After everyone was safe, they sat in the carriage, and the agent told the truth;"The princess of the Snow Country disappeared many years ago. That's why I couldn't tell you how happy I was when I found out that Her Royal Highness was starring in the movie."

The agent said with tears in his eyes;"Her Royal Highness really survived with great difficulty."

At this time, Fenghua Xiaoxue said expressionlessly;"It would have been great if I had died at that time"

"Princess, please don't say such things."

"For us, the princess is still alive is our greatest hope."

Feng Hua Xiao Xue recalled the scene of her father's death and said coldly,"She is alive, but my heart is dead."

"Since then, my tears have dried up."

The agent wiped his tears;"After that, I finally became Xiaoxue's agent, and I have been waiting for an opportunity to bring Her Royal Highness back to the Snow Country."

Then the agent simply knelt in front of Fenghua Xiaoxue;"Princess Xiaoxue, no matter what, please defeat Nutao and become the new monarch of this country."

"I, the Third Wife, will protect Her Royal Highness the Princess at the cost of my life." He knocked his head heavily on the ground, but Fenghua Xiaoxue still looked at him expressionlessly.

"Please, stand up with us and resist no matter what."

Feng Hua Xiao Xue said calmly,"I don't want to, don't joke, we can't..."

"However, the people of the Snow Country……"

"That has nothing to do with me, I refuse!"

"Just give up, you are such a fool. No matter how hard you try, you can never defeat Nu Tao."

Bai said calmly,"I am stronger than him."

Feng Hua Xiao Xue looked down on him,"Humph, you don't even have a forehead protector on your head, are you a ninja?"

Feng Hua Xiao Xue lifted Bai's chin,"What a beautiful face, but so fragile!"……"

The next moment, Bai instantly twisted Fenghua Xiaoxue's arm behind her back.

In pain, even the desperate Fenghua Xiaoxue screamed.

But Naruto scolded,"Stop it, Bai sister."

Hearing this, Bai became even more angry and let go of her hand angrily.

At this time, the director wiped his mouth and said,"Because there is a future only when you see the dream, it's not bad, it's a very suitable theme for the finale of Fengyunji."

"What, you still plan to continue making the movie?"

"That's right, think about it, there will be no second chance to make a movie with a real princess. When such a movie is released, it will definitely be a big hit."

Kakashi said lightly;"I rescued you that year, I was powerless at that time, and could only take you to escape. Now that Nu Tao and others know about it and have sent pursuers, you have nowhere to escape. Only by fighting can you survive."

Naruto laughed;"OK, the mission continues, we must let Fengyunji return to the Snow Country and defeat the bad guys completely."

Fenghua Xiaoxue struggled;"Reality is not a movie, there is no happy ending in reality."

After saying that, Fenghua Xiaoxue returned to the room in a daze.

But soon the agent sent a message;"Oh no, Xiaoxue is missing."

Kakashi said;"Search separately from here, and use the radio to contact after finding her."

Naruto looked dissatisfied and stared at the snow-covered jungle at the foot of the mountain.

Because of her fast pace, Fenghua Xiaoxue fell to the ground and rolled a few times. Lying on the snow, she remembered her father's words when she was young

"Look carefully, and you will see the future."

Xiaoxue, a child, stood in front of the mirror and wondered,"I can't see anything."

Her father confirmed,"You can see it, yes, you can see it in the spring.""


Fenghua Xiaoxue opened her eyes;"Father is lying, isn't there no spring in this country?"

"Really, how many times do you have to run away before you are satisfied?"

Naruto's voice came, his face expressionless and extremely serious;"Everyone is waiting for you."

Fenghua Xiaoxue struggled to get up, and then she was carried on Naruto's back and hurried on.

"Why do I always get found by you?"

"This is a mission. No matter how unwilling you are, I will always follow you. I can recognize the sweet smell of my sister."

Perhaps Naruto has not yet realized the strangeness of his words, but Fenghua Xiaoxue still has no expression on her face.

"Even if I go back, I will just continue to be an actor. I don't care about other things."

At this time, the two people walking in the tunnel heard a whistle, and a truck hit them. Naruto turned around and ran with Fenghua Xiaoxue on his back.

"I will be caught up."

Naruto roared;"I will not be caught up by him"

"There is absolutely no escape"

"But I won't give up."

Fenghua Xiaoxue screamed;"There's no point in running, it's all over."

"I won't let it end, I will never give up. Isn't that your line? But it is the ninja way that I have been implementing throughout my life." Naruto quickened his pace, faster and faster, and finally escaped with Fenghua Xiaoxue.

Naruto laughed happily;"Hahaha, hahaha~"

Fenghua Xiaoxue was stunned and looked at Naruto in astonishment. Her heart seemed to be touched.

However, Nutao's voice came from the truck;"You've made me suffer, Xiaoxue."

Fenghua Xiaoxue's eyes were astonished;"Fenghua Nutao?"

Then the two were arrested and locked up in prison.

Because Naruto was a ninja, his hands were tied and hung in the air, unable to move.

Fenghua Xiaoxue said lightly;"You are in such a mess." Naruto had a blank expression;"Aren't you the same"


Little Naruto said seriously;"Spring, what do you mean there is no spring!"

"My father told me that in spring, you will see beautiful meadows full of flowers and you can run freely on them, so don’t give up and believe in the future. Spring will surely come."

"After my father died, I was not there���I don't care about anything, I escape, I deceive myself, I keep playing myself, I can only be an actor like this."

Naruto gritted his teeth, held the blade hidden in his collar with his mouth, tried to cut the handcuffs, but accidentally dropped it to the ground.

Fenghua Xiaoxue's eyes were calm;"You see, in the end I can only give up."

