The new world, Bilgewater Kingdom, Cake Island.

In a certain hall, dozens of people in gorgeous clothes sat on both sides of the long table, sitting quietly. The exquisite refreshments in front of them could not dispel the worries in their eyes. They were all leaders of different islands in the Ten Thousand Nations. A few days ago, Katakuri personally invited them from various islands.

"Dong Dong Dong!"

The door was pushed open, and the sound of heavy leather boots hitting the floor came from outside the hall, and everyone stood up nervously.

Looking out the door, a bearded man walked in. He was wearing a white short shirt, a gorgeous high-collared embroidered long coat, a half-broken scimitar on his waist, a black pirate captain's hat on his head, and shiny leather boots tapping the floor.

The man was Wan Guo, no, now the new leader of the Kingdom of Bilgewater, the new Four Emperors of the Sea Disaster - Gangplank.

Behind him followed Katakuri and Drizzt in a windbreaker.

Walking past the crowd, Gangplank stood in the main seat, sweeping the crowd with a hawk-like gaze. When Gangplank's gaze passed by, everyone felt as if they were pricked by a needle and couldn't help shivering.

"Very good, I'm glad you all can come." Planck grinned, sat down, waved his right hand to everyone, and motioned them to sit down: "This time I invited you all here, there are some new rules to inform you."


Planck took out an exquisite box and put it on the table. The box was carved from a whole piece of colored gemstone, and the outer shell was made of gold with exquisite patterns. This box alone seemed to be very expensive.

Open the lid, and exquisite soft candies lie in the box, and a fresh and sweet scent permeates the air.

"This is the tribute sent by the Soft Candy Island in the second half of the year, right?"

"Yes, yes, sir." A white and fat man stood up trembling, and kept wiping the sweat on his forehead with a white handkerchief in his hand.

"How much is this thing worth?" Planck picked up a soft candy and looked at it in front of his eyes, and flicked it into his mouth with his fingers.

"Sir, this kind of soft candy is specially supplied to Cake Island. We dare not sell it!" The man almost cried when he heard what Planck said. This kind of candy was originally a specialty of the island. Since the Big Mom Pirates discovered it, they incorporated them into Wan Guo and required them to supply this kind of candy every year. Due to the complicated process and small output, it is not allowed to sell it in Wan Guo.

"Let me ask you, how much would it cost if you sold it?"

"One hundred... one hundred thousand Baileys."

Planck paused and picked up the candy box that was not even as big as his palm. You only sold this thing for one hundred thousand. You really don't know how to do business. But looking at the man's flattering smile, Planck also understood the reason.

"This time, a total of..."

"Five thousand boxes, sir, a total of five thousand boxes."

"Okay, take it back when you leave." Planck said, ignoring the man's stunned expression, and pushed the candy box in his hand over: "Send five hundred million Baileys here, and you don't have to send candy in the future."

The man breathed a sigh of relief.

Planck stood up and looked around at everyone.

"The same goes for you. I won't need you to offer desserts to me anymore. You have to pay me a tithe every year, which is one-tenth of your annual income! As for how you make money, I don't care. Selling food, running merchant ships, letting people come to travel, or opening a gambling house, it's up to you, as long as it doesn't violate the iron law of Bilgewater!"

"No slaves are allowed in Bilgewater!"

"No human trafficking!"

"No private actions!"

"All income must be paid as a tithe!"


"Do you understand? You don't want to know the consequences of violating the iron law!" Everyone nodded hurriedly.

"Of course, I'm not an unreasonable person. The previous desserts, souls, and food bans have all been cancelled. As long as you follow the rules and pay the tithe honestly, you can be protected by me. Similarly, if you are not capable, I don't mind changing someone, understand?" Seeing that everyone was relieved, Gangplank remembered something and called Trist beside him. "Is Graves still hanging?" "Hanging." "Still alive." "Alive and kicking." "Take them to see." Gangplank patted Trist's shoulder. Damn, boss, great, but I feel sorry for Graves. The changes in Bilgewater have made this sea full of different races and customs

The area was full of vitality and soon became a tourist destination in the new world, the biggest gold-spending den!

Compared with the peace and stability of Bilgewater, the Sabaody Archipelago was in chaos at this time.

