The ship was in the port of Marinford.

The cargo ship with the logo of the Alabasta Chamber of Commerce slowly docked at the port of Marinford. At the port, Garen stood beside Zhan Guo and watched the soldiers happily unloaded a shipload of supplies from the ship.

A beautiful figure suddenly appeared in the sight of the two.

The girl with long golden hair draped over her shoulders walked slowly down the deck, curiously looking at this huge and majestic sea fortress.


Garen exclaimed.

The girl was the jewel in the crown of the Demacia Defending Family, Garen's sister Laxana Defending, mastering the refraction magic, the glorious girl-Lux.

Garen, who walked forward quickly, was discovered by Lux. The girl waved her hands happily, with a bright smile on her face, like a happy elf. That cheerful smile was like the warm sunshine of spring, illuminating the entire port for a while.

"Why are you here?"

Garen walked up and gently supported the light figure jumping onto the dock. He looked up and down at his sister, and saw that the bright face was still full of vitality, and secretly felt relieved.

"I'll help you, hehe!"

"Garen, this is..."

While Lux happily shared what she saw on the road and Garen's worried instructions, Zhan Guo came over.

"Marshal, this is my sister, Laxana."

"Hello, Marshal, just call me Lux! I'm here to find my brother, and I also want to join the navy." Lux saluted Zhan Guo playfully.

"Welcome." Zhan Guo glanced at Garen, and seeing that Garen did not say anything to stop him, he smiled and agreed. In addition to navy soldiers and generals, there are also many family members living in Marinford.

As long as Garen does not object, Sengoku has no objection to Lacus's joining. On the contrary, he learned from Garen during the previous chat that his sister is a powerful mage, and Sengoku naturally welcomes the joining of such a combat force.

Lacus joined the navy. Due to Garen's insistence, Lacus joined Crane as a logistics clerk and stayed in the Navy Headquarters. It is not a very important position, but Lacus's arrival is still warmly welcomed by the Navy Headquarters.

On the one hand, Garen has a high reputation in the Navy Headquarters. He is just, caring for civilians but not pedantic, generous and willing to help his colleagues, which makes him have good connections with the doves represented by Aokiji and the hawks represented by Akainu, and even the salted fish officers around Kizaru.

As Garen's sister, Lacus will of course be warmly welcomed.

On the other hand, Lux's outstanding appearance has gained her great popularity among all officers and even soldiers. For a time, she had the momentum to suppress Taotu and become the first military flower of the navy.

Of course, the happiest person is Poppy.

"Lux! Long time no see." Poppy saw Lux and waved her hands happily: "By the way, I'll take you to see a very powerful guy. That guy's ability is very similar to yours. Maybe he can help you."

In Demacia, due to the ban on magic, Lux's control of light magic is not good. Poppy has always remembered this. Without letting Lux explain, Poppy took Lux's hand and came to the door of Kizaru's meeting room.

Dong Dong Dong.

After knocking on the door, Poppy pushed it open and walked in. In the office, Kizaru was leaning on a recliner, sipping tea comfortably.

Seeing Poppy and Lux ​​come in, Kizaru was also very surprised.

Poppy looked for someone to try the hammer in the Marine Headquarters, but she didn't look for him, and of course, Chaton. She even seemed to be avoiding Kizaru, but later Kizaru realized that this little girl was obsessed with looks.

Kizaru didn't care.

But he later found that teasing Poppy was a very interesting thing. Whenever he said in front of Poppy that he was actually very good at using the hammer, Poppy's face would wrinkle, as if she was having a huge psychological struggle.

After a while, the two of them became familiar with each other. Kizaru also liked this "little girl" who looked like his granddaughter, but was actually taking advantage of him by being his grandmother.

Seeing the two people come in, Kizaru didn't say anything and looked at Poppy quietly.

"Uncle Kizaru!" Poppy greeted enthusiastically and pulled Lacus in front of Kizaru: "This is Lacus. Her light magic is very powerful, and her ability is very similar to yours. Can you teach her how to control her ability?"

Light magic! Kizaru noticed this word instantly.

Turning his gaze to the aura in front of him

A girl with elegant temperament but a little restrained.

