The two swords collided in the dense forest, and the sharp black sword energy collided with the majestic green sword energy. The two sword energies exploded, releasing dazzling light. The aftermath of the explosion formed a series of gorgeous halos, which spread like ripples, and the surrounding trees fell down.


Accompanied by the sound of iron hammering, the blades collided, and sparks continued to burst out in the dense forest.

After a while, the forest finally returned to tranquility, and Kraikana Island returned to the dark atmosphere like a ghost island.

"As expected of the world's greatest swordsman."

The man sat on the ground, holding a teacup in his hand, wearing a strange helmet with multiple green detection eyes on his head, and praised the opponent in front of him. It was the Wuji Sword Master - Master Yi.

Sitting opposite Yi was the world's greatest swordsman - Hawkeye: Jorakoll Mihawk.

After leaving Alabasta, Yi wandered in the new world, while seeing this bizarre world, while looking for the future of Wuji Sword. For Yi now, the inheritance of Wuji is more important than anything else, but he soon discovered that the swordsmanship of the swordsmen in this world is mostly superficial. What they pursue is either to ascend to the strongest throne or to seek the legendary great secret treasure.

Until by chance, the Wuji Sword Master met the world's greatest swordsman - Jorakoll Mihawk, who was also wandering alone on the sea.

At the first sight of Mihawk, the knife on Master Yi's waist was shaking constantly. It was excited, facing the strong, facing the excitement of the opponent.

Similarly, Mihawk's eyes also felt the sharp breath from Master Yi at the first time. The man with a strange helmet standing there was like a sharp sword.

Needless to say, the two of them drew their swords and collided with each other, from the boat they were riding to the isolated island. The two did not use physical skills, abilities, or even release sword energy. The simple swordsmanship competition lasted for three days without a winner.

At Mihawk's invitation, Yi, who was alone, followed Mihawk to Mihawk's residence, the new world, Kraikana Island.

The residents on this island, except Mihawk, are only a group of baboons. There is a huge castle in the center of the island, which is Mihawk's residence, and it is surrounded by dense forests. The weather on the island is gloomy all year round, and there will be thick fog every morning. The whole island looks weird and deserted.

But Yi likes it here very much. Here he has enough time to calm his heart, and there is also a strong enough swordsman as a sparring opponent.

"Until I completely defeat you, I will no longer acknowledge the title of the world's greatest swordsman." Mihawk held the coffee cup and blew gently. A group of baboons in armor around the two of them prepared tea and coffee for them.

Once the cups of the two were empty, a baboon came forward to fill them up.

"Is the title of the world's number one so important?" Yi blew gently on the tea leaves in the cup, took a sip, and the fragrance of the tea spread in his mouth.

"What I pursue is the strongest, constantly honing my sword skills, and reaching the top." Mihawk looked at Master Yi curiously. He did not feel the sharpness that swordsmen often have in Yi. When he did not draw his sword, Master Yi was more like a gentle hermit. Master Yi did not seem to care much about the improvement of his strength. If he really had no pursuit at all, then Yi would not have the strength he has today.

"So what are you pursuing?"

"Refine your will and promote the Wuji Sword Dao." Master Yi spoke calmly. When he spoke the Wuji Sword Dao, the air around him dissipated, and the whole person seemed to be integrated with the entire forest.

"It's a very difficult road. The guys here either pursue strength or treasure." Mihawk has seen many kendo masters, and of course there are many masters who want to promote their own kendo and establish a school.

However, most of them failed.

Master Yi did not speak, but sat quietly, as if his thoughts drifted to the distant past.

"Any good suggestions?"

"Famous!" Mihawk put the coffee cup on the stump in front of him and stared at Master Yi seriously.

All the masters who want to establish a school have only one reason for failure, that is, they are not strong enough, either they are defeated by the challenger, or even die in the duel, or they stay in obscurity in an unknown corner and slowly wear out their ambitions.

"I can help you." Mihawk looked at Master Yi seriously and said slowly: "The condition is that I need to fight with you,

Use your true strength. "


A few days later, a piece of news swept across the sea like a storm. A month later, the world's greatest swordsman, Hawkeye Mihawk, and the Infinite Sword Saint Yi will duel on Kraikana Island, inviting all swordsmen in the world to watch.