Naruto's expression was very calm;"After giving up, it will definitely be very easy."

He thought of his childhood;"When no one pays attention to you, you will think that this is nothing, but in fact it is extremely painful"

"However, I have companions, and I worked hard with them, never gave up, and finally got a good result." (To read exciting novels, go to Faloo Novel Network!)

An electric current came from Naruto's handcuffs, making his expression hideous and painful, but he didn't stop talking;"If I give up, both my dream and everything else will be over. Your father and your agent are not wrong, and I want to prove it to you." The current was getting stronger and stronger, and Fenghua Xiaoxue's eyes were filled with worry;"Don't do this, stop it."

In the end, miraculously, little Naruto used brute force to break free from the handcuffs.

This scene also made Fenghua Xiaoxue's eyes widen in shock, and little Naruto stood up shakily;"It's okay, I'll go save you now."

His hands grabbed the cage, but it sent a current several times stronger than before, and little Naruto fainted on the ground.[]

Soon the guards arrived;"This guy, when did he break free?"

Then they opened the door and went in to check the situation, but were knocked down by little Naruto in an instant, and the key was taken away.

He smiled confidently;"Well, I told you, don't underestimate ninjas."

Fenghua Xiaoxue narrowed her eyes and snorted.

Then Naruto took Fenghua Xiaoxue's hand and began to run away.

Nutao and his men blocked the way. This time Fenghua Xiaoxue did not escape. He wanted to fight with Naruto, but it was a pity that the two were defeated and still couldn't win.

Naruto stumbled to his feet and looked at Fenghua Nutao who was confidently wearing strange armor. Xiaoxue exclaimed;"Stop it, Naruto, this time... you will really die."

Little Naruto said lightly;"Believe me, as long as sister, believe me, I will not lose."

Hearing this, Nutao's expression was ferocious;"Go to hell."

The power of the punch was earth-shaking, perhaps because of the blessing of this strange armor0..

Little Naruto fell into the water. Fenghua Xiaoxue looked at the direction where little Naruto fell into the water in shock, and knelt on the ground with a look of despair.

【Sure enough, it still doesn’t work?】

【Obviously you've tried so hard.……】

Nu Tao turned to look at Xiaoxue;"Then, it's your turn."

But Naruto's voice sounded from behind. He had climbed up and circled to the back without knowing when, and was using his shadow clone to condense the Rasengan;"It's not over yet. The real end is that justice defeats evil, and then we get a happy ending."

At this moment, Fenghua Xiaoxue finally stopped restraining her emotions and shouted;"Naruto, I believe you, you said that you want to be Hokage, and Hokage is the most powerful ninja, and now you are also recognized by me, Fengyunji, as the strongest ninja"

"The seven-color chakra is a legend of the Snow Country, but Naruto's Rasengan flashed with seven-color chakra and attacked Nutao."

Sakura exclaimed;"The seven-color chakra is just like in the movie."

Bai instantly appeared behind Nutao and froze his body, making him unable to dodge the Rasengan.

At the moment the battle ended, a miracle really happened. The Snow Country, which had been snowing all year round, really welcomed spring. It turned out that his father had already developed a device to melt ice and snow.

And its key is Fenghua Xiaoxue's pendant.

The director shouted;"Ahhh, did you shoot this scene? It's really amazing!"

Fenghua Xiaoxue also looked at everything in front of her in disbelief;"Believe in the future, then spring will definitely come. It turns out that my father has already done it, but he just wants me to open it with my own hands."

She remembered the conversation with her father;"If spring comes, what does Xiaoxue want to do?"

Xiaoxue's childish voice said in her childhood;"I want... to be a princess"

"Beautiful, gentle, strong, and a partner of justice."

At this time her father told her the answer;"Look, you are a very beautiful princess standing in front of the mirror now."

Thinking of the conversation with her father, Fenghua Xiaoxue couldn't help but shed tears.

After the incident, Fenghua Xiaoxue ascended the throne and became the queen of the Snow Kingdom. She was beautiful, strong and brave.

The people in the audience happily congratulated the newly crowned queen.

She looked up at the sky;"In the end, the device was not completed."

Little Naruto asked;"Does that mean it will turn back to winter?"

"No, if we continue to develop on the basis of that device, the Land of Learning will one day become the 5.5 of the Land of Spring."

Sakura said,"But it's a pity to give up being an actor, since you are so popular."

Fuuka Koyuki said,"Who said I want to give up? I want to be the monarch of the Land of Snow and an actor."

"Also, Naruto, you must come to the Snow Country to find me in three years." Naruto was puzzled;"Why?"

Fenghua Xiaoxue said dissatisfiedly;"Don't ask why, aren't you my fan?"

"If you come, I will let you be the male lead and act with me."

Hearing this, little Naruto was instantly overjoyed;"Really?"

Fenghua Xiaoxue smiled very sweetly;"Yes, then, goodbye."

Little Naruto's hands were shaking;"I haven't asked for the autograph yet."

At this time, Bai's pretty face was frosty and gloomy;"She has already given it."

Then Bai took out an envelope and handed it to little Naruto, but her expression at this time was so terrible.

When little Naruto took the envelope and took out the photo inside, he was snoring after the battle. Fenghua Xiaoxue kissed him lightly, and on his lips, and wrote two people's names on it, and drew a heart in the middle of the names.

When Bai secretly saw this photo, he didn't know why he felt very, very angry.

Naruto's face was flushed;"It's a rare opportunity, I should wait until I'm a little more handsome.���Ah."

Fenghua Xiaoxue waved to Naruto as she walked away;"Don't forget me when you return to Konoha, and don't forget the three-year agreement."

I'm a sabmado

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