Bringing the two to the headquarters training square, Kizaru stood opposite the two and said to Lacus: "Use your power to me with all your strength."

Lacus looked at Poppy worriedly, and Poppy nodded at her, with a look of "Come on, you can do it".

A bright light that shot straight into the sky lit up the playground, and Kizaru, who was hit, was shining all over and floated in the air.

Looking at his hands and feeling the powerful power in his body, Kizaru seemed to have a voice in his mind: You have been strengthened, go and send it!


On the other side, Alabasta's statement condemning Noxus did not cause any waves, but Noxus's subsequent reaction pushed Alabasta and Noxus, as well as another country between the two countries, the Kingdom of Poitiers, to the forefront.

"Noxus has the right to use all means to defend national security. This has nothing to do with any country or organization. Similarly, any country or organization's slander and condemnation of Noxus is unjust. Noxus will take all measures to counter such behavior."

At the same time, Darius, a Noxian general who had made a great name for himself in the previous war, led a Noxian fleet southward to the border of the Kingdom of Poitiers.

Alabasta also led a fleet led by Samira to the north, blocking the Noxian fleet from entering the country.

At the same time, in the Kingdom of Poitiers, the envoys of Alabasta also came to the royal palace of the Kingdom of Poitiers.

"Your Majesty, Reclair, I express my highest respects to you on behalf of our prince, His Royal Highness Heka." The envoy bowed respectfully, and then slowly said: "I am here on behalf of Alabasta this time, hoping to allow our army to pass through the Kingdom of Poitiers. As far as we know, the Noxus fleet has already headed south, wanting to attack the Kingdom of Alabasta."

"Once the war breaks out, the Kingdom of Poitiers, as the middle area between the two countries, will surely become a battlefield."

The King of Poitiers, Reclair, faced the envoy of Alabasta with no expression on his face, and he had already cursed in his heart, because just in the morning, Noxus sent a message, the content was also the army passing through, and Noxus was not as polite as Alabasta. After sending the message, the fleet did not stop, but directly entered the Kingdom of Poitiers.

Faced with this huge invincible fleet, the Kingdom Army did not dare to approach at all. Fortunately, Noxus did not seem to have any interest in the Kingdom Army of Poitiers.

But this does not mean that the Noxian army is not dangerous to Poitiers. As long as he dares to agree to Alabasta's passage, the armies of the two countries will meet directly in the Kingdom of Poitiers. At that time, the entire Poitiers will become a huge battlefield.

Seeing Reclair's hesitation.

The smile on the envoy's face disappeared, and he said to King Reclair sitting on the throne with a serious face: "Your Majesty, you have already stood on the side of Noxus?"

"No, no!"

King Reclair quickly denied it and had to put his difficulties on the tray.

"You mean, Poitiers has borrowed the Noxian fleet, and the Alabasta fleet needs to wait for the invasion of the Noxian fleet in the homeland?"

The cold light in the envoy's eyes pierced King Reclair like a sword.

"Since Poitiers has already stood on the side of Noxus, the Kingdom of Alabasta will not sit idly by. Your Majesty, I hope you will not regret your decision."

King Reclair's face darkened after being threatened by an envoy of Cricket. Alabasta and Noxus did not take Poitiers seriously at all. The two countries now wanted Poitiers to take sides.

The current situation is that Poitiers is on the fire, and Noxus directly drives its fleet into Poitiers, without mentioning the alliance and other agreements at all. All the information sent by King Reclair fell into the sea, and Alabasta knew that the Noxus fleet had entered Poitiers and directly believed that Poitiers had stood on the side of Noxus.

凸(艹皿艹 ), don't you know how to listen to others properly?

Looking at the angry Alabasta envoys, King Reclair tried his best to retain them, but was directly ignored.

The war is about to begin!


Samira, who received the envoy's reply with a Den Den Mushi in her hand, stood at the bow and decisively issued an order, the fleet's target was Poitiers.


The army of the Kingdom of Alabasta sailed all the way to the main island of Poitiers without any hindrance, and immediately disarmed and detained all the troops on the island as soon as they landed. The Noxus army landed in the Kingdom of Poitiers from the north.