For a time, swordsmen on the sea flocked to the New World. Pirates, navy, assassins, hermits, all the strong men who pursued the way of swordsmanship focused their attention on this unknown island in the New World.

The day of the decisive battle is coming soon.

The breeze gently blew the sea surface, and the baboons cleared a piece of open space on the seashore of Kraikana Island. This is the duel venue that determines life and death, and it may also be the place to witness the birth of the world's greatest swordsman.

Yi and Mihawk stood opposite each other, and the sea breeze whistled, blowing their clothes.

Many swordsmen were so nervous that they dared not breathe, for fear of missing any moment of this peak duel, Several seagulls with cameras hanging on their chests quietly rested on the surrounding trees. They were the birds sent by Morgans to take photos.

Yi sat cross-legged on the ground, meditating with his eyes closed, his long sword placed across his legs. He was like a calm lake, out of tune with the gradually noisy environment around him. Mihawk stood opposite, holding a black sword and standing quietly with his eyes closed.

The crowd around them gradually became denser, and many swordsmen who were famous in the sea also appeared here. They were in different forces, and some were even hostile to each other. At this moment, even if they saw each other, they would not attack here.

This is the duel place for two swordsmen. No swordsman would easily disrupt the duel of other swordsmen, not to mention that one of them is the world's recognized number one swordsman on the sea.

In the crowd, the captain of the fifth division of the Whitebeard Pirates - Flower Sword Vista, one of the three disasters of the Beast Pirates, the Flame Disaster - Jin, the former BIG One of the four generals of the MOM Pirates, the current senior cadre of the Four Emperors Nether Pirates, and the Minister of Bilgewater - Charlotte Smoothie, even a group of people were far away, and a few people occupied a large open space of the Red Hair Pirates.

Shanks observed Yi sitting quietly in the middle of the venue, frowning. He could not feel any strong aura from this man. Even when he closed his eyes and simply used his observation Haki to observe, Yi seemed to be non-existent.

This man is not simple!

While Shanks was observing Yi, the deputy captain Ben Beckman patted Shanks on the shoulder, raised his head and gestured to the crowd on the opposite side with his chin.

Following Beckman's gaze, Shanks saw several familiar figures in the crowd.

The current Vice Admiral of the Navy Headquarters, the substitute for the Navy Admiral, Momotogi Gion, who was dressed in casual clothes and had a long sword on his waist; the Vice Admiral of the Navy Headquarters, the Navy Hero, Garp, who was dressed in a floral short-sleeved shirt, beach shorts, and a pair of flip-flops; the guy next to the two, who was dressed in a suit, had a big beard, held a cigar, and had a hearty smile, was the Vice Admiral of the Navy Headquarters, Huoshaoshan.

The Navy is here too!

Shanks looked back at Beckman, and Beckman showed a hint of inquiry in his eyes, and Shanks shook his head slightly.

Hawkeye Mihawk was his friend, and Shanks would not allow anyone to disrupt a friend's duel no matter what. At the same time, he believed that the Navy had no reason to disrupt this duel.

Mihawk himself was a member of the Seven Warlords of the Sea, and was an ally of the Navy, while Master Yi had no bounty, and Shanks had not found any evidence that he belonged to any force.

The only person the Navy could possibly take action against was the pirates present.

Let's not talk about whether they can return to the Navy headquarters safely after their identities are exposed in the New World and they are blocked by countless pirates. Let's talk about a powerful swordsman who may be as powerful as Hawkeye. The Navy will not offend him for no reason.

The sun slowly climbed up the top of the head, and Master Yi, who was sitting cross-legged on the ground, slowly rose up, as if an unknown energy lifted him up. Uncrossing his legs, Yi moved his hands and feet and looked at Mihawk in front of him. His eyes were focused and firm, and his state of mind was as calm as a calm lake.

Yi held the hilt of the sword tightly with both hands, drew the sword instantly, and rushed towards Mihawk like lightning. When Yi held the hilt of the sword with both hands, Mihawk opened his eyes and showed no weakness. He swung the black knife in his hand, flashing a chilling cold light, and steadily met Yi's attack.

