"Sea Knight Jinbei!"

Jinbei stepped on the water, jumped lightly, landed on the deck of the warship, and saluted Crane slightly.

"Vice Admiral Crane, I am here on orders."

He took out a small cloth bag from his arms and handed it to Crane. Vice Admiral Crane opened the package, and inside lay a gold pocket watch, which was the one he used as the license fee.

Crane asked in confusion, "What is this?"

"One hundred million berries is the license fee for the route through Fishman Island. Since you did not use the route, you will be returned in full." Jinbei said seriously, "If there is no problem, I will go back first."

"Jinbei!" Crane stopped Jinbei who was about to leave.

"Please convey my gratitude to Queen Nami for her assistance in our investigation."

"I will." Jinbei nodded solemnly.

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