The news of the incident was a big one, but the news was not reported.

Navy Headquarters, Marinford.

"Sea King?" Marshal Sengoku rubbed his brows and put the report aside: "Is there any evidence?"

In the Marshal's office, Crane and Aokiji sat at the table, reporting the results of the investigation into the disappearance of the Celestial Dragons. Compared to Sengoku's headache, Aokiji stared out the window, and he didn't know where his mind was wandering.

"No, but according to our investigation on Fish-Man Island, the Celestial Dragons and CP did not enter Fish-Man Island. Both of them could only have died on the way to Fish-Man Island. Combined with the disappearance of the ship wreckage, the only possibility is that they were attacked by the Sea King."

"Xiaohe, there is no evidence, all this is just speculation."

"It is the responsibility of the World Government to protect the whereabouts of the Celestial Dragons. Marshal, the Four Emperors of the New World have changed, and the situation in the New World is turbulent. We cannot waste high-end combat power to help the World Government investigate the whereabouts of the Celestial Dragons. If the World Government finds the murderer, we will send a general to arrest him."

He explained the interests to Zhan Guo, and when he talked about high-end combat power, he kicked Aokiji who was wandering in his mind.

"Oh, oh, that's right, Grandma He is right." Aokiji, who came back to his senses, scratched his hair and nodded seriously at Zhan Guo.

Seeing his attitude, the veins on Zhan Guo's forehead jumped wildly.

"What did Xiaohe just say?"

"Uh..." Aokiji looked at He for help, but He crossed his arms, as if he didn't hear anything.

"Get out of here!" Zhan Guo angrily slammed the table and drove Aokiji out.

"Ah, the marshal is angry, so scary."

Watching Aokiji stagger out, Zhan Guo pressed his temple.

He turned to look at Vice Admiral He with a serious look.

"Xiaohe, what's going on in Fishman Island?"

"Fishman Island is now ruled by a mermaid named Nami, and Neptune has abdicated to serve as an advisor to the Kingdom of Ryugu. I met Neptune, the eldest prince Shark Star, and Jinbei on this trip. Neptune and Shark Star still occupy relatively important positions in the kingdom and did not show much negative emotions about the change of the throne. Jinbei only met once, and the Shichibukai personally performed an errand task. The new queen of the Kingdom of Ryugu is not simple."

Lieutenant General Tsuru thought for a while and told Sengoku in detail what he saw and heard in Fishman Island. Jinbei was originally a Shichibukai and the leader of Fishman Street. Neptune would only discuss things with Jinbei instead of commanding him.

Jinbei personally performed a small errand task, which indirectly confirmed some problems.

"The new queen, Nami, doesn't care about the disappearance of the Celestial Dragons. Even though Neptune is full of worries, he still chooses to believe in the new queen. Jinbei has not made any statement on this matter, which is contrary to the consistent attitude of Neptune and Jinbei."

"The mermaid named Nami should be very powerful, strong enough to let Neptune and Jinbei hand over the fate of the entire Fishman Island to her."

"Also, I guess Fishman Island can now control the water flow on the seabed and command the Sea Kings."

Thinking of the pirate group that was swallowed by the Sea Kings in front of her, Crane added solemnly.

"Sea Kings? Ancient weapon Sea Kings?" As the highest commander of the navy, Sengoku naturally knows some legends about ancient weapons.

According to the legend, the ancient weapon Sea King can command the Sea Kings. In the sea, the Sea King can be said to be invincible.

"Ancient weapons? That makes sense."

"Should we report it to the World Government?"

"Whether the Sea King is revived has nothing to do with the Navy, and we have no evidence. Everything is just speculation." Zhan Guo thought for a moment and decided to put the matter aside.

Fishman Island is not openly standing against the World Government now. If the World Government is informed of the speculation about the Sea King, then the World Government will definitely take action against Fishman Island. No matter what the result is, there will be a bloody storm on the sea.

Fishman Island, which has finally seen hope, will definitely not let go easily, and the World Government will definitely find ways to control the ancient weapons in its own hands. Once this matter breaks out, war is inevitable.

Delay is the best way Zhan Guo can think of at present.

After chatting with Crane for a while, Zhan Guo asked Crane to go back first. He sat in the office for a long time before slowly taking out a Den Den Mushi.

"Pululu Pululu!"

"Sengoku, is there any news?"

"Yes, Five Elders, it has been confirmed that Saint Commodus and CP both encountered Sea Kings on their way to Fishman Island and died."

"Are you kidding us, Sengoku! Every year, through the Fishman

There are thousands of pirates going to the New World via the island route, but only a few of them died in the sea after being attacked by the Sea Kings. Now you are telling me that the Celestial Dragons and the CP were attacked one after another by coincidence, right? "

The eyes of the Den Den Mushi on the table suddenly became sharp, staring straight at Sengoku.