The swords intersected, making a crisp sound, and sparks flew.

The sword moves of the two people became faster and faster, intertwined like a storm. Every clash seemed like the collision of two torrents, containing endless sword energy. Everyone was dazzled and deeply shocked by their sword skills.

Mihawk swung his sword, Yi dodged the blade sideways, and quickly approached Mihawk. The long sword in his hand drew a perfect arc, and the blade pointed directly at Mihawk.

Mihawk put his sword back at his waist and blocked the incoming blade.

The two fought for a few moves, which was indeed plain and simple.

A man in black next to Garp was holding a camera, filming the scene in the field. The sword energy flying across the sky and the sea cracking as originally imagined did not appear in the camera.

"Is this the duel between the world's greatest swordsman? It looks similar to the duel between ordinary swordsmen."

The man muttered in a low voice.

Suddenly a big hand grabbed his neck. It was Garp who was standing next to the man. Garp lifted him in front of him.

"What are you doing!" The man was also panicked when he was suddenly lifted up. He was just an individual reporter who sold news to newspapers. He had no strength. He dared to come here with a fearless spirit of paying back his life with his life.

Before the man finished shouting, the ground under his feet cracked neatly, and the cut surface was smooth, as if it was butter cut by a knife.

"Thank you, thank you!"

The man turned around to thank him. If he hadn't dodged just now, he would probably have been cut in half just like the ground.

"You, you are!" The man turned around and saw Garp, who had white hair, a determined face, and casual clothes. As a reporter, he could naturally recognize such a famous figure at a glance.

"Shh, watch with peace of mind."

When Garp saw the man recognize him, he quickly put his index finger to his mouth to stop the man from saying the next word. Thinking of where he and others were and Garp's identity, the man nodded sensibly and turned the camera to the field again.

The two people separated in the field, and Master Yi stepped on his feet, and his speed increased again. The extremely fast speed caused his entire figure to disappear from everyone's sight. Everyone could only see a green track, like lightning entwining Mihawk.

Mihawk waved the black knife in his hand, and every time he waved it, he would accurately block Master Yi's blade from all weird angles.

Ding Ding Ding!

"Look... I can't see the figure." The reporter stared at the camera closely, unwilling to let go of any scene. He had a hunch that after today, he would no longer have to work so hard to make money like this, and this video would definitely sell for a good price!

"Here!" Mihawk drew his sword back and slashed at his side. The sky-high black sword energy came out from the blade of Hei Daoye.

"Masterpiece!" Yi's praise came alone. He swung the long sword in his hand, and a green sword energy that pierced the sky came out of thin air, blocking Mihawk's black sword energy steadily. The two colors of sword energy shattered inch by inch in the collision, and the entire ground continued to shatter under the influence of the violent collision and dissipated energy.


The dazzling white light exploded at the junction of the two sword energies, and the smoke and dust covered the entire venue.

Under the nervous eyes of the people around, the smoke and dust dissipated, revealing the figures of the two people standing opposite each other.

"That, that is!!" A pirate pointed at the knife edge on Mihawk's sleeve and shouted in shock. The duel between masters is often decided by a hair's breadth, not to mention that no one has been able to leave any wounds on Mihawk since he went to sea.

"Mihawk lost?" Everyone looked at Yi, but they did not see any wounds or knife marks on Yi.

"No, it's still a draw." Yi's steady voice came, and he shook his hem. A corner of the hem fell down, like a falling petal, and fell to the ground, which also ended the duel.

In the previous duel, Yi and Mihawk both used their full strength in this attack. In the end, the two attacks were almost the same, and it ended in a draw.

Although he did not win, the name of the Wuji Sword Saint Yi also resounded throughout the sea with this duel, and this duel also pushed Yi to the top of the sea sword.

When Yi Chuan announced that he wanted to spread his swordsmanship, the entire ocean was boiling. The Wuji Sword Saint, whose powerful swordsmanship was comparable to Mihawk's, attracted countless followers, and the Wuji Dao was carried forward from then on.

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