The Celestial Dragons are missing again! !


The story starts from before Gangplank went to Cake Island, Drizzt teleported back to Alabasta with gold to seek help.

"Gangplank means to summon a hero to join the Nether Pirates? I don't have the final say on this, it depends on the other party's wishes."

"I understand." Drizzt nodded. Gangplank has many enemies in Valoran. Not all heroes are willing to join Gangplank in this new world, such as Sarah and Swain.

"The amount this time is enough to hire three helpers. I hope I can persuade one of them."

The golden light lit up, and three golden cards were suspended in the air.

"How about you order it yourself?" Heka looked at Drizzt's nervous look and asked with a little smile.

Draw a card? It will definitely be more rewarding to do it yourself.

Drizzt stretched out his hand and nervously clicked the golden card. The card rotated and the golden light flashed and gathered into a short figure.

"How about a magic trick?"

At the same time, the system prompt sounded in Heka's ears.

"Congratulations to the host for winning the hero Demon Clown - Sarco."

Heka glanced at Drizzt. Drizzt looked serious and stretched out his hand to light up the second card.

"I bloom in the killing, just like a flower in the dawn!"

"Congratulations to the host for winning the hero Fate Master - Jhin."

Drizzt shook his head gently at Heka. Compared to Jhin, he would rather choose Sarco. One of these two brothers is a mentally ill lunatic and the other is a perverted lunatic. It would be a big trouble for either of them to be brought to the Nether Pirates. Drizzt estimated that except Heka, these two lunatics would not listen to the orders of everyone else.

The last one.

Drizzt took out a golden card, kissed it in front of his lips, and whispered: "Goddess of Luck bless you."

With a slightly trembling hand, he lit up the last card, and the golden light spread out, gradually forming a huge figure, with his body reaching the high ceiling of the hall.

"The sea is boundless!"

In the end, Drizzt chose the deep-sea titan - Nautilus.

And Drizzt's way of persuading Nautilus was very simple: after rebuilding Bilgewater, Gangplank would rebuild the tithe in Bilgewater.

Then Drizzt teleported back to the Netherworld, and Nautilus rushed to Cake Island from the bottom of the sea.

As for the two brothers, Sarko and Jhin, they were left to Heka to worry about.

"Where do you want to go?" Heka rubbed his temple with a headache. The only place he could think of for the two of them was Impel Down! But he couldn't just send the two brothers in directly.

"The world is dim and needs the light of art to illuminate it." Jhin raised his hands, like an opera singer performing on the stage, his voice was high and exciting! The mask on his face blocked Heka's expression, but his voice was full of yearning, even fanaticism.

What the hell do you call art? ?

"Hehehe, magic tricks are just as brilliant!" Sarko raised his hand beside him, seeming to be very interested in Jin's proposal.

"We have to make three rules." Heka said to the two of them seriously.

"First, no harm to innocent civilians is allowed."

"Second, no harm to other heroes from Valoran is allowed."

"Third, no sabotage to my or other heroes' plans."

"Of course, the old repertoire is outdated. Only the supreme treasures of this world can be worthy of a more magnificent performance, and only the supreme and magnificent death can produce a more shocking effect!"

"So you have a target?"

"The gods of this world - the Celestial Dragons..."



"The Palace of Charlulia! Disappeared!!"

"Quick, go find it!"

"What happened just now?"

"I... I saw the devil, and then the Palace of Charlulia disappeared!"

"Contact the navy and blockade the Sabaody Archipelago!"

At this time, there was chaos in the Sabaody Archipelago. The Celestial Dragon guards and the World Government officials were in a mess. If the Celestial Dragons really had an accident, all of them would be demoted to slaves because of poor guarding.

Just now, when the Celestial Dragon Xia Lulia was riding a sturdy pirate slave and swaggering on the streets of the Sabaody Archipelago, everyone suddenly fell into a hallucination at the same time. The streets disappeared, the bright sunshine disappeared, the world seemed to have lost all its colors, and all kinds of horrific scenes appeared in front of everyone.

Some people saw themselves reduced to slaves and suffering terrible torture! (Congratulations, you guessed it right, this is a prophecy!)

Some people saw the brutal

The monster was rushing towards them.

Some saw a huge meteorite falling from the sky and hitting them.

Some were falling from a high altitude, and the feeling of weightlessness was so real.

Some were being chased by evil spirits, with sharp claws scratching their arms and blood all over their bodies.

After a brief period of chaos, everything in front of them finally became clear, and the sun shone on everyone again, but after the people sitting on the ground saw the scene in front of them, everyone felt like they were in the cold winter, and even the sun shining on them could not give them any warmth.

The Celestial Dragon they protected, Xia Lulia Palace, disappeared! !

"Look at this!"

Everyone looked at the sound, and a toy ink box stood quietly on the ground not far away. The breeze blew, and the spring clown doll in the box bounced, and the doll's mouth, grinning to the ears, laughed at everyone wantonly.

The doll clenched its right fist and grabbed a small note: "Here." The index finger of its right hand stretched out, pointing to a circular building not far away.

"This is the old slave auction house!"

The place pointed by the clown doll was the one destroyed by Planck and Graves. Since it was destroyed by Planck and others, this auction house has been abandoned and is now a deserted building full of garbage and weeds.

"Contact the navy, we'll go!"

Everyone hurriedly chased after it, and after hearing about the disappearance of the Celestial Dragons, the navy stationed in the Sabaody Archipelago came quickly, surrounding the entire old site of the slave auction house, and the nearby ports were also blocked by the navy.


Everyone stood at the door, half of the rusty metal door blocked everyone in front of them. When the wind blew, the door opened and closed automatically, making a harsh creaking sound. The door was overgrown with weeds, and the originally exquisite floor tiles were covered with lush weeds. As everyone arrived, several crows flew out of the grass, stood on the eaves, and tilted their heads to stare at this group of strange humans.

"Listen, everyone inside, quickly release Xia Lulia Palace! If you hurt the Tianlong people, there will be no place for you in the whole sea."

The suited man in the lead shouted loudly inside. After a long time, there was no response from the building. The suited man led a group of guards and walked in slowly.


As if knowing that everyone was coming in, the door opened automatically when approaching the door, and the weird feeling instantly eroded everyone's mind.

"Ding Ding Dong Ding Ding Dong~"

Melodious piano music came from the house. The sound of the piano was as melodious as the breeze blowing on the face, accompanied by the rustling sound of the breeze blowing over the grass tips, which seemed to bring a trace of tranquility to the nervous people.

"We are coming in."

The suited man in the lead said that the master obviously knew the whereabouts of them, not to mention that Xia Lulia Palace might still be in the hands of the other party, so there was no point in hiding.

A group of people entered the auction house in a line, passed through several doors, and came to the auction house hall with the sound of the piano. Everyone passed through the stairs and seats, facing a stage originally used to display slaves.

At this time, there was an old piano on the stage, and a tall man wearing a white mask and strange clothes was sitting in front of the piano, his hands flying on the keys. A ray of sunlight passed through the hole in the ceiling and shone on the man, as if it was a wonderful piano performance. It was the playwright - Jin.

The suited man in the lead waved his hand to stop the people behind him, looked at Jin on the stage, and said slowly.

"Sir, where is Xia Luliya Palace? What do you want to take Xia Luliya Palace away?" The man never mentioned words like kidnapping, trying to ease the atmosphere as much as possible.


Jin's fingers jumped quickly, and the sound of the piano became cheerful.

"She will become a green lotus in the mud and filth, and will fade away the filth and become my perfect masterpiece. Please enjoy my most perfect masterpiece so far with the supreme honor!"


The huge curtain behind Jin opened, and a beautiful woman stood in the center of the stage, wearing a white off-shoulder dress that outlined her beautiful curves. Her golden hair fell on her shoulders like a waterfall, and a few rays of sunlight fell on her golden hair. She clasped her hands in front of her chest, lowered her head slightly, closed her eyes, and raised a faint smile at the corners of her mouth, like a beautiful girl praying devoutly.

This beautiful goddess-like scene made the man in the suit fall into an ice cave.

The girl was Xia Luliya Palace!

And in the man in the suit's detection, Xia Luliya Palace at this time did not have any breath, and the whole person was like an exquisite doll!

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