"Yes, sir."

Sengoku replied without changing his expression: "This is the result of our investigation."

"Sengoku, you are shielding the criminals who attacked the Celestial Dragons! If you, the Navy Admiral, don't want to do it anymore, just say it!"

"My lords, according to the evidence, it was indeed an attack by the Sea Kings."

"We will send others to verify it."


After hanging up the Den Den Mushi, Sengoku slowly exhaled: Damn, this marshal is really hard to do!


Holy Land, Marijoa, between power.

"What do you think?"

"What Sengoku said is indeed the truth, but he hid part of it. "

"I agree. This hidden part should be the key."

"Let the CP investigate."

"What about the Navy? Just turn it over?"

"Deduct half of the Navy's military budget in the next period and warn Zhan Guo. If the CP finds out something..."

"Zhan Guo will not let the CP catch him. Let's warn him first."

"I agree."

"I agree."



In a training ground in the Holy Land of Mary Joa.

"Bang bang bang!"

The man wore a white training suit on his upper body and black trousers on his lower body. His muscles were bulging, and the lines on his body were intertwined, like the hideous face of an evil ghost. His hands were wrapped in white cloth, and he punched the huge black square in front of him.

"Commander, the Five Elders are calling. "A man in a black suit came in, holding a Den Den Mushi and standing aside respectfully.

The man took off the white cloth in his hand, wiped it briefly, threw it aside, took the Den Den Mushi from the man in the suit, and said respectfully.


"Clegane, go to Fish-Man Island to investigate the truth of Saint Commodus' disappearance."

"Yes, sir."

Hanging up the Den Den Mushi, Clegane took a file from the man in the suit, opened it and looked through it, which contained the detailed whereabouts of Saint Commodus and the subsequent CP before they lost contact.

"Move the things back, prepare the boat, and we will go to Fish-Man Island."

The man flipped through the file in his hand and walked out of the training ground.

"Yes, sir."

The man in the black suit called the guards around him to come over, and more than a dozen people started to move the huge block that was nearly three meters high.

Wow! As everyone moved, the black block broke into several pieces.

"This, this, this."

"This is seastone! "

"Your master's ability has made him immune to the influence of seastone?"

"Too amazing!"

Everyone looked at the direction where Clegane left in shock.

Clegane is a hidden master of CP0 and a user of the Impact Fruit. The Impact Fruit combined with his monster-like physical fitness makes him a powerful blade in the hands of the Five Elders.


Nami and others were unaware of the impending danger. In the Dragon Palace, Jinbei held a flag and looked at Neptune in surprise.

"Do you want to return Dad's flag? "Jinbei's voice was dry. He didn't know what to do about Nami's request for him to return the Whitebeard Pirate Flag. In the pirate world, hanging a flag means joining the pirate group represented by the flag, and the island or country will also be protected by the pirate group.

And for so many years, the stability of Fishman Island has benefited to a large extent from the protection of this Whitebeard flag.

Privately taking down or changing the pirate flag means betrayal, and returning the pirate flag is even more of a slap in the face after betrayal. This made Jinbei, who has always pursued morality and admired Whitebeard very much, unable to accept it for a while.

"I just want you to explain this to Whitebeard." Nami said seriously: "Fishman Island returns the pirate flag not to make enemies with Whitebeard. If Fishman Island wants to truly rise, it cannot be under the protection of anyone. Only a completely independent and autonomous Fishman Island can truly rise and bathe in the sun. "

"This flag cannot continue to be hung in the Dragon Palace. Instead of taking it down privately, it is better to return it formally. "

Nami looked at Jinbei seriously.

"You need to explain the reason. Fishman Island is not an ungrateful place. Fishman Island will remember the kindness of the Whitebeard Pirates, and if the Whitebeard Pirates need it, Fishman Island is willing to do everything to help the Whitebeard Pirates. "

Jinbei's eyes gradually became firm: "I know."

"You should leave now, and inform Whitebeard of this matter as soon as possible. If they know in advance that the flag has been taken down by us, it will not be good after all."

Nami nodded and let Jinbei do his best.

Move quickly, suddenly her eyes condensed, her fish tail swung, and the whole person rushed out of the Dragon Palace like a sharp arrow.

Just now, she felt a huge external force bombarding Fishman Island. If it weren't for the water flow protection laid by Nami around Fishman Island, which blocked the impact, that just now would be enough to cause a shock that enveloped the entire Fishman Island bubble.

Outside Fishman Island, next to the toll shell, Clegane retracted his fist.

Just now, he saw the toll sign of Fishman Island and sent a shock wave to Fishman Island.

"Who are you?"

A crisp voice sounded behind Clegane.