When Darius heard that Alabasta

The fleet of the Kingdom of Tan has landed, and all the local troops of Poitiers were detained at the first time. Reason: It is suspected that the Kingdom of Poitiers has stood on the side of Alabasta, and before the end of the war, the safety of Poitiers will be controlled by Noxus.

The war started with a seemingly sufficient but actually very random reason, and ended with a very absurd result.

In just one day, Noxus and Alabasta announced at the same time that the two countries had stopped the state of war, and the Poitiers Island was set as a peaceful buffer zone between the two countries, governed by the two countries, and the two countries stationed a small number of troops in the north and south of the island respectively.

As for the original Kingdom of Poitiers, because it betrayed both Noxus and Alabasta in the war, the royal family members were confined to the palace and were not allowed to step out of the palace.

What awaits King Reclere is either old age in the magnificent palace, or death in an accident or serious illness.

So far, the entire paradise has formed a state of confrontation between the Kingdom of Alabasta in the south and the Kingdom of Noxus in the north. The relationship between the two countries is extremely tense, and they attack each other in the newspaper every day.

But strangely, both sides tacitly did not place any troops on the border, only normal guard patrols. At the same time, commercial exchanges between the two countries were not prohibited.

"Strange and fragile balance." This is the media's evaluation of the current relationship between the two countries.

In any case, this is good news for the civilians of Paradise, especially the residents of the Kingdom of Poitiers. The Kingdom of Poitiers is still the Kingdom of Poitiers in name, but the heavy taxes have disappeared, and even the nobles who usually show off their power have disappeared.

The clouds of war dissipated, and at the same time, more merchant ships came and went. In the whole incident, only the princes and nobles of Poitiers were harmed.

At the same time, the countless treasures collected by the princes and nobles of Poitiers for generations were privately pulled back to Alabasta by Samira, lying quietly in the secret room rebuilt by Heka.


The changes in the situation in Paradise also attracted the attention of the Five Elders.

They did not expect that the poor country that could only dig for food in the sand would rise under the nose of the World Government in just a few years.

"Regarding Alabasta and Noxus, do we need to suppress them?"

"It doesn't matter. Noxus' expansion has come to an end. They can't enter the New World. If they want to expand, they must face Alabasta. Two countries are better than one alone." The bald Five Elders stroked the samurai sword in their hands and said slowly.

"It should be noted that Alabasta, this country has risen too fast, and there must be other secrets hidden."

"CP0 sent back news before that there is a huge secret in Alabasta, which allowed them to withstand the attack of the dark world before."

"The legacy of the Nefertari family? You know, they were one of the twenty kings at the beginning."

"They are just traitors. Since they decided to return to Alabasta, they have betrayed the World Government."

The bearded Five Elders turned the globe next to them: "Our main problem now is the turmoil in the New World. Planck is bigger than BIG. MOM is much more ambitious. "

"Let the Navy strengthen its suppression of the New World."

"We have just reduced funding for the Navy."

"Didn't they accept private assistance from Alabasta? Since they are so determined, let them find a way to resolve the turmoil in the New World." The bald Five Elders said, "Sengoku is getting more and more out of control. He can even bypass the World Government and directly accept assistance from member countries. What is he as a navy? Is it his private property? The Navy is a subordinate of the World Government. Find a reason to let Sengoku retire."

His words made the entire power quiet down. The arrival of the Alabasta cargo ship at the Navy Headquarters naturally could not be hidden from the eyes of the World Government, and Heka did not intend to hide it. The logo of the Alabasta Chamber of Commerce was even prominently printed on the hull of each cargo ship.

What they wanted was to let the World Government know. If the World Government could have a brain twitch and directly question the Navy, it would be even better.

But the Five Elders were much more rational than Heka imagined. After receiving the news, the World Government did not seem to have any reaction, and the accusations that Sengoku was worried about did not come. But what the Navy didn't expect was that this incident made the World Government intend to directly replace Sengoku and strengthen its control over the Navy.

"Give the Navy an order to go to the New World. If it fails, take the opportunity to replace Sengoku. Sakaski is a good candidate."


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