When he turned around, he found a short blue-skinned fishman standing behind him. It was the Tide Sea Spirit-Fitz.


Not only Clegane, but everyone on the ship was also shocked to find that they didn't know when there was an extra fishman on the ship.

With a condensed look, Clegane didn't say anything, but clenched his right fist and punched out. Anyone who boarded the CP ship without permission would be regarded as prying into the secrets of the World Government and could be killed on the spot.

A shock wave shot towards Fitz like a transparent cannonball.

"Haha, if you want to play, I'll play with you for a while!"

Fitz nimbly dodged the shock wave and rushed forward with the trident in his hand.

Boom boom boom.

Clegane continued to blast out shock waves, faster and faster, and his waving fists gradually turned into afterimages, while Fitz jumped up and down in the dense shock waves, flexibly dodging Clegane's attacks. While dodging, he watched the shock waves hit the deck or the railings of the ship, blasting out big holes.


Admiring the damage caused by the shock wave, Fitz gradually showed a happy smile on his face.

"Go to hell!" Fitz's smile completely angered Clegane, and a very fast shock wave blasted towards Fitz who was looking around.

"Catch it!"

The trident in Fitz's hand lit up with a faint blue light, hitting the shock wave. With a slight swing, the shock wave was picked up by Fitz like a ball and shot into the crowd on the side.


The shock wave exploded in the crowd, blowing everyone away. Several figures even flew onto the bubble film, and then bounced back and hit the deck. For a while, there were wailing all over the deck.

"Hahaha, fun!" Fitz blinked his big eyes, waved the trident in his hand, and signaled Clegane to shoot a few more shots.

"Fitz!" Before Clegane could attack, a soft but majestic voice sounded, and Nami's figure appeared in front of the ship.

"Nami, you are here, these guys are quite interesting."

Fitz's figure flashed, and the whole person appeared outside the bubble film, floating beside Nami, looking up at Nami, and excitedly talking about the interesting game just now.

Looking at Fitz who disappeared from in front of him and then appeared beside Nami, Clegane's pupils shrank.

"Who are you, and why are you attacking Fishman Island?"

Smiling at Fitz, Nami turned to Clegane and asked.

"I am a World Government official, Clegane. Fishman Island has set up a toll checkpoint privately, deliberately hurting government officials, and is suspected of murdering the Celestial Dragons. Now let Neptune come out to see me. At the request of the World Government, please ask the relevant people to go to the Holy Land of Marijoa for investigation!" Clegane frowned, straightened his tie, and tried to keep his tone steady. The strength of Fishman Island was far beyond his expectations. If he fought in the deep sea, he might not be the opponent of the other party.

Originally, he planned to enter Fishman Island directly. At that time, as long as he was not in the water, he could say whatever he wanted with his own strength.

But the plan could not keep up with the changes. First, the ship was trapped in place by the mysterious water flow and could not move forward. He deliberately made a noise to lure out Neptune, but ended up luring out a strange fishman. Now, fearing Fitz's strength, Clegane had to move out the World Government.

"I'm asking why you want to attack Fish-Man Island."

"I've said that Fish-Man Island set up a toll gate privately and is suspected of murdering the Celestial Dragons."

"That is to say, you have no reason to wantonly attack Fish-Man Island, right?"

"According to the rules of the World Government, for government officials, member states need to..." Clegane frowned, looked at Nami, and saw Fitz eager to try beside Nami, took a deep breath and spoke slowly.

Before he finished speaking, he was interrupted by Nami: "Here, the rules of Fish-Man Island are the rules!"

"Hehe, is Fish-Man Island going to rebel against the World Government? Do you know what this will bring to Fish-Man Island?" Clegane stared at Nami, gesturing lightly with his hands behind his back, and ordered the crew to activate the emergency propulsion device, load the shells, and once there is any abnormality, attack the two people in front of them with all their strength, and then activate the propulsion device to leave.

"World Government? What is it?"


Nami's voice

As soon as it landed, following Clegane's secret instructions, several shells were fired and flew towards Nami and the others.

At the same time, a large number of bubbles were ejected from the bottom of the ship, pushing the ship into the water flow returning to the sea surface.


The blue staff in Nami's hand lit up, and the water flow rotated, forming a huge vortex in front of her. The shells rotated along the vortex and gradually gathered in the center of the vortex with the water flow. In the center, a water ball with a darker and darker color wrapped around the shells continued to form during the rotation.


Nami pointed the staff in her hand, and the water ball, which was already dark black, burst. Like a bloated balloon, a large amount of seawater in it was ejected along with the shells towards the fleeing ship.

The high-speed water flow was like a giant water knife, easily cutting the bubble film of the ship and even the entire hull.


"Okay, it's time to feed the fish